The Game-Changing NEW Icon in FC24 Road To Glory

Welcome to our blog post where we unveil the thrilling journey of FC24 Road To Glory and introduce the all-new, game-changing icon that is set to leave a lasting mark on the football world. Join us as we delve into the remarkable story behind this groundbreaking addition to the FC24 franchise, a story that promises to captivate and inspire football enthusiasts worldwide. Get ready to witness the birth of a legend as we explore the evolution of FC24 Road To Glory and its revolutionary new icon that will redefine the way we experience the beautiful game.


In this article, we will provide an exciting update on our FC24 Road To Glory journey, focusing on the game-changing new Icon that we have added to our squad. We will also discuss the completion of two Icon Squad Building Challenges (SBCs), our recent pack luck, and share our thoughts on gameplay mechanics. So, let’s dive right in!

Heading: We Completed Two Icon SBCs: Ian Wright and David Seaman

Sub-heading: Our Team Gets a Boost

We recently had the opportunity to complete two Icon SBCs: one for Ian Wright and the other for David Seaman. These legendary players bring a new level of skill and experience to our squad. With potential substitutions for the likes of Pelé, Cruyff, and Zidane, our team now has incredible depth and versatility.

Heading: Packed 88 Jonathan David and 87 Iñaki Williams from Drafts

Sub-heading: Luck is on Our Side

Sometimes luck plays a vital role in our Road To Glory journey, and we have certainly had our fair share of it. During recent drafts, we were fortunate enough to pack the highly-rated 88 Jonathan David and the impressive 87 Iñaki Williams. These additions have undoubtedly strengthened our attacking options, providing more firepower upfront.

Heading: Packed 87 Baradi and 83 Batu from Team of the Week Player Picks

Sub-heading: Surprises from Player Picks

Our luck continued as we opened our Team of the Week player picks. We were excited to find the talented 87 Baradi and the promising 83 Batu in our selections. These unexpected gems have given us new options to consider for our starting lineup, further enhancing our squad’s capabilities.

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Heading: Both Icons Added to the Team with Potential Substitutions for Pelé, Cruyff, and Zidane

Sub-heading: Icons Galore

With the addition of Ian Wright and David Seaman, our team has become a formidable force on the pitch. These veteran Icons bring their unique skills and experience, allowing us to consider them as potential substitutes for other legendary players such as Pelé, Cruyff, and Zidane. This flexibility gives us a strategic advantage and keeps our opponents guessing.

Heading: David Seaman’s SBC Was Surprisingly Cheap for a Decent Card

Sub-heading: Value for Investment

The SBC for David Seaman proved to be an unexpected surprise. Despite his impressive card stats, the cost to complete the SBC was surprisingly affordable. This provided us with a fantastic opportunity to add a quality goalkeeper to our squad without breaking the bank.

Heading: Lineup: Leno, Bellerin, Saliba, Gabriel, Tierney, Buendia, Partey, Martinelli, Wright, Suárez

Sub-heading: The Arsenal Connection

Our current lineup boasts a strong Arsenal connection, with players like Leno, Bellerin, Saliba, Gabriel, Tierney, and Martinelli. Adding the iconic Ian Wright to the mix has truly solidified our affiliation with the Gunners. This lineup not only honors the club’s history but also promises excitement and success on the pitch.

Heading: Used a Hunter Chem Style on Both Icons for Enhanced Stats

Sub-heading: Optimizing Our Icons

To maximize Ian Wright and David Seaman’s potential, we equipped them with Hunter chemistry styles. This choice enhances their key attributes, enabling us to extract the best performance from these Icons. With improved speed, agility, and finishing, they have become formidable weapons in our arsenal.

Heading: Expected Ian Wright to Utilize His Agility and Speed More Effectively

Sub-heading: Room for Improvement

While Ian Wright has undoubtedly made an impact on our squad, we expected him to utilize his exceptional agility and speed more effectively. Though he has proven himself as a consistent goal scorer, there is still room for improvement in his overall gameplay. We look forward to further unlocking his potential as we continue our Road To Glory journey.

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Heading: Frustrated with Passing Mechanics and How It Affects Gameplay

Sub-heading: The Challenges of the Game

Like any other avid FIFA player, we have had moments of frustration with passing mechanics and the impact it has on gameplay. Inaccurate passes and interceptions can sometimes hinder our progress and result in lost possession. However, we remain determined to overcome these challenges and adapt our playing style accordingly.

Heading: Received a Level 17 Reward of an 84+ Player Pick

Sub-heading: Rewards and Surprises

Our continued progression through the FC24 Road To Glory rewards system granted us a delightful surprise at Level 17. We received an 84+ player pick, providing us with the opportunity to add another high-rated player to our squad. This unexpected reward injected further excitement and anticipation into our journey.

Heading: Completed the Final Daily Login Upgrade for the 87 SBC

Sub-heading: Consistency Pays Off

The daily login rewards have proven to be consistently rewarding on our Road To Glory journey. The final daily login upgrade allowed us to complete the 87 SBC, adding yet another valuable asset to our team. This achievement highlights the importance of regular engagement and dedication to our quest for glory.

Heading: Opened Several Packs but Did Not Get Any Arsenal Players

Sub-heading: The Elusive Arsenal Stars

In our pursuit of Arsenal players to further enhance our team, we have opened numerous packs. However, luck has not been on our side in this particular area. Despite our efforts, we did not manage to secure any Arsenal players from the packs opened thus far. But we remain optimistic and hopeful for future pack openings.

Heading: Still Hoping to Get Ceballos and Aouar from Packs

Sub-heading: The Quest Continues

Although our pack luck has been disappointing in terms of Arsenal players, we are still determined to acquire players like Ceballos and Aouar. These talented individuals would undoubtedly add depth and creativity to our midfield. As we continue to open more packs, our hopes remain high that our luck will change.

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Our FC24 Road To Glory journey has been filled with exciting developments and formidable challenges. The addition of two new Icons, the luck we’ve had with packs, and the intricacies of gameplay mechanics have all contributed to the overall thrill of our experience. As we progress further, we look forward to sharing more updates and achievements with our fellow FIFA enthusiasts.


  1. Q: How much did it cost to complete David Seaman’s SBC?
    A: David Seaman’s SBC was surprisingly affordable considering the quality of his card.

  2. Q: How have the new Icons strengthened your squad?
    A: The new Icons, Ian Wright and David Seaman, have added depth and versatility to our team, allowing us to consider substitutions for legendary players such as Pelé, Cruyff, and Zidane.

  3. Q: Have you had any notable pack luck recently?
    A: Yes, we have packed 88 Jonathan David, 87 Iñaki Williams, 87 Baradi, and 83 Batu from recent drafts and Team of the Week player picks.

  4. Q: Which chem style did you use on the Icons?
    A: We equipped both Icons with the Hunter chemistry style to enhance their key attributes.

  5. Q: Are there any players you’re still hoping to pack in the future?
    A: Yes, we are still eager to pack players like Ceballos and Aouar to further strengthen our midfield.

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