The Impact of EA on Team of the Year: A Ruination or Innovation?

Are you curious about the impact of EA on Team of the Year? Have you ever wondered if it has been a ruination or an innovation? In this blog post, we will explore the influence of EA on this prestigious event, and analyze whether it has truly brought about positive changes or caused more harm. So, grab a cup of coffee and join us as we dive into the world of EA and Team of the Year.


Are you a gaming enthusiast eagerly awaiting the release of the Team of the Year promo? The buzz around this event is hard to miss, and as the anticipation builds, so do the discussions. One topic dominating the conversation is the concern about the pack weight for Team of the Year cards. In this article, we will explore the impact of EA on Team of the Year and whether it has been a ruination or an innovation for FIFA gamers like yourself.

The Low Pack Weight Complaints

Recently, there has been an influx of complaints regarding the low pack weight for Team of the Year cards. Players feel that the odds of packing a highly coveted card are unfairly low. The frustration reached its peak when a tweet sparked a conversation about the topic, gaining traction among the FIFA community.

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Questioning Pack Odds and EA’s Manipulation

Gamers have become increasingly curious about the authenticity of pack odds and whether EA manipulates them to control the distribution of Team of the Year cards. The percentages allocated to different positions in the Team of the Year squad intensified the discussions. With attackers having a mere 1.4% chance, midfielders with 2%, and defenders with 5.1%, gamers started questioning the validity of these odds.

EA’s Stance on Pack Odds

EA Sports is aware of the controversy surrounding pack odds and how it affects players’ perceptions. They have publicly described the pack odds as “dynamically generated and verified.” However, this explanation did little to appease the skeptical gamers who felt that it still left room for manipulation.

Understanding the Current Chance of Packing

As it stands, the current chance of packing a Team of the Year player is estimated to be 3.7%. This chance initially caused disappointment among gamers as they felt it was significantly lower than expected. On a positive note, EA later added two more Team of the Year players to the pack, slightly increasing the odds for lucky gamers.

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Debates: Are the Pack Odds Right or Wrong?

The debate rages on about whether the pack odds for the Team of the Year promo are right or wrong. Gamers argue that the odds should be specified for each position, allowing players to have a clearer understanding of their chances of getting defenders, midfielders, or attackers. This transparency would help manage expectations and mitigate any dissatisfaction.

EA’s Motivation and Verification Challenges

While it’s unlikely that EA would manipulate drop rates negatively, the absence of external verification of pack odds makes it difficult for players to trust the system. It’s unlikely that EA would openly admit to making the odds worse for players, as their primary interest is to sell packs. From a business perspective, it wouldn’t make sense for them to intentionally make the odds worse.


In conclusion, the impact of EA on Team of the Year promo brings both excitement and frustration to FIFA gamers. The low pack weight complaints have fueled discussions around the authenticity and manipulation of pack odds. As players eagerly await their chance to pack a Team of the Year card, it’s important to remember that no one outside EA can verify the accuracy of the pack odds. However, it is in EA’s best interest to maintain the trust of its player base, so they are unlikely to jeopardize their reputation by deliberately worsening the odds.


Unique FAQs

  1. Are the complaints about low pack weight for Team of the Year cards justified?
  2. Has EA manipulated the pack odds for the Team of the Year promo?
  3. What is the current chance of packing a Team of the Year player?
  4. Can EA’s explanation of dynamically generated and verified pack odds be trusted?
  5. Why doesn’t EA specify the chances of getting defenders, midfielders, or attackers in pack odds?

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