The Clear Reason Behind EA’s Generous 7M Icons Giveaway…

We are thrilled to announce the clear reason behind EA’s recent and generous 7M Icons Giveaway. As avid gamers ourselves, we understand the excitement that comes with iconic players in the world of virtual football. And now, EA Sports is taking this excitement to a whole new level by showering us with an incredible opportunity to enhance our gaming experience. So, join us as we delve into the captivating story behind EA’s fantastic gesture and discover why this giveaway holds so much significance for all of us.


We are excited about the new FIFA 23 game and its Ultimate Team mode. The anticipation of building our dream team and competing against other players is truly exhilarating. However, one aspect of the game that always keeps us on our toes is the luck factor when it comes to opening packs. We have all seen videos of players celebrating their incredible pack luck, while others are left feeling frustrated and envious. In this article, we will explore the clear reason behind EA’s generous 7M Icons giveaway and dive into the fascinating world of pack luck in FIFA Ultimate Team.

The Amazement of First Owner Players and Crazy Icons:

We were amazed by the luck of a certain player who recently shared their pack opening experience. They managed to pull not just one, but two incredible players in a single pack. The first one being a first owner player, which adds a special value to their team. And to top it off, they also packed a crazy Icon, a player of legendary status within the game. The sheer excitement and joy expressed by this lucky player made us realize how much pack opening can impact the overall gaming experience.

The Algorithm that Determines Pack Luck:

It seems that some players are on an algorithm list that determines their pack luck. This means that certain players have a higher chance of getting better players while others consistently end up with mediocre pulls. While this algorithm remains undisclosed by EA, many players have noticed patterns and trends in their pack luck. It adds an interesting layer of mystery and frustration to the game, as we wonder if we are on the lucky or unlucky side of this algorithm.

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Jealousy and the Promo Icons Pack:

We can’t deny feeling a tad bit jealous when we come across players who have packed incredible players like Kaka and Canant in the promo Icons pack. These Icon players are extremely rare and highly sought after, making them valuable assets in building a strong team. Witnessing the success of others in acquiring such coveted players fuels our desire to improve our own pack luck.

The Power of Strong Attackers:

One player’s team caught our attention due to its incredible strength in the attacking department. With three top-tier attackers leading the line, this player’s team becomes a force to be reckoned with. It’s remarkable how a few lucky pulls can completely change the dynamics of a team and give players a significant advantage over their opponents.

The Disappointment of Mediocre Players:

We knew that if someone has bad pack luck, they would likely end up with a mediocre player like Birham. These players don’t have the same star power as the icons or high-rated cards, and they don’t contribute much to the overall strength of the team. It’s disheartening to see others celebrate their fantastic pulls while we are stuck with less exciting options.

The Insight from Others’ Pack Openings:

Seeing what others have packed gives us an idea of what players they are likely to get. The community gathers around various platforms and social media channels to share their pack opening experiences. These discussions enable us to gain insight into the probabilities and likelihoods of certain players appearing in packs, fueling our excitement and curiosity about our own chances of pulling top-tier cards.

Frustration and Envy:

We can’t deny feeling frustrated and salty about not having the same luck as some fortunate players. It’s natural to envy those who seem to consistently get amazing players in their packs. We question whether it’s just luck or if there are more factors at play. Regardless, these emotions drive us to continue opening packs, hoping that one day, our luck will turn around.

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The Impact of Luck in the Game:

It’s amazing how luck can make such a difference in the game. A single pack opening can completely alter the trajectory of a player’s team and ultimately their success in FIFA Ultimate Team. This element of chance adds excitement and unpredictability to the game, keeping players engaged and constantly striving for better pack luck.

Improving Chances in Pack Openings:

We wonder if there could be a way to improve our chances of getting better players. While luck plays a significant role, some players believe in rituals, superstitions, or even preferential pack opening times to try to increase their odds. Whether these methods truly work or are simply psychological, they give players a sense of control over their pack luck, even if it’s merely an illusion.

Transparency in EA’s Pack Luck Algorithm:

EA should consider showing players their pack luck algorithm to make it more transparent. By revealing the factors that influence pack luck, players can have a better understanding of their chances and make more informed decisions. Transparency would not only enhance the gaming experience but also reduce frustration and speculation about the existence of a hidden algorithm.

Mixed Feelings: Happy for Others, Envious for Ourselves:

We are happy for the lucky player but can’t help feeling envious. It’s a bittersweet moment when we witness someone else’s success in packing fantastic players. The feeling of joy for others mixed with our desire for the same luck creates a conflicting emotional response that is common among FIFA Ultimate Team players.

The Role of Luck in the Game:

It’s crazy how much luck plays a role in this game. FIFA Ultimate Team is not solely about skill and strategy; it also heavily relies on the luck of the draw. Getting those top-tier players can boost a team’s performance significantly and elevate a player’s overall experience. As frustrating as it can be at times, the element of luck continues to captivate players and keeps them engaged.

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Hope for Better Pack Luck:

Despite the highs and lows of pack openings, we continue to hope for better pack luck in the future. Every pack represents an opportunity for a game-changing player, and that sense of anticipation keeps us coming back for more. The thrill of the unknown and the potential rewards outweigh the disappointments, creating a perpetual cycle of optimism and excitement.


In conclusion, the clear reason behind EA’s generous 7M Icons giveaway lies in the desire to provide players with memorable pack opening experiences. The joy and excitement of pulling incredible players drive us to continue playing and investing in FIFA Ultimate Team. While luck plays a significant role in determining the outcome of pack openings, it’s essential to remember that the game is not solely about pack luck. Skill, strategy, and perseverance also play vital roles in building a successful team. As we eagerly await future pack openings, we can only hope for better luck and the thrill of adding game-changing players to our squads.


  1. How does pack luck impact the overall FIFA Ultimate Team game experience?
  2. Are there any known methods to increase chances of getting better players in packs?
  3. Should EA make their pack luck algorithm more transparent?
  4. What can players do to cope with feelings of frustration and envy when witnessing others’ pack luck?
  5. Is luck the only factor determining success in FIFA Ultimate Team, or do skill and strategy play equally important roles?

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