SorareAndrews Podcast: What Happens When the Premier League is Added?

Lairdinho and Black address the rumors that the Premier League is coming to Sorare, and discuss what that means for SO5 gameplay and the platform as a whole.

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Hello and welcome into the so rare Andrews podcast brought to you by so Rare data I am Andrew Lair you can find Me as lardino on so rare join as always By Andy Black Who goes by black on so rare today to Talk about what happens If No no no when the Premier League is Added on so rare Andy there have been Some rumors Or there’s like news items that might be Rumors but they seem like it’s kind of Happening that they’re so rare uh Premier League deal is done And We didn’t get it from an emoji from Nicholas which is weird I feel like That’s how usually we get our break our News yeah but It feels like it’s gonna happen And I can’t tell if people are going to be Excited or not when it happens What do you think Well we did get an emoji that’s what the The line was for right No I don’t think so I think the lion was What was the lion for it was something So dumb people thought it was for LeBron Like because he’s got like a brand what Is it King James well it was that but There was also that Nicholas was just wearing like a shirt

With a lion on it in the picture when They announced the NBA I don’t think That was for the Premier League I’ll put It that way you can think whatever you Want to think I think it was for the Premier League all right And I think the pin was for the Premier League too Yeah it could have been I don’t know it Doesn’t matter yeah it really doesn’t it Doesn’t uh I think that people think I Think people think that it’s like I I’ve got a little bit of a hot take on The whole Premier League situation let’s Hear it I think I think that people Think a lot of people think that like That will give them the validation that They need Um that so rare has like quote unquote Made it Um like they may not be happy with Certain aspects of the platform or Whatever but if they get the Premier League then they know that it’s like It’s it’s made it and Uh like my personal opinion is like of Course It’s great we’re trying to get the top 20 plus leagues that’s you know the big Missing League that they don’t have Right now yeah so obviously that’s Helping them accomplish their goal but Like as far as like bringing new users To the platform

The needle will move but I don’t think That it’s gonna be like Oh my God garyvee boom Billion new users overnight were all Gajillionaires our lives are changing uh I I just don’t see that ah I think it’s Just another step in the right direction I think that’s all a very reasonable Take Of course it wasn’t exactly that’s what We do here I thought well I thought you Said it was gonna be a hot take or did You say well I think that I Do think that there’s like I think that People feel like They need that validation of Having the EPL So I completely agree with you on that I Think there’s Really something to Be said about the number of people who Probably are like yeah I’ll try out so Rare and they’re like all right who are Your favorite teams and they’re like you Know I like man city or I like Arsenal Or I like Southampton or I like whoever And they’re like that’s great here are Some Dent cards and some from uh Kawasaki frontale that you might like in New York City FC And you’re like I don’t think these guys play in the Premier League why are they playing this

Game and I do think that it’s as simple As like If you can play the free game with Premier League cards I think you’re more Likely to buy Cards after that And that’s why the Premier League is Important yeah I think that’s fair yeah I love how everyone’s like there are 10 Million people who play FPL every you Know this year and we they gotta tap Into that So there are definitely not 10 million People who like play that game as Regularly as anybody who would play so Rare Regularly I signed up to play in an FPL League last year with a big group of Friends and after the first week I never Set a lineup again so I did a competition against my son last Was it last season I think it was last Season where we just like basically went Head to head every week okay And we did it again this year and both Of us have forgotten to set our teams Like six weeks in a row and there’s just Like It’s just not that fun of a game for me At least and But I think that there is something About Offering players offering players in This game meaning so rare that people Have heard of and people have heard of

Most of the players in the Premier League or at least like The known players in the Premier League Are known everywhere and so Getting people to sign up for their free Game And allowing them to use players they’ve Heard of I think is just a gigantic step In itself and sure yes it’ll be great if The 10 million people who play FPL are Like oh I’ll go play the free game on so Rare and then a few of them will be like Oh I’ll buy some limiteds and then There’s the whale who’s like oh I I want The Mason Mount unique And it just kind of goes from there but I agree with you that there is not going To be this garyvee boomish move like When the Premier League is introduced I think it’s what’s actually going to be Funny is all the current users Particularly I was going to say particularly in the UK but I’m not even I don’t even think It really applies But like the current users who were like Man I can’t wait for all the new people To come in but it’s actually all the Current users who are buying the Premier League cards yeah and they’ll be like no It’s fine because these are the cards We’ve always wanted but it happens in Like baseball and basketball and they’re Like Ugh just not growing can’t you need

More need new users but it’s like I Think the existing ones like We are you know we talked to a bunch of People in like different discords And there are a lot of people in those Discords who are like really into the Jubular league or the iridovici yeah but If the Premier League came on they’d buy The Premier League cards they’d be like Sweet these are the cards that I’ve been Waiting for And so I think there’s like this they’re Gonna there’s gonna be like an internal Excitement that people buy those cards And Obviously there will be more people with Like eyeballs on so rare if they get the Premier League when they when they Announce it but yeah I agree that I Don’t think there’s going to be this mad Rush and I don’t think that That that will that all of a sudden There’ll be like this increase in card Values just because like people are Are here like I could actually see Like a a bigger concentrate like I think The Premier League cards are going to be Really overpriced just because they’re Premier League cards and they’re going To be people who are like oh yeah I’ll Play this game but I’m just gonna buy The Premier League guys that I want and People who want to be good at the game Will Branch out and buy from other

Leagues But ultimately I think it’s just going to be like They’re all going to be overpriced and When you win them you’re gonna be like Sweet but I’m gonna sell this card Because it’s really nice right Foreign Yeah uh I don’t know that I disagree With any of that I think that that’s all Pretty fair Um We we kind of talked about it I think Last week week before something like That where there’s just not that many Like Smashers in the EPL that really like Matrix Breakers because it’s a very Competitive league sure and honestly Like when whenever you have a player That transfers to the EPL you’re kind of Like it’s usually the league you don’t Want your guys going to totally Um except for maybe Holland Right yeah he’s he’s the unicorn but Yeah like ask everyone who had a Brendan Arenson card how thrilled they were when He went to Leeds yeah Although I think he’s actually been Better there than he was in Salzburg I don’t know Maybe not Yeah I guess Tyler Adams yeah yeah if He’s ever can like go five games without Getting hurt

