Episode 20 of my ” from Scratch ” road to glory series! how to make coins on FIFA 23 ultimate team! 500 likes?


Introduction (0:00)
85+ two player packs (0:25)
World Cup Icons (3:18)
World Cup Icon snipe #1 (3:30)
World Cup Icon snipe #2 (4:43)
World Cup Icon snipe #3 (5:45)
World Cup Icon snipe #4 (6:55)
World Cup Icon snipe #5 (7:58)
Transfer list review (8:57)


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Right Donuts welcome back to another From scratch video today we have got Episode 20 in the sea breeze today is Black Friday and EA have released Incredible content on Ultimate Team not Only do we have the roads the FIFA World Cup player items which as you can see is Headlined by none of it then kylian Empathy but EA have also released new World Cup icons and this includes likes Of Ronaldo and Johan Cruyff some of the New SBC content is insane as well as you Can see we’ve got these 85 Plus Two-player packs and we’re going to Start this video by opening all five of These if you enjoyed drop a like let’s See if we connect 150 ratings undo Subscribe Channel if you are new after I’ve done this as well we’re going to Jump in some trading and try and snipe Some of the new promo items apparently As well I’m not sure how true this is But the new icons are supposed to be Available inside of these packs so let’s Open them up and hey any of the new Items would be insane um realistically Though we’re going to be getting a oh my God oh Vinnie Junior That is brilliant I was thinking then Could that be Neymar but of course Neymar is a currently team of the week So we do our best off team of the week As well That’s actually a really nice purple man

That’s a great way to start I was saying we’re guaranteed to get at Least 10 85 rated cards And there’s ridiculous content at the Moment including the new flashback Messi That I am 100 gonna complete so at the Very least we’re guaranteed to get Really good for that from these new Two-player packs which I can then use to Help complete like the likes of Messi as I just mentioned walk out this is what We like to see Of course it’s always Kayla Navas isn’t It 88 overall that’s really nice father To be fair can’t complain too much about That one These have been pretty decent so far Boys And 86 milinkovic Savage as well so Technically two workouts inside the same Pack even if nobody walked out because The animation is booked Um I’m hoping that we could get one of The new World Cup cards there’s some Really cool items but uh I mean to think Of an icon would just be silly wouldn’t It by the way boys here’s a little bit Of an update as well in the from scratch Series this is actually gonna be the Final official episode Um the reason being is because this type Of content unfortunately isn’t doing too Well on the channel so I need to focus More on going back to doing some collabs

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Which I know people have been asking for For a long time But on top of that I want to focus on Doing trading videos that I don’t Specifically have to do on the road to Glory accounts right we’re gonna have to Find a way to recycle this item what I’ll do is I’ll quick sell it for now And then I’ll recover it downline even a Ton of rumor would have been nice to be Fit I don’t think I’ve packed on a rumor Yet on FIFA this year we will quick sell Him and recover it later on Final pack Can we get ourselves a new promo item From this last one that would be a great Way to finish off before we do jump into Some trading content it’s not going to Be unfortunately like I mentioned though Boys this is actually going to be the Last official like from scratch video I Am still gonna do roads of Glory content On my live stream I’m still going to Keep this account as a Road to Glory It’s just I’m gonna have to focus on Other videos Um to upload to Youtube anyway dollars With the pack content out of the way There is so many new special cards on The game it’s gonna be insane for Trading especially with Black Friday Lightning round so let’s jump into it Hope some really good content right if Anybody right now wants to do me a favor It’s gotta be a trade 200 000 coins

Above more oh my God okay we might have Got ourselves a World Cup icon snipe Ready We’ve already seen him sell at 235 000 Coins How much is Bobby Moore which one is it 91 Come on Extinct at two three five right The lights I’m actually gonna list mine At 235 000 coins and try and get an Instant turn around obviously the five Percent EA tax is gonna cut in the Prof Margins quite a bit there was a few of Them listed at around 250k this price is Going to be dead sporadic he could go up In volume or he might even crash like 150 000 coins we don’t know right now Though lots I’m just trying to get an Instant flip on this new World Cup icon That was crazy I can’t believe the fact It’s been able to successfully snipe one Of these cards already lad we’ve Actually been able to flip Bobby Moore Already at 235 000 coins it’s about 25k Profit after tax like I mentioned we Literally have no idea what the value of This card is gonna be it could go Dramatically down or it could pretend to Be 300 000 coins tomorrow the thing is Though I’m just looking to flip these Instantly to make coins and that’s what I’ve been able to do exactly with this Trade guys I think this one is going to Be a quick little trade you know we’ve

