“Somehow EVERYONE Has This Card in Elite Rivals?!”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


I don't know how expensive Pires is but Like even the icon pack that's going to Refresh tomorrow with these spcs out Like the value is so good how much is Pierce 590 but dude with these spcs out Like the value is so good You can just rinse so well how much was That icon shaft 488 or something 470 It's like way cheaper though I think Pris is probably worth it yeah I do it Depends on your attackers but I think He's pretty good especially with fodder Out but maybe just wait because it's Always so tough to justify but yeah I Feel like he'll be better than this pack But we'll see I didn't really notice the Shot power to be a problem though but Yeah I don't like the 80 shot power do You have jerzino though because Oh my God No way Wait dude that's such a w Team of the Year Cole from the icon pack He's so good He might not be that expensive but he's So good that's such a w bro he's Actually cheaper than the pack but if He's crafted it doesn't matter that is Not a w yes bro he's so good that's a Sick and tradable I feel like I would be So happy with that all right Chad well Not everybody in the chat has Captiva Untrainable All right I don't dude everybody in the


Stream everybody I play in Rivals has Captiva as well It's just the card you got team of your Videos from the pack is he good yeah He's good are you serious that's insane You got kakafa birthday out of the pack Wow a bed had the same thing Oh Uh how much is Freddy bro saw the promo Card all right so we got a special Though Ah he's 40K he's genuinely father that's Crazy literally 40K crazy

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About the Author: futhq

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