Thank you to everyone who has joined us Live uh somebody commented here that It’s pretty late for European although To be honest it’s an hour early this Week because of The u.s’s generosity of giving us an Extra week of sun sunlight even though I Think the sun rises at like 9 30 now and Sets at 9 36 that’s how it feels already But Jimmer decided to cut off his stream to Come in or at least leave a comment so Hi Jimmer thanks for joining us uh Zootert Zoo yeah that’s how I would say That Mike Bastin Levi’s Philly Dilly Thank you guys for coming in The uh Mike Bassin said black with a Serious opinion have I entered another Dimension Now there’s the hot takeout I came here To see So Mike says the Premier League deal has A chance of making it more of a Collectible product Why just because like everybody wants A Brendan Aronson leads card Bad example Maybe I’d argue the World Cup cards have a Better chance at making it a collectible Product Um even though those so far uh the hint Is that they’re all going to be like Commons But I think that there’s something cool

Collectible about collecting you know Teams of all one nationality or whatever But with that said I mean like if you’re A Chelsea fan and you want to collect Chelsea cards then There you go I mean yeah that’s the same Argument either way yeah yeah Um will you guys brings up people will Come to buy Chelsea and Man City then They’ll see the prices and finally they Will play Old good Jupiter League bottom Four teams I mean Reasonably I do think that’s how the Game is played though like There are plenty of people who you know Are PSG is kind of a bad example because Those guys are so expensive but pick any Team that you really want And it’s like you want to collect those Teams that’s fine but you do have to Like Branch out a little bit from the Big five leagues if you want to get Better scores obviously that doesn’t Apply for playing Champion Europe but Like I don’t know I I It’s obviously a huge plus like if They’re if I think I don’t know if you Said it or if somebody mentioned in chat But like they’re You get sort of this instant credibility In what you’re doing If you’re like yeah we’re gonna get the

Best leagues in the world on this Platform right and and then people are Like well do you have the Premier League You’re not gonna be like yes we do right Two of them because we have the Russian One too how about that how about them Apples isn’t there there’s more than uh There’s just more than just two Premier Leagues right isn’t the Argentinian Premier League or something or super Maybe that’s super yeah there are a few Super leagues Um there’s a the Portugal is the Primera Liga which I would guess translates to Premier League just a guess though I Don’t speak Portuguese but Yeah I think when people say Premier League they are assuming you’re talking About the good old English Premier League there Was the Ukrainian Premier League oh is It okay which is unless uncovered here Unfortunately yeah You’re right So Mike’s saying most people have a Favorite Premier League team regardless Of where they’re from that is definitely True yeah and there’s no doubting that It’s like the most popular league in the World There are probably not probably well I Was gonna say there are probably more Like Chelsea fans in like Chicago than

There are in London but it’s only Because the country is huge uh that that And like I think the accessibility of The Premier League in the United States Is probably the most accessible League There there is it comes on NBC like What’s wild and every time I like talk To somebody in the UK about it they like Can’t believe it but like we can watch More Premier League than they can Because like we don’t have any TV Blackouts and Um We can literally Tune on any game that we want at any Time and for a while it was easier to Watch the Premier League than it was to Watch Major League Soccer oh for sure Like and in fact it still might be it’s Because because the uh ML MLS like will Have games on both Fox and ESPN plus and Like like those are two very different Networks and you need different Subscriptions typically to access those You can watch the EPL on over there you Know uh over the air TV Yeah I think there’s also Um Doesn’t don’t they have a Twitter game Too on like doesn’t MLS have a weekly Twitter game they might yeah Just another way to you know heaven Forbid you want to watch TV or watch it Again on your TV well it’s like watching

The uh uh Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime it’s just such a weird like Yeah weird thing yeah So I like mixing more likely to open up Asian markets than their own leagues Have done I think that’s actually a Great Point too Like if you just look at where Premier League teams play preseason matches like They don’t go to places where it’s not Nobody’s going to go you know so like When they do those like Asian tours I Totally agree like I imagine more people Are more interested in the Premier League in Japan and Korea than they are in the J League and gate League maybe I’m not Giving them enough credit But like the Premier League is Big Everywhere so like yes the the eyeballs Will be there How long do you think people give it Before they’re like where’s the bump Like six hours like what do you mean by The bump like the like when they Announce not even when they announced The Premier League like when the when The cards are like on the market and you Can buy the James word browse card You’ve been dying to get How long until people are like it didn’t Work we didn’t get the bump Um I’ll give it 48 Hours yeah

And what do you think is a reasonable Time frame for that I mean 48 hours is Reasonable to like come to that Realization that like hey one League At this point in like where we’re at in The whole Grand macro ecosystem of this Entire thing one leagues Probably not gonna move the needle a ton I mean It’s one big league uh but uh like Honestly honestly like with the current Like supply of cards and just like I Don’t know how big we’ve gotten I just I don’t know I think that I think it Takes a lot more To make like we were talking what a year Ago like one user coming in moved moved The secondary market like a bottle of War came in and was like buying up Everything and and that really I don’t Think that that that can happen right Now really I don’t think one guy can Come in and just like really Move the needle Wasn’t and I’m not I wasn’t Roxy after a Bottle boar I don’t know Like basically the way that I was Looking at like thinking of that because I don’t I disagree with you like I think there You can if if you can come in With what feels like an unlimited wallet

