The Perfect SBC That EA Nailed!

If you are a fan of FIFA Ultimate Team, you know the importance of Squad Building Challenges (SBCs). In this blog post, discover how EA has finally perfected the art of creating the ideal SBC that keeps players engaged and excited.

The Perfect SBC That EA Nailed!


Hey there, FIFA Ultimate Team fanatics! Are you ready to dive into the world of SBCs and experience the thrill of bagging a legendary player? Well, hold your breath because EA has dropped a bombshell with a significant SBC for none other than Kenny or H. Rumor has it, this SBC is not for the faint-hearted, but if you’ve got the guts and the coins, the reward is worth the sweat and tears. Let’s break it down for you.

1. The Icon is Back in FIFA Ultimate Team

Are you tired of the same old players in your Ultimate Team lineup? Well, fret not because EA has brought back the iconic players through SBCs to add that extra spice to your gaming experience.

2. Kenny or H SBC – Worth the Shot?


EA released a jaw-dropping SBC for Kenny or H, leaving gamers both ecstatic and anