The most BROKEN promo team in the history of FIFA?

The most BROKEN promo team in the history of FIFA?!

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys nepenthes here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m it is Friday what it is Friday What what do you what I'm not trying to Look for packs just let me in the store Man it is Friday we have got team two of The brand new Fantasy foot cards out Pivot Essentials pack is here Otherwise there's not really that many Great packs let's open it we do get a Walk out which is great German sentiment It is going to be Tony Cross do you want To be able to afford to complete new Sbcs and test out new players if so Visit U7 buy to buy your foot 23 coins They are cheap fast and reliable and Make sure to use my code nip at checkout For six percent off and let's see guys What we get from mid icon loan oh I say I say Rooney is it Rooney Um obviously nobody cares about those Loans and stuff but you know for 500 FIFA points Not the end of the world is it and then Where else have they got in terms of Your primer packs Just the winter rare players pack we'll Open One Auto Inform love that I was hoping for Rhys Nelson sending me Away is that another Tony Cross No it's good oh cheeky Gaylord Ave I Said there that's actually all right all

Right And uh we'll do another one just in case And then we'll go and look at the Content and if I can be bothered Afterwards we'll come back and open a Couple more hopefully get some Delightful players we've got another Inform it's not a walkout It's just a it's a bad pack all together All right let's go and have a look at The content guys Let's go and have a look at the content We shall start in objectives Objectives we have got the fantasy foot Cup 85 double upgrade for all of it Uh play Four matches for an 81 double Is that right an 81 double yeah A8 for An 84 plus Win two through an 83 double win four For an 83 double and same as six and Eight for an 84 plus And win 10 for a 1083 Plus Pack that's Actually right how many are we allowed To use play per day Six Magic What Six matches remaining How the hell am I supposed to win 10. When there's just six games Oh you gotta love EA haven't you you've Got to love him Um anything in Milestones yes we have Got fantasy foot one

From Villarreal three star skill moves Three-star week for medium-high work Rates can play send it back right wing Back right back and CDM Physicals meh defending's all right Dribbling's all right for a center back Pace is pretty good for a center-back it Will most likely make three appearances Clean sheet I don't know to make to get Two clean sheets we'd have to have a Look at the other games they'll probably Win one they probably won't not lose in The next six so maybe two maybe three Upgrades for fourth What is it gonna require to actually get Him Assist seven goals The squad battles or Rivals assist the Goal from across I'm a La Liga player Um score five goals with three illegal Players in your starting squads and win Eight matches with three La Liga players In your starting Squad you could do that Whilst doing your like you know your Weekly score battles or Rivals games so It's fair enough but also at the same Time a bit there Um and then sbcs Wheeze has got Marcel sabita And he has had one of the worst sbcs in The history of time Horizon he could Play Cinema CDM and cam

A reasonably well-rounded cards Obviously for him do you know what Making three appearances isn't Guaranteed for sabita Um winning one game is expected not Losing in six is not expected Um getting two goals or assists in the Next six games is also not expected He may well He may well only get one or two upgrades He's got outside the first short trade Which is nice hey this is not like it's A well-rounded card it does kind of need Four star four stars nice as well it Does kind of need the upgrades Um And then what do we require an 82 an 84 And 85 with an inform and an 86 that's Expensive I tell you what as well guys I Did make a clip on it earlier right but They EA also released Marcus rashford Player of the month it's like 750 000 Coins it is Outrageous how expensive it is Um And cavara Donna play it a month as well Which just requires an 84 rated Squad With a Serial player it's not the best Card which is why of course it doesn't Require much it's four star five stars Nice pace is nice otherwise the card is Genuinely mediocre Um we have got teamwork was that already There that was already there the 87 base


Or FIFA World Cup Hero player pick is Back again Now on the rehab and 84 and 85 and an 86 For that We've got Marquee matchups uh nothing New here is that it oh that might be it Oh that is it oh that's bad and then of Course we've got the new team as you see There Papa Around and dinner there Lettuce Go and have a look At this new team Let us see new players So we have got old damn Titty Fabian and died these are already There darede Lima was already there so We'll start we'll start with the uh Heroes we've got Park ji-sung as an 88 Rated sentiment Three star four-star Wait what They didn't upgrade his Pace or his Shooting at all Gave him two dribbling two defending two Physical and three passing I mean you know what like three star School move sucks but this is a very Good card With a shadow good passing good Physicals great dribbling good defending Maybe no Shadow maybe like a marksman Maestro Maestro's nice bro