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I think you can make a difference and we Saw that with a bottle board we saw it With Roxy When moon is doing it now a little bit And I feel like there was another one When Moon though is doing it across I Mean AJ is doing it across three Different uh Sports sure because he he’s Doing it but I but I don’t think that Like I don’t think that he himself is Like really Being that big of a market maker like I Don’t think that he’s like affecting uh Maybe like maybe affecting the price of Like a couple of super rare auctions or Something but like I don’t think he’s Pumping the prices of the rare Market or Anything like that okay that’s fair That’s fair Yeah I think that Um So do you do you think that introducing The Premier League will be we’ll have Like a bigger impact than like a single User who comes in or do you think a Single user would have a bigger impact Hahaha yeah I guess that I mean it Depends is it big of a user or is it you Know uh Bambi big I don’t know like big Difference there uh I don’t know I I would I mean macro the League is much bigger Mac like uh Longer term the league matters more yeah

Yeah that makes sense Mike asked uh is when they release it Have an effect on the bump Like do you think if they release it Right after the World Cup Or during the World Cup Does that make any differences versus Like February sure And do you think it’s a disaster like Is it better to release it in March Or August Well Uh Because people like I can I can like see The the outrage now of them releasing Of the full premier league in March or April when there’s like Six weeks less for the season yep and The the I can just see my Twitter Timeline the money grab and how greedy They are I can’t believe they did this They’re gonna lose their bonus in two Months yeah oh my God every all about That and If that’s the case Like is that just the a loud minority of People who just don’t like fun Or is it reasonable that they should Just wait until August because they did This like it’s exactly what they did With the Celtic cards like they they Released those like super late and they Lost their bonus like fairly early this Season

But like Don’t buy the cards then just don’t buy The cards don’t buy them yeah I think That’s the correct response Yeah Yeah I don’t I don’t really have like a An opinion on when they should I mean Like obviously like they get that deal Done uh this week I’m sure there’s like So much legal they gotta go Through yeah and and the still rare Lawyers are looking over things and the Premier Leagues and then they’re we’ll Get back to you and then there’s Negotiations and that stuff is going to Take a while to iron out Probably Um Yeah maybe not maybe Nicholas is like Signing everything right now and it’s Dropping this week but Um I would think that all that takes Time And I just I don’t think that it’s like A soon thing but What do I do you think he tweeted a pen Emoji before he signed everything Oh crap Um Uh I guess Sam can sell Big Balls move To do man I don’t know Seems like something Nicholas would do Johnny says the deal is done but The deal is done is a lot different than

The deal has agreed I’ll give you that Much Andy But I do So not only that but I think that like Even once it’s done then they gotta like Do the pictures and then they have the Pictures like there are no extra Pictures like they get the the pictures That are on their web those are done Right but they gotta crop them all put Them onto cards they got a uh And then they gotta send them all back To the Prem teams and then they have to Get their approval on them like there’s Processes that they gotta go through on All this crap Andy I’ve seen some of the Cards that hit the market they don’t Have there’s none of that come on now Initially there definitely is They they definitely do they they’ve Talked about that before where they they Have to send like samples of what the Cards look like now What happens right to the teams right Right now what happens after the samples Where they cut off Carlos acevedo’s head And uh just like obviously they did not Send those samples over but uh yeah Just like yeah There we go That’s my so rare card right there Just a forehead just yeah sorry for Those listening That was a pretty good visual not gonna

Lie The I don’t I didn’t I actually really want To ask this but I am but I feel like we Shouldn’t talk about if I can bring it Up anyway What else do you think people are going To complain about when the Premier League Um Probably how expensive everything is Right like so the value of all of our Cards go up and everyone’s like oh now I Can’t buy anything well specifically how Expensive the EPL cards will be in Um I don’t think that like that Necessarily is going to make everything Else go up so I think people will Complain that the Premier League cards Are really expensive as they should be Yeah so I think they’re I think there’s a an expectation with a Lot of people that are like yeah when The Premier League comes and everyone All the users come and all those 10 Million people who play FPL come to Place so rare like every card price is Going to be or every card value is going To go up and I agree with you that There’s they’re going to be a lot of People who just want Premier League Cards and I don’t think there’s anything Wrong with that but it also means that Like your Hans vanaken cards are not

Getting any more valuable because those People don’t want those cards unless he Moves to West Ham which he’s not anymore Would you have bought the vinack and West Ham card if you went and they Signed the prom probably probably you of All people you would have to yeah just Disgustingly Um I probably would have like tried to Make a trade uh like get rid of the old And bring in the new but I don’t know it would have been like Such a useless card too Yeah he would be like their Europa League or their Europa conference League Center mid Maybe if I’m lucky if I’m lucky Yeah good point The somebody in chat said earlier asking About like basically how Players let’s See do you see Premier League teams as a Place where many teams score well Because of intensity of action Which is a great phrase actually or Rather the competitiveness of the Prem Will be cause those Stacks to be Inferior to Bayern PSG Celtic and I Accident so I don’t think Any Stacks will be great like Liverpool Goes off every so often we see uh Mark Wynn plenty with his Liverpool stacks And that works out If you can guess the five five players That play for City so man city is

Another one but like if you tried like Ederson Cello de bruyne Hollande and I mean you could literally play anybody Else at that point it feels like you can Win then yeah but you just got to make Sure that they all play at the same time But I think that’s it like I think kdb Is a good shot of a card that like has a Super low Supply from the national cards Like that’ll be a card that is very Desirable For sure yeah yeah that’s a weird one Right now where there are more There are more limiteds than rares yeah There’s just very few cards yeah it’s It’s like they started selling them and Then something happened and they’re like Whoop gotta stop that Wasn’t it that they got eliminated from Uh uh Uh what was that the Euros yeah they Were they were selling them during euros And I think they got eliminated and they Were like oh we can’t sell them anymore Yeah that’s that seems partially absurd I don’t know what the licensing Agreements say but well I’ll say that The The National team cards The whole thing feels like a disaster to Me Like maybe I’m misremembering or I

