The Current State of Evolutions in FC24: A Comprehensive Overview

As an avid fan and enthusiast of FC24, I couldn’t help but be captivated by the incredible evolution it has undergone in recent times. In this comprehensive overview, I aim to delve into the current state of evolutions in FC24 and shed light on the remarkable advancements that have taken place. Join me as we embark on an exciting journey to explore the groundbreaking updates and noteworthy developments that have made FC24 a force to be reckoned with. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this comprehensive overview of the current state of evolutions in FC24.

The Current State of Evolutions in FC24: A Comprehensive Overview


As an avid player and content creator in FC24, I have been closely following the evolution feature that has been introduced in the game. In this article, I will provide a detailed analysis of the current state of evolutions in FC24, highlighting their importance, benefits, and drawbacks.
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Evolution Glitch: A Major Concern

One crucial aspect to address is the evolution glitch that has been plaguing the game. This glitch has prevented players, including myself, from utilizing lower evolutions in order to progress to new evolutions. This issue has caused frustration among the player base as it hinders the natural progression of their teams.

Lackluster Evolutions

Despite the potential benefits that evolutions could offer, the ones introduced in recent weeks have not been particularly appealing when compared to other cards available in the game. This has led to a sense of disappointment among many players, including myself, who were looking forward to upgrading their favorite teams as the game progressed.

The Pointlessness of Continued Usage

With the underwhelming evolutions being released, many players, myself included, have started questioning the purpose of continuing to use them. The evolution feature was initially intended to provide a means of enhancing our teams, but the current state of evolutions leaves much to be desired.

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High-Rated but Not Good Enough

One major issue with the evolutions is that they often result in high-rated cards that still do not meet the expectations of players. This discrepancy between the rating and actual performance has hindered the progression of teams, leading to frustration and disengagement from the evolution feature.

Ineligible Evolutions

Another issue I have encountered is that some of the evolutions I have already completed are ineligible for further evolutions. This renders these cards stagnant and falls behind the power curve of other cards available in the game. It is disheartening to invest time and resources into evolving cards that become obsolete in a short span of time.

Limited Arsenal of Evolutions

Currently, I only have three evolutions in my arsenal for my team, which is honestly quite disappointing. The lack of diverse options limits my ability to adapt and improve my team according to changing strategies and gameplay dynamics. This constraint leaves me feeling restricted in my potential for growth within the game.

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In conclusion, the current state of evolutions in FC24 is far from satisfactory. The evolution glitch, lackluster evolutions, unrealized potential, and limited options all contribute to a sense of frustration and disappointment among players. It is imperative for the game developers to acknowledge these concerns and address them promptly in order to enhance the overall gameplay experience and promote player engagement.


  1. Do evolutions in FC24 truly enhance the performance of my team?
  2. Are all evolutions affected by the evolution glitch?
  3. Can I continue evolving cards that have reached their maximum evolution level?
  4. Are there plans to introduce more diverse and appealing evolutions in the future?
  5. How can I provide feedback to the game developers regarding the evolution feature?

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