Petr Cech’s Incredible ST SBC and Year in Review Player Pick – A Must-See Video!

Have you heard about the exciting news in the FIFA Ultimate Team community? If you’re a football fan and love playing FIFA, then you wouldn’t want to miss this – Petr Cech’s Incredible ST SBC and Year in Review Player Pick. This must-see video showcases Cech’s exceptional skills and highlights from his year in review as a player pick. Trust us, it’s worth taking the time to watch and appreciate this outstanding player’s accomplishments. So sit back and enjoy this entertaining and informative video – you won’t be disappointed!

H1: Petr Cech’s Incredible ST SBC and Year in Review Player Pick – A Must-See Video!

If you are a fan of ultimate team FIFA, then you must have heard about NepentheZ. He is a renowned content creator who posts videos about FIFA. Recently, he uploaded a new video titled “FIFA 23: PETR CECH’S INCREDIBLE ST SBC & YEAR IN REVIEW PLAYER PICKS – FIFA 22 ULTIMATE TEAM”.

In this video, NepentheZ, in his casual yet informative style, talks about several topics related to FIFA ultimate team that are sure to interest you if you are a die-hard fan of the game. Let’s dive right in!


In this video, NepentheZ covers several topics related to FIFA 23 ultimate team. He shares his thoughts and insights on the latest player cards, SBC, and year-end review player pick.

NepentheZ talks about daily objectives and FGS swapsilla and Gomez

NepentheZ starts the video by discussing daily objectives and how they can help you earn rewards in FIFA 23. He then goes on to talk about two highly-rated players, FGS Swapsilla, and Gomez. He provides his opinion as to whether these players are worth getting in your team.

Petr Cech SBC with great value

One of the most exciting topics discussed in NepentheZ’s video is the new player SBC featuring Czech former footballer Petr Cech. He shares his opinion on the player’s stats, value, and how well he will perform in the game. NepentheZ also recommends taking the Tomah, which can help you use Cech effectively in your team.


Year in review player pick

Another exciting topic discussed in the video is the year-end review player pick. NepentheZ briefly explains how this works, and then he shares his thoughts on the various price points and which ones he recommends to get the best value for money.

Shapeshifters Challenge and FGS Upgrade

NepentheZ reveals a new challenge, the shapeshifters challenge, and the FGS upgrade. He explains what these challenges entail and provides tips on how to complete them successfully.

Draft Token

NepentheZ mentions a draft token but chooses not to use it, explaining why he made that decision and what factors you should consider when deciding whether to use it or not.

Tips for Chem Styles

Later in the video, NepentheZ provides tips on selecting the best chem styles for the new player card. He praises the card’s stats and suggests using Hawk as the best chem style.


In conclusion, the video is an informative, entertaining, and must-see content for any FIFA ultimate team fan. NepentheZ shares his valuable insight and perspective on the various topics discussed in the video.

FAQs After the Conclusion

  1. Who is NepentheZ?
    NepentheZ is a famous content creator who produces videos related to FIFA ultimate team.

  2. What topics does NepentheZ cover in his videos?
    NepentheZ covers several topics related to FIFA ultimate team, including player reviews, tactics, challenges, and various other aspects of the game.

  3. What is Petr Cech’s ST SBC?
    Petr Cech’s ST SBC is a new player card that can be earned through completing challenges provided in the game.

  4. What is the year-end review player pick?
    The year-end review player pick is an event that selects the best players from the previous year. Players can choose them at various price points according to their preferences.

  5. Why is NepentheZ’s video a must-see for FIFA ultimate team fans?
    NepentheZ provides valuable insights and tips on the latest developments within FIFA ultimate team. He provides his honest opinion about various aspects of the game, which can help you improve your gameplay.

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