Misunderstood at the time but it was my Understanding that like every International break they were going to Sell those cards Yeah and they sold them for one International break And nothing since yeah maybe it was like Just a Euros deal like they had the License during the euros and I don’t know speculation yeah I I don’t Have a clue I just know that We never got more of them I will say it Felt like they should have done more With the cards of players who are not Already on the platform like de bruyne Is one of them that I understand if they Couldn’t do a whole lot of like I have a Jonas Hoffman Germany card And they obviously have a deal with Borussia uh Munchen gladbach that They have to sell a certain number of Cards Of Jonas Hoffman and presumably they Don’t get any revenue from the Germany Ones so I get that But if there’s no man city deal like Let’s let’s pump out these de bruynists Yeah Yeah to like finish uh Levi’s point I Think that like there’s not a lot of Stacks that are gonna Crush like there’s Just not gonna be like even if you had Like a Arsenal stack like they’re doing Very like they’re doing really well in

League Play right now but uh I don’t I don’t know that like you run That out week to week you’re just gonna Just totally smash everyone Probably not and and then like like my Other kind of opinion of EPL is like the Physicality and like overall I guess Competitive competitiveness of That League Um there’s just a lot of injuries and Um I don’t know that’s one thing that I Always worry about It’s a physical League yeah I I’m not sure they’re like that much Different than every other league though Maybe not Mike Baston brought this up That the uh solitary Kai havert’s Limited card was a reward Yeah that’s kind of weird Like 16 super rares in one limited is Really funny although I guess he did Have the uh Leverkusen I guess the Leverages and ones were before and there Were no limits then right Um they did so they sold a lot of his Germany guards though nice yeah look at These whales here Roxy a bottle boar you Now three eth down the drain There’s Mark see 2.9 eth down the drain In fairness when you bought that it was Probably 30 right no I’m not gonna Usually not on it I’ll save you the Embarrassment uh Roxy Sea Dog 27th down

The drain That’s a tough one That’s a tough one I mean at least you Can use them in unique specialist right Sure although he just popped up above 40. now he’s useless it’s still Underdog I guess Yeah Jimmer’s taking offense to all of This conversation But yeah there’s that one right there Never used maybe he’ll go back to Germany Then we can read Julius Man That’s a tough one uh who hit uh zlatin Has that guard yeah This card and the Aaron judge unique What would you rather have Huh you serious Zlatinore has the uh won the Aaron judge Unique that’s all ah okay yeah I’ll take The judge But this is the only Kai habits there Are plenty limited there’s plenty of Are there multiple either multiple Uniques that’s even better Yeah I think Mark had Maybe one of the uniques Sure does yeah Why do you think He oh So they use the same picture For different year cards

Wait those are those those aren’t Different ear guards yeah this is 2021. 21 22 and this is 20 20 21. how’s That possible Well like time oh hi no because they Probably accidentally rewarded the 2120 Okay Although uh Yeah see if any of the rares are 21 22 Oh yeah so it’s the yeah it’s the only One it was just a complete mistake I Guess Yeah You broke it I broke it that’s it yeah There you go only one I don’t know looks pretty pretty Collectible you’re a big Kai havert’s Guy yeah hmm So we I think we talked about previously How Reese James will will is a bit of a Game breaker but no one else really Seems to be that great Um I mean I think everybody would love to Have Christian uh even though he like Doesn’t play or starts at like left back Everyone or all of us here all of us Americans I guess But yeah looking La I mean last year a Defensive Chelsea stack would have been Really nice yeah would I mean Mendy kept A lot of clean sheets Diago the Thiago Is not great but he’s so good on the Matrix

Um he gets like a lot of random Clearance off the lines like look uh Three two of them two of them look Another one he gets so many clearance Off the lines and I don’t know I don’t know why that is But he just ends up it feels like Getting a lot of them uh there’s another One that’s wild yeah Seven of them in the last year yeah Surely that’s the most like his scores Are outstanding uh But I also don’t feel like he’s like That great and then They had rudiger last year who was Excellent on The Matrix and this year He’s rotating like crazy at Brielle To get new oh we did it Yeah New Madrid cards Yeah he was good for them Hmm Let’s look at a team like Um Man United Uh I’d be curious how Yeah someone like rashford scores Someone like Harry MaGuire scores Uh Pretty easy to do that Let’s see Oh boy there’s Harry Doesn’t seem great Although I think he got benched yeah Looks like even when he was playing uh

Not great No But you imagine that these cards Gopher a lot like there are a lot of People who like Manchester United Right Yeah what’s the ideal uh United stack It’s A lot Sancho I guess Bruno Maybe Bruno I mean he hasn’t oh I guess he’s been Banging recently I just feel like if if that Stacks I Think if that Stack’s gonna go off then You need Bruno yeah I think you’re right I know it’s so include Cristiano Ronaldo Right we did we didn’t we didn’t get a Forward in there did we No it’d have to be either I assume Rashford I bet well what do they have Sancho as Got to be a midfielder Forward Okay I didn’t feel like he he played Enough but I guess he He has been playing he’s just a Winger Like That’s weird what they’re doing with him Too Oh yeah misaki said casemiro Yeah So dehea de la casemiro Bruno I just don’t think it’s a team you need

To yeah right that’s fair but I think it Is I think it is it is fun to look Through the teams and just be like what Would your stack be for that team Um Arsenal would be another fun one to Look at just since I mean they’re the Top team in the league right now If we think that they’re coming Which they’re so you’re right they’re The weird one that like I guess ultimate Champions signed with them and there’s a Chance that Um I highly doubt highly doubt there’s Some exclusive agreement where Uh Ultimate Champions has them but if they Do then whatever Yeah I I just don’t picture The Premier League or any of its member Clubs Signing something that prohibits them From just pimping themselves out Everywhere yeah Especially with like a weird startup That’s like the off-brand version of Something else that is doing much better Foreign Shots fired man that’s not really shots Fired it’s just the truth it’s it’s a I’ll call it a rip-off of so rare they Took basically the same game and uh like Made the same looking cards with some Different colors and they changed the Names of the scarcities to different