That that that is a good call to be fair An artist for the passing that is a good Card well expensive But here's a good card we've got Al Oaran most broken man in FIFA right wing Right mid Cam and Striker compared to His 88. They gave him the one acceleration Missing one shooting two passing two Physical and one dribbling Four star four-star on the man Up a finisher on this bad boy where is It Holy moly Yeah he's gonna be dumb broken again in A yeah We've got dinatale also an amazing card So far this year Striker Center forward And left wing on him four star four star Two page two dribbling two physical one Passing and shooting You know you go for a hawk or a hunter On him a hunter mad cards Where's the hawk a hawk I probably Wouldn't actually Maybe an engine if you're already happy With your shooting who's up that agility Balance dribbling Ace and passing short Powers pretty low otherwise finishing is Good that is a super card As a super card And could you imagine packing that or Playing without draft let's go We've Got Dirt cow

At the era division this time Um he is four star three star Give it a minor upgrade nothing crazy How much is his 88 280k yeah it's a good Card give him an engine good passing Good Pace dribbling good chewing good Physicals reasonable defending as well It's a quality card and another area to Visit card which is quite nice because There's quite a good few air division Players we've got a coach Marquez and Papa Our culture is in the Turkish League you Can play cam right mid and Striker he's Been given Us ones across the board with three Physical why right why Does he only have 77 stamina just give Him like 85 stamina genuinely who care I Don't think people would look at this Card and be like oh no he's got 85 Stamina game ruined doesn't make any Difference five star Four Star is real Nice Outside the foot shot trait is real nice I mean the card is real nice anyway I've Got my straw on him personally Ratio from range great dribbling good Passing good Pace five star skill moves Only more than that other Turkish Players are there actually to link to Cardi veg Horst Ali yeah there's no There's not many great Turkish League Players

And 99 Pace moves all of a sudden is uh Quite nice Rafael Marquez in the MLS This time Center back and CDM I use this 89 rated card for a long time But send it back it was very good They've given him two pacing in ones Across the board generally is shooting From range is quite good upper Shadow on Him change him to a center back or he's Already a center back yeah good Pace Great defending good passing good Dribbling for a center back I like it MLS has got a lot of good players so Um he's got some good links which is Nice Fernando morientes He's four star Four Star On page one shooting two passing one Physical and one dribbling upgrade I didn't particularly like him when I Used him before Um I assume he'll be one of the cheap Ones 780k already If we pop a hunter on him great Pace Great shooting good physicals good Dribbling he is like a striker Striker You know Uh and then Papa one of my favorite Heroes prior actually the World Cup one Um Batman here is three star four-star Too physical and then ones across the Boards basically everywhere else Hunter on him yeah top Pace tops you in Good physicals great dribbling stats Little low on composure


But he's all right he's all right I like It and funnily enough the two highest Rated ones will probably be two of the Cheapest ones available which is quite Weird and then for the rest of the team We've got benteke now of DC United he's Already 20K Um DC United in general quite terrible in The MLS Um so for him to get the goals yes the Games yes and a win yes but to avoid Defeat definitely not so I anticipate He'll get a plus three Um You know you're gonna have to put a Finisher on him and hope that the pace Upgrade is good enough good physicals Decent passing for a striker good Shooting good dribbling four star four Stars quite nice for Ben Tech a H we've Got Wimmer of Wolfsburg finding a bit of Form now after having a bad start to the Season but Women's boring any four-star four-star Can play left mid right wing and right Mid Pace And then other than that's just a Mediocre card I don't really care about That card uh we have got fourth we've Already looked at Of course as far as the objective goes He's pretty cool to be fair Shadow on

Him using him as that Center back I Think that's pretty good especially with The upgrades that he'll most likely get We've got top rack another Turkish League player 18 000 coins on him Already Uh he plays for was it Antalya Spore Here's Antonio's War I don't really know Much about them Um but uh A shadow on top rack even if he gets Just like plus two it's a decent card to Be fair four star wheat for as well it's A decent cob Here's a nice one for the Turkish League Especially with that Turkish League hero Uh the jjo kocha Uh we have got Emery Chan can play Center back CDM and Center mids Dorman Of course in fine form Chan is playing The chances of him getting the decisive Actions the assist all goals pretty slim Him playing and then winning pretty high So I'd expect him to go to at least an 88 with a Chance of the other upgrades Here's a well-rounded card I would play Him as a center back I'll convert Center Back and play him there definitely great Physicals good passing and driven for Center back with that 99 Sprint speed Um and good defending Yeah that for me four star week for as Well six for one chance nice and that's Why it's probably like quite expensive