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Been able to sniper loud drop at 119 000 Clones just check the price this card is Around 138k So I need to flip this as fast as Possible to try and maximize the amount Of Prof that I can make because this is One of those items that I can see Increasing in value quite a lot we need To flip them as fast as possible list Mine up at an undercut volume where it Can still make profits getting them that Cheap though we’re definitely going to Be able to make profits after tax from This night right that’s a nice quick Little flip fortunately the card sold at 133 000 coins I was a little bit worried I’m not gonna lie boys Um I could see this card potentially Crashing in volume and I’ve obviously Got like when you list on the market the Cards there for just one hour you cut You can’t change it it’s already like at Its set price that you’ve listed okay so If this item would have decreased in Value this uh this is a snipe that we Could have potentially lost coins on if I didn’t undercut still though being Able to flip them at that price Definitely made some decent profits [Music] Right Lads this time we’ve been able to Get ourselves enough Bobby Moore 210 000 Coins he is actually holding firm at Around

235k so again another pretty decent Snipe here I’ll go ahead and check what His value is before every list I mean He’s been floating it up like around 250k as well so it’s a it’s a card That’s definitely holding firm in price Which is obviously nice when sniping it Gives us like more of an understanding As to what like price I want to buy These cards up definitely profit Involved in this one even if it is only At like 230k currently got this one Listed at 238 000 coins so he has gone Up a little bit involved yeah minute of Good looking card like I’ve mentioned This already right with these clips I Don’t know if they’re gonna go up or Down in price right now all I’m doing is Just trying to flip them for easy coins And to be fair the fact that I’ve been Able to snipe a few of them already Probably in around like 15 minutes worth of trading is really Nice it’s cool when there’s new content Especially with icons as well because This is essentially like one of my Favorite things to do on ultimate team Is trade with items of this quality We got that right we’ve had a deep Enough to snipe ourselves another icon This one mirror shove closer so you’ve Got him at 100 000 coins I mean it’s at The parameters that I do have set up Really it’s about 10K under obviously

The EA tax is going to be close to 5K so It’s gonna cut into Prof margin Significantly but this is like a lower Budget sniping filter for these new Icons where there’s definitely still Going to be profit margin involved and Obviously they’ve changed in price so From yesterday this card was like 180k But um right now dramatically different In value but still profit available Trading with these cards as you guys can See there is actually only one of them On the market right now at 110k to be Fair I’m just gonna list mine at this Price to ensure that it does sell in Case you know lightning around to Something impact this value and with Black Friday at the moment like the Market’s so sporadic I do want to try And flip these as fast as possible Whilst also taking advantage of making Some points [Music] 95k yes and again another trade boys This one’s even better that’s gonna be a Really nice snipe you know this could Generally be a viable filter we’ve been Trading for like 15 minutes and already I’ve been able to snipe a couple of These cards the good thing about this One as well it’s actually quite a lot Under the parameters that I do have set Up at 95k that is guaranteed to be Really nice profit so clearly you can

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Trade with these items on a fairly low Budget I mean it’s around 100 000 coins But in terms of like World Cup icons This is obviously cheap unfortunately Though I could see these items like Dropped in value quite a bit more as Well so Um if you do want to try and get the Best profit margins guess right now is Going to be the best time to trade with These cards I mean yes they was insane Wasn’t it but clearly again you can Still trade with these even though they Are down in value right now because People are undercutting a significant Amount they just want a prime example of That 95k for this card is really good All right don’t like to take me through This transfer list do take into consider Iteration that when I was trading with Some of these cards they’d only been out For 30 minutes right so the value of Them has changed significantly think Bobby Moore right now is around 180 000 Coins but it’s really good that I was Able to flip him fast for really nice Profit sold one at two three five k and Another at two three eight I got quite Fortunate with loud Brock to be fair I Was able to flip this item at 133 000 Coins if you check the market now he’s Min price which is mental isn’t it then Mirchoff closer from today snipe one um For 100 000 coins flipped it up one ten

Sniped another at 95k and it was quite Lucky that I did get it a decent amount On it because it did change in price to 105 000 coins so I wasn’t able to take Full advantage of that trade I did want To get closer to like 108 to 110 000 Coins also I’ve been thread missing with These new World Cup items don’t think I’m gonna put that in the video but During the Premier League filter is Actually pretty effective simply just do Like the road to the world cool with Premier league and there’s like a bunch Of different cards that you can’t say Anyway World Cup icon trading really fun And hopefully you guys did enjoy this as Content drop like let’s see if kind of Friend ratings and do subscribe Channel If on you anyway those brings the end Hopefully you guys enjoyed my catch next Time

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About the Author: futhq

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