Things uh I think they kept unique did they okay Didn’t uh didn’t someone didn’t two People from so rare start ultimate Champions I thought there was a some Sort of connection there no no idea I Don’t know I would not be shocking Though yeah yeah No I think it’s um ramsdale Saliba Uh Uh odgard I guess maybe definitely Saka I wonder if Saka would be I would do a Gabriel stack I would get all the Gabriel’s is all of them Yeah soccer is a midfielder so Definitely Saka And Jacques has been really good this Season yeah as long as you can avoid the Red cards he’s like he doesn’t get him Anymore no yeah he’s been like he’s been A good boy yeah They were talking about him on the Latest uh ranks yeah On the sewer Matrix and yeah yeah Harrison Clark said to check out console Yeah like this guy Um might be the best player in the game If you as as crazy as it sounds like if You’re like oh man city who do you get Like it’s actually Oh wow yeah That last like 10 is not great but good God the

I don’t know whatever those other 50 Games are well they had an own goal But like he had played 45 minutes with a Yellow card and still got 56. that’s Crazy Now was he this good before they changed The Matrix or uh not a clue Do we even does it even matter anymore No that’s why you guys removed the uh Old scores new scores because it doesn’t Matter what the old scores were nope Someone brought up Tottenham Foreign ER is at the top I mean I think Everybody would want some uh it’d be Probably probably the funnest card uh to Own on this team Even though he’s got a broken face right Just crushing that yeah the broken face I really hope we could play some World Cup I think he’s actually breaking the just Breaking the site Yeah uh you know he can he can put a Mask on Full head yeah I’ve seen it get him some Headgear Yeah looks like he’s breaking the site How good he is A good old Herald Yeah I mean that’s pretty much what you Expect Yeah together did songs uh come up Nope there we go there we go

Yeah I think let’s see let’s put them Together Harrison Messina be a good stack let’s See Actually don’t even correlate that much Which is kind of interesting I know last season they had just like a Ton of decisives together Yeah more of they were much closer last Year yeah that’s awesome yeah See that’s like the type of like Fun thing that like a new league like EPL kind of does though to like you you Bring that into Champion Europe and you Look at like the current things that win You have like your PSG Stacks you have Your Byron Stacks like those are kind of Like The Usual Suspects yeah but you Bring a whole league in like this and Um like tottenham’s not even like a what Are they top five right now or top six Team I don’t know where they are I don’t and I don’t know that like They’re good enough to finish there Maybe they are but like Um okay I’m I’m wrong they’re top three Um But like even they have players that are Just gonna like Affect Champion Europe and like you take The third team in Bundesliga they’re not Really moving the needle and same with France uh

Maybe I’m Maybe I’m Wrong on that there There are some good forwards and and Strikers and in France that probably are On third or fourth teams yeah Newcastle Stacks love it Obviously that’s just Miguel almeron I mean I’m buying him I should have Bought trip EA after everybody gave me Crap on the last podcast he banged out a Hundred yeah he did immediately he’s got A ton of like An absurd number of hundreds for Anyone let alone a Defender They’d be a super fun team though my God Else 15 of 75. The the the way I convinced myself not To buy him I was like he just scored you Know 73 78 67 95 98 I am literally Buying the top And now he scores a 100 yeah Now I would be buying the top that’s the Top I I will guarantee you that is the Top What is his floor right now So I looked at this the other day I’m Fairly certain his floor was like 0.4 Two weeks ago yeah it might have been a Little longer than that right So his floor right now is 0.96 . so two weeks ago would have been like The 21stish Of October 0.63 all right so 0.53 on the 19th And now last sale is 0.93

And you know what he’s still probably Worth it as long as he’s healthy and He’s still probably worth it yeah 0.45 a Month ago and he actually went down After that Yeah I mean Our boy tripping B can’t stop talking About him so I think we blew it But you have a Bruno Two Bruno’s ooh look at you [Music] I think he’s like the funnest player to Watch right now but I also think that He’s like so reckless and like so wild He’s probably and like I don’t know I’ve I have really bad Feeling that he’s gonna get hurt but Um God why do I say things like that in Public like entrepreneur no Bruno oh Bruno excuse me hell yeah Um All trippier has to do is whip balls Into the box and find heads to hit yep So yeah it looks like these three Almerone Bruno and trippier Throw in like botman and whoever their Goalie is Pope Nicholas Pope Nick pope From Burnley What’s actually really funny I was Talking to Sean about this yesterday or today that Because of so rare I pay less attention To the Premier League than I ever have

Yeah which Uh that’s a so that’s an awesome that’s An awesome talking point because I think I agree 100 with you Except in the tiny instances when I uh Have an EPL player in an important spot Like I’ve been watching a lot of Newcastle games because I usually put Bruno in a good good lineup yeah but Like uh Chelsea was kind of my like EPL Team uh because like Mike said we all Got an EPL team they were my EPL team I Like don’t watch them play very much Granted it’s can be hard to watch those Games sometimes Um hard on the hard on the eyes uh uh Just their Style style of play sure and Um Just like it like I feel like they play A lot when I’m like doing stuff Well you catch them more during the week Like you probably watch more conference League West Ham than you did Saturday West Ham right no because they Sit their guys they sit all my girls Right you’re right so fabianski doesn’t Play like if you looked at their lineup Today nobody played Um Because they had the Table locked up or whatever sure but Like even the uh Uh Chelsea game that was on yesterday I just turned on the galazo show because

