The Astonishing Truth about EA’s Incompetence: A Closer Look

I am thrilled to share with you the astonishing truth about EA’s incompetence in this blog post. Join me as we delve deeper into the details and examine the evidence to uncover the unsettling reality. Get ready to have your eyes opened and your perspective challenged as I shed light on the surprising observations surrounding EA’s performance. So, let’s dive in and take a closer look at the captivating revelations that will leave you astounded.

The Astonishing Truth about EA’s Incompetence: A Closer Look


As a passionate gamer and dedicated fan of the FIFA franchise, I feel it is important to shed light on the astonishing truth about EA’s incompetence when it comes to their flagship game, FIFA. In this article, I will delve deeper into the issues surrounding FIFA 23 Ultimate Team content and the growing dissatisfaction among the gaming community.

FIFA 23 Ultimate Team: A Disappointing Reality

The FIFA franchise has always been synonymous with excitement and thrilling gameplay. However, recent developments have left fans feeling disenchanted and frustrated. One of the most significant aspects of FIFA is the Ultimate Team mode, where players can build their dream team by acquiring players through packs or the transfer market. Unfortunately, the execution of this mode in FIFA 23 has been far from satisfactory.

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Live Video of FIFA 23 Ultimate Team Content

Amidst the anticipation surrounding FIFA 23, EA released a live video showcasing the new Ultimate Team content. The video promised exciting features and gameplay improvements. However, upon closer inspection, many avid gamers were left underwhelmed by what was presented.

SBC Six Squads at 1 p.m. CBA

One of the key highlights in the live video was the mention of SBC (Squad Building Challenges) involving six squads at 1 p.m. CBA (Central Business Arena). While this initially generated excitement among players, the eventual implementation of these challenges failed to live up to the hype.

The Insanity That Isn’t Crazy

In the live video, the speaker claimed that the content showcased was not “crazy.” This choice of words further added to the disappointment experienced by fans, as it became evident that the promised features and improvements were not as remarkable as anticipated.

The High Cost of CBA

Reports emerged citing the exorbitant cost of participating in the CBA, with players claiming to spend up to 700k coins to complete the challenges. Such high costs make it increasingly challenging for casual players to enjoy and engage in this aspect of the game.

New Team of the Week and Upcoming Road to the Final

The speaker also made a passing mention of a new Team of the Week and the upcoming Road to the Final. These announcements, while intriguing, failed to compensate for the overall dissatisfaction caused by other aspects of FIFA 23 Ultimate Team.

Hansen: Is It Worth the Hype?

Hansen, a player with a remarkable 92 rating, was highlighted in the video. However, this inclusion did little to alleviate the disappointment surrounding other elements of FIFA 23. Despite his high rating, the prominence of Hansen failed to resonate with players and felt overshadowed by other issues.

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Team of the Year: A Vanishing Act?

The speaker raised questions about the availability of Team of the Year in packs. This uncertainty left players wondering if the highly anticipated and coveted Team of the Year players were still accessible. Such unanswered queries only added fuel to the growing frustration among fans.

Underwhelming Team of the Week Players

Another aspect of FIFA 23 Ultimate Team that failed to impress was the quality of Team of the Week players. With all the players rated 85 or lower, the appeal and desirability of these cards were significantly diminished.

Hansen on the Market

While it was mentioned that Hansen is available on the market, this inclusion failed to spark interest due to the prevailing disappointment regarding other aspects of FIFA 23. The excitement that should accompany the availability of a highly-rated player like Hansen was dampened by the surrounding negativity.

Rumors About Team of the Year

In various gaming forums and communities, rumors circulated about changes to the Team of the Year selection process. While unconfirmed, these rumors further fueled the unease and unhappiness among FIFA players.

Cold Odd: A Downward Spiral

Another issue mentioned in passing was the decrease in the price of Cold Odd. While seemingly insignificant, it portrayed a pattern of diminishing value and relevance of certain player items, which only added to the dissatisfaction with FIFA 23 Ultimate Team.

Lowered Team of the Year Percentage: A Disheartening Move

The speaker mentioned that the percentage of Team of the Year players in packs had been lowered by 1%. This change in the drop rate frustrated many players, as it made attaining these highly sought-after players even more challenging.

Annoyed with the Change

The speaker expressed annoyance with the lowered Team of the Year percentage, echoing the sentiments of many players who felt that EA’s decision only hindered their enjoyment and progression within FIFA 23 Ultimate Team.


New High-Rated Players: The Culprit?

Speculation arose whether the decrease in Team of the Year percentage was due to the introduction of new high-rated players in the game. This potential reason further incited debates and discontent among fans, who were left to ponder whether EA was prioritizing profit over player satisfaction.

Expanding the Pool of Players

A final point of discussion relates to the possibility of EA expanding the pool of players eligible for Team of the Year. While not directly addressed in the live video, this idea gives hope to players who seek greater diversity and variability in their Ultimate Team rosters.


In conclusion, the astonishing truth about EA’s incompetence in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team has become increasingly apparent. From the lackluster implementation of promised features to disheartening changes in drop rates and high costs, the gaming community’s dissatisfaction continues to grow. As passionate gamers, we can only hope that EA addresses these issues and works towards restoring the excitement and enjoyment that FIFA once brought to the gaming landscape.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Is FIFA 23 Ultimate Team content live now?
  2. Are all Team of the Week players rated 85 or lower?
  3. Can I find Hansen on the transfer market?
  4. Are there any rumors about changes to the Team of the Year selection process?
  5. Why has the Team of the Year percentage been lowered by 1%?

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