Uh We've also got mitoma of Brighton so Of course I wouldn't expect Brighton to Not lose in six However matoma getting the decisives yes Buying yes and Brian winning yes so I Think he'll get a plus three and up to a 90. uh the fact that he's already down 85 5K is quite wild four star three star Left wing back and left wing as an Option as well good pace With a dead eye good passing short Passing especially Shooting's good dribbling is all right Physical's nice it's not bad card it Needs the upgrades but for 85k it's not A bad card that's for sure uh we've got DeMarcus Used to have one of the best gold cards In the game 43k already Athletic Club Not the best team he will get the games I doubt he'll get the clean sheets And they'll probably get one win great Pace good defending good physicals good Passing reasonable dribbling four-star Skill moves as far as a fullback goes He's pretty fun but I wouldn't expect miracles out of him Uh and then UPA meccano so now Byron Uber in General's just a beast in a man That is a plus three on that other card Nine stamina that's more like it man Even then 79 stamina is not the one Really but three star three star is Lengthy which is good a shadow on him

Yeah I mean buying clean sheets most Likely Byron win definitely playing Definitely he's gonna get plus three at Least will they not losing six it is Always possible for Bayern to not lose In six but and then the fact that the League's not like sewn up for them this Season as well maybe they'll try a bit Harder towards the back end of the Season so yeah we could see Uber going To a 92. and if he does he will be Unbelievable He's extinct at 750k uh we've got benass Here one of the fan favorites from the Start of the game this 87 rated in form Or um special card that was on SBC Um he's coming in With four star three star Pop a shadow on him Dribbling is brilliant for a DM physical Is very nice passing is brilliant Shooting from range is okay Uh AC Milan yeah he he could well get All of the upgrades he could also only Pick up two you know him to get assists And goals not entirely likely AC Milan To not losing six not entirely likely Even if you know he gets a plus two this Is a great card And that's why it's expensive I do like That card we've got Diego jota sabitsa Hidden Hazard so Diego Diego I think he's coming back from injury Right so for him to get three

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Appearances is likely Liverpool to win Is likely him to get two goals or and or Assist is likely liberal to not lose is Probably unlikely Four star five stars nice though power Had a trait as well This is this is just a good card I'd Probably put an engine on him or a Finisher I'll probably play him a Striker what can he play center for Striker and left wing yeah I've got a Finisher I mean that is a good card With probably a plus three that is a Good card Sabit so as we've already uh looked at This card's weird it's well-rounded but He needs the upgrades You know a Shadow's good for him there's A box to box midfielder or as a center Midian like a 442 or something he's good He's just well-rounded he's not Particularly outstanding anywhere but He's also not bad anywhere I just feel like he would just feel good In game outside the first shot trade is Nice All-Star four stars nice he's got The average body type which is good and He's got well-rounded stats his SPC is 272k you know if he does get like two or Three upgrades it it could be worth it Because if he does get those upgrades All of a sudden this SPC you know this Car becomes very good

Um Eden Hazard guys 1.2 million Four star four-star on him Outside the foot short train for National trade now I'll tell you Something about Eden Hazard He's got almost no chance of getting Anything past one upgrade will he play Three games for Real Madrid probably not Will he score two goals or get to assist For Real Madrid almost definitely not Will they win one yes will they lose not Lose and six potentially I honestly Think he's only going to get one game One upgrade That being said it's a good enough card Anyway You know you put a maestro on him Dribbling is superb passing superb shoot From Ranger superb it's a very good card Yeah he's played three games the entire Season And he's scored or assisted a goal in a League he hasn't scored it or assisted To go in a league game since 2021 Oh my God So it could quite easily get all four Upgrades All Star week for his nice shadow on him Good Pace great defending very good Physicals good passing good dribbling Apart from a Jillian balance as he gets The upgrades this card will become Superb and that is the uh That is the new content

Um Let's have a look at the Active sbcs So Beats at 270 is downvoted massively But I think I think when it comes to the Crunch point of him actually being Upgraded to a 90 or 91 I think people Would probably say that it was actually Worth it Ash was downvoted because he's terrible Varadanas up voted because it's decent Card for a decent price but nothing Crazy but that is it for today guys so If you did enjoy the video be sure to Leave a like and comment subscribe to my Channel if you haven't already and for Now guys I'm out peace

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