I had I had a bunch of other guys going And I didn’t really care what the Chelsea result was I wanted to see my Guys Yeah and I mean I think most of us do That who are like really into so rare Like Mike Bassin said here I watch more Games from abroad than I do the Premier League Why not Like To be honest a lot of Premier League Games are just Dreadful Like the way that we can watch soccer Now like we could probably watch a top Three team from any League any weekend Day that we wanted to So like I don’t need to start like Slumming Brighton versus Whoever yeah that’s fair they’re not Even in anymore Whoever’s still in the Prem two of those Teams Yeah But hey if anybody’s really into the Prom let’s come play silver Let’s Do It Let’s Rock Levi’s said I just started uh watching J1 a year ago MLS and just got NBA Season pass Those are all fun like super fun things Like The little bit I’ve watched from J League is is fun MLS is fun like quality

Might not be there but it is fun I think I think that’s a great way to put it That I think I think people look down on on MLS I Think I know they do but it’s fun like Anything Goes And it’s just pure Shenanigans it’s Great I’m getting some slack for dissing on Brighton so I apologize sort of I mean look at that they’re sitting Eighth on the table that’s not bad They are with some so rare people or Maybe it’s just Charizard I don’t even Know Volume is seventh right now how is that Possible they are 22 goals allowed too that’s pretty Impressive in 13 games and still sits Seventh This is it I don’t pay attention you Know what you know I’m gonna steal this you know who’s been Great for Fulham Willian Oh I thought you were gonna say Tim Rima Uh Center back he apparently is also Doing really well yeah that dude’s gonna Find his way and it was starting lineup In the World Cup I just know it Honestly we need a center and uh we have A guy playing in the Premier League well And he’s like not even invited to Camp Yeah like as we’re saying like you’re

Playing well like three teams have given Up more goals than full this year Okay fair Is it even three one two oh it is three Yeah Burn myth Lester and Nottingham Forest But they’re in seventh place but they’re Seventh they are the head of Liverpool How about that how about them apples Hmm Yonosei Sora says from a so rare Perspective one of my favorite phrases That I’ve talked to Quinny about adding The Premier League is effectively a Minimal impact at best And a bit of the values from the Perception so we’re made it it might be Able to and it might be able to gain More users like Anything they do is to gain more users Like that’s the that’s the point of Everything they do But I don’t think that there’s a league they Can add That Has the user upside that the Premier League does right I mean Even if they were starting from scratch Like the league you want is a premier League because that’s the league that Like more people follow than any other League in the world So just from that perspective like

There’s no reason you’re not adding them To like get more utility in the game or To you know have their the PSG stacks And IX Stacks not be as powerful it’s Like you just want them because more People follow those leagues than Anything else and Those are the people are going to come Play Yeah that makes sense Bournemouth has a negative 16 gold Differential In our 14th what a weird League Ah the prep maybe I should start Watching again Negative 16. minus 16. is that what I Meant yeah yeah 12 scored 28 allowed Nottingham well Yeah not so great and then you have Lester Dunn and 18th and they’ve got a Golder differential a negative four how Does that work yeah they’re in trouble They were really good when I used to pay Attention not anymore You know maybe you should start paying Attention again maybe for the sake of Lester at least yeah So There were two comments here where was I There we go Phil Huxley said pretty sure in terms of Average carb price on auction the Premier League will be the highest Totally great I think we’re gonna see

Some really dumb The one of’s are going to be really Stupid like really really stupid But Not our money so which also means like The twos threes fours fives will be Silly as well because usually it’s like A curve Not an elevator sanity comes around the 100 Mark for limiteds or the 10 Mark for Rares yeah And then where was this 98 bambo says Well anytime I tell my friends about it It’s quote nice so the premise on right And it’s hard to make English fans want To play with foreign leagues yeah I get It I don’t even think it’s Um I don’t think that’s like an English Fan’s problem either like there are Plenty of people here in the US where They’re like oh they don’t have the Prem Like I’m good Because it’s just I mean like we have Access to a lot of leagues but it’s not As easy as the Premier League I’ll put It that way Like we can go watch La Liga if we want But you gotta know Actually I think they’re on ESPN now That was a bad example I think they’re On ESPN plus but Um a good example of Syria No serious on ESPN aren’t they yeah but

It’s all ESPN it’s also like on Paramount plus I think huh or maybe it’s Not on ESPN plus anymore and just on Paramount there’s something weird there League un is on BN Sport and that’s the Hardest one yeah like if you want to Watch PSG regularly You better buy that sports package on Your cable from your cable company yep Which I do Not for PSG So you can watch uh What stod Reams or runs or which one Which one is that whatever is now yeah No it comes because I get uh NFL Redzone And it’s a pull sports package I guess I Get a bunch of like It’s not univ maybe it is Univision Whoever You’re still an NFL guy Um I I’m like a Red Zone I buy Red Zone My son likes to watch Red Zone more than Like the Jets I actually don’t even get The Jets so does your does your son play Season long fantasy he does okay yeah He drafted my wife’s team for work okay And they they like have that team Together But I haven’t played fantasy football in Years like season long fantasy football Yeah today’s or this year is my first Year out of it How much better do you feel it’s so good So bambo came back well I know for sure

My dad as a Manchester City fan for 40 Years he’d have the whole team but Doesn’t care about anything else I’m Sure there’s thousands that would just Buy their team Maybe Maybe it would be really funny to see All these cars bought up and just never Used an s05 Yeah I don’t I don’t know about like I Don’t know how many would do that but I I know some people would for sure I mean like I did that with Cardinals in Baseball and I mean maybe that’s not the Same or maybe it is I don’t know but Like I wanted to compete in baseball I’m Buying my team I don’t really care about It and rooting for any other players or Teams or anything And I think I think Uh I think next year when St Louis city Is on so rare I will definitely be Running at least one St Louis city stack And will probably be bad And um You know what that’s okay I run a lot of Bad stacks a lot of them Camilo Vargas has entered the chat the Along with Brian Lozano yeah hey might Be teammates soon actually Just Oh man Um the

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It reminds me of trip our boy trippin B Playing the Charlotte Stacks although I Think he’s won a few with with those but For sure yeah I think Somebody brought it up earlier in the Chat like if we thought that the Introduction of the Premier League would Actually like bring in some Collectibility And I don’t see somebody joining so rare For the Collectibles if like the way That you find out about is through the Fantasy game like I just don’t see them Marketing themselves as like a Collectible platform And so it’s tough for me to think that Like If the pitch is like hey play your Favorite players in fantasy football And then You’re like I’ll just collect Thanks though So I don’t know I just don’t see that Happening and I also just don’t see Anyone going from let me collect Brentford to let me collect Bruges and Then let me collect and like just Constantly adding to a collection a Literal collection Just because Yeah I don’t know I don’t know Mike Baston says your new nickname Should be bad stack black

I can’t argue with that not bad not bad Foreign Somebody was asking uh how competitive Will EPL players be in Champion era yeah They’ll be competitive Um They can win Sure any of them can win you can win With a West stamp stack so Um you can win with a I don’t know if You can win with a wolf stack That’s a tough one yeah But I mean you you Stack really any of the top 10 teams They’re gonna have a week where they pop Off and then I mean there’s also like Redeeming redeeming players on all of Those teams so guys that you can use and Probably not only Champion Europe but U23 as well Yeah when you look at Arsenal that whole Team is usual too I feel like Yeah it’s a fun one Yeah I Yeah I think it’s all positive And I I we just I don’t know what the reaction Is now now would you rather have a Bayern or PSG stack or any of the EPL Stacks Um I think man city is like the only one You really want yeah Maybe Liverpool I don’t know like Marx

Just had so much success with the Liverpool stack that like I don’t I don’t know if it’s great because They’re great or they’re just great Because like they’re no I mean we have All the other big teams so obviously It shows you just need like one game for Them to dominate and you win everything So that’s what he does well it just so Happened that last year that one game Happened over and over and over again Felt that way Yeah Yeah like I think I don’t think you’re Like Losing with a Bayern stack Unless you totally mess up the guys that You got Wait what do you mean You don’t think you’re losing like I Don’t I think the you have plenty of Success with a buyer and stack anyway so It’s not like introducing a man city Means like you’re not winning as much Anymore right So Uh it might cut in it might cut into Your success a little bit I’d argue yeah yeah I agree that it cuts Into the success it just I don’t think It becomes like a failure like you’re Now like you’re still winning you’re Just not winning right as much or to the You know you’re not just like sweeping

Stars every week so Yeah But that yeah that man city ederson Kinshello de bruyne Holland and anyone Else Roger yeah until they concede until They concede and then You know Yeah or pep roulette yeah even then I mean obviously you want a Julian Alvarez just in case He was pretty nice this week wasn’t he Sure was I think we’ve got a good old threshold I got top five and Specialists with them Whoa yeah yeah look at you I had a Um let’s see what you got I had a guy That uh Did only came on and played like eight Minutes and he kind of killed my chances At winning Oh I thought you’re gonna say Like any banga Patrick no Is this midweek yeah yeah obviously you Have light ups Look at that Sven spin with a hundred That’s Spider-Man with a 99 yeah yeah That’s wild And look I still got tap sober I was Gonna say wait a minute I I broke I broke the curse by selling The super rare and now his rare card is Doing just fine yeah how about that how About that In an actual Ethan horror bath clean

Sheet I know wow sometimes everything Comes together it there you go man you Know how close are you uh I just needed somebody better than Majino whoever yeah is Who was the other sub oh Alvarez was Like the he was a sub what’s crazy is Horvath was like 41. majinho was like I Remember you were cursing Horvath for Being 41. yeah it was like the whole Lineup I felt like and nobody was over 60 I don’t think I don’t think Sven was Over 60. it was just like they all have Pretty good matchups and It was a lineup That kind of made sense Yeah love it except for majinho Apparently Who does he even play for I don’t know But I’m selling them if anybody wants Him message me on Discord I will sell Him 25 to 30 below the floor whatever Majino’s floor is he’s gone he’s dead to Me I wonder what that floor is I don’t know that I would want majinho But if anybody is like dying to have Majinho Let me know Reach Out I think I would say his name was megano Ah Sure Mcginho

This is how I used Um Alvarez Got the job done well if koates doesn’t Uh yeah if koates doesn’t uh You’re looking at it at least a tier Three yep the good news is I have a Coates here and Oh did I know oh and here there he is oh The whole rainbow huh the dude just Ruined everything I found the end of the rainbow and there Was nothing there Man but we bounced back next week bambo Said the Flora Megan was 15 bucks all Right he’s for sale for 9.99 That first time first offer I get he’s Gone That’s the floor but like wood was Actually The last sale It was 16 bucks a week ago Hmm Our friend El Sid got rid of one Oh God see I wish elsid would have Reached out and been like this mageenho Guy you gotta you gotta get him out Watch out pavel’s got one you’re gonna Post yours for he’s got the 998. look at how many are on the market It’s crazy who is this guy He played in what is that J League yeah Yokohama FC I don’t even think he was Good there

Why did you play him just I mean this Midweek specialist that’s just what I Had the only other guy I had Um Because I did look at this let me find My lineup real quick Because I remember specifically I had One other player that would have fit There And the guy ended up scoring like 60 Points or something no I know it was Odalin kosano so he’s a he’s a wing back For uh Leverkusen Oh yeah yeah his scores have been just Pitiful I mean they don’t keep clean sheets and Like his he he runs like negative AAA on That team Uh And he was good when he was like Ascent When he played center back like uh but His scores have just been rough Maybe he’s he’s playing outside Center Back like they’re are they three in the Back at Leverkusen Ta tap soba and odalin yeah maybe yep Yeah Yeah I don’t know if I would have played Him I I still don’t think that I win Maybe 58 and the other guy was 28 30 More points I think I might have I think Just based on how many starts he has You probably should have gone with this Guy

Um I mean he scored more points so Obviously you should have just gone with Him right But they played Bruges it was uh I guess The Bruges game too was like that’s his Old team so it was like you know one of Those I don’t know maybe man come on Maybe maybe he played good in the Revenge game yeah Bad process black not gonna lie I gotta Fix this yeah Uh yeah Um So now that we’ve completely gone off The rails in terms of the Premier League Do you have anything else about the Prem Before we go Um do you own any players from the Prem Julian Alvarez yeah And that might be it To be honest I don’t Own a lot of champion Europe players Um So Yeah it could be literally just Alvarez Oh la conga Uh I bought before he moved Uh Brendan Aronson there’s Brendan Aaronson Jersey men But I also got that before he moved And Luis Diaz I have him ah right really tried to sell Him before he got hurt and that didn’t

Work And that’s it those are the guys That’s kind of fun that there’s like There’s more out there than you really Think like yeah there are it’s I would I Would like to know like I’m sure I mean I’m sure the percentage is like really Low it’s like five or ten percent of Those players are already on the Platform but Um I think a lot of the the good ones Are a decent number of the good ones sir Already floating around there a little Bit yeah I mean if you just go to the Player rankings but yeah trippier de Bruyne Bruno Hollande obviously all of Liverpool A lot of West Ham still Oh yeah Anthony Yeah I mean there’s a decent amount Yeah Uh I don’t know and Bo Connie plays in The Prem Yeah that’s the hell is that like it Can’t possibly be right oh yeah [Laughter] We’ll have to adjust that Somehow Kuwait FSC made it into the Prem Ier well now we know the Kuwait premier League is a Premier League I don’t I don’t even want to click Through and find out anymore that’s a Rabbit hole I don’t need to go down Today that’s a good spot though on uh

You gotta fix those filters yeah I mean In fairness He plays in the Premier League He plays in a Premier League One of the Premier Leagues yes one of Them But not the one we’re actually trying to This reminds me of like how when we saw Like when Qatar played in the Gold Cup And you’re like yeah you sure about that One right uh last thing last thing the Global cup yeah we got a big Announcement in a week we do what are Your thoughts I think it’s just going to be a game That they have for the global cup Do you think that we’ll get like uh uh Other scarcities or is it only going to Be common scarcity this stuff Uh I would guess You mean like like national team cards Or like new cards of some people Yeah yeah who knows Um I I would guess that we just have Common cards like I think It’s really difficult to like like I Don’t think there was any way that they Were going to actually sign like a Licensing deal with every Federation There that They could get away with it but I feel Like common cards it’s a little easier Because you’re not actually like selling Anything I don’t know what like the IP

Stuff is for that but My my assumption is that the push is Like free to play and yeah I’m sure They’ll get everyone to play sober They’ll probably give like a tickets Away to the global Cup finals if if you Won that would you go yeah so I was Talking to someone about that recently I Think it was Johnny Like it’s just not a feasible reward Yeah like My guess is let me drop everything I’m Doing in my life or Or just like is sort of really gonna pay For like my flight and my hotel there as Well And like probably maybe but like no They’re not gonna do that and so so like I just don’t see I don’t see that happening Hmm Did you would you drop everything to go I don’t know When is the final It’s like early December is that right December 18th so a week before Christmas Am I gonna be able to just bug out Is that really the Is that really it though like is that The That’s what’s holding you back like if You won tickets to the World Cup final You don’t think it’d be like Hey I’m I’m going

Uh well like the fact that it’s in Qatar Means that it’s like I don’t know it’s You know A place that I’m very on would be very Uncomfortable traveling to Um just because I’ve never been anywhere In the Middle East I haven’t even been To Europe Um so it’d be somewhere odd Um a week before Christmas I imagine I Can’t bring my whole family uh Yeah I don’t know just like I don’t know Yeah A realistic prize that they could give Away that’s all like I think it would be Really cool but the number of people who Could win that and like take advantage Of it I think is really small yeah it Sounds like a fun contest that’s Supposed to like get lots and lots of People interested If that’s the top prize it’s kind of Like how hard are you going to try to Win something that like realistically You can’t it’s like a needle in the Haystack sort of thing I guess yeah yeah I guess Foreign Because I don’t know any of these Free-to-play things there’s gonna be Like so many Bots and stuff that just Like Spam entries yep

I don’t know yeah Yeah I don’t know it would be cool I’m sure yay Global cup I’m sure we’ll do we’ll talk about the Global Cup on a show I don’t know if Anyone even cares what we think about The global cup well the nice thing is The announcement will be next week right It’s a week from today so yes we could We have our topic for next week we’ll be Talking about the global cup Global Cup 2022 reaction own your world Were you the one saying you thought that Was really dumb yeah I’m not going to disagree with you But but also you can’t can you own your Globe own your Globe I own a globe stand I have it is it in here oh no it’s not In here but I have a globe maybe I’ll Bring it next week there we go yeah I’ll Bring props for our Global cup Competition or competition our Global Cup discussion So yeah all right well We’ve officially lost it so thank you to Everybody who has joined us live always Appreciate it when you guys uh chat During the conversation our conversation Because it helps us kind of See things are um that we don’t think of Ourselves so thank you for that if you Guys could hit the like button on the Video that’s always really helpful if

You’re listening to the audio version if You could please rate and review it Wherever you listen the let’s see I’ll Be back next week with Sean for the Story data strategy show on Monday Then we’ve got an NBA show sometime next Week as well and then next Thursday Andy And I will be back for the super Terrific super Cup 2022 Reaction or let’s go whatever it is so Thank you everyone for joining us and We’ll talk to you next week

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About the Author: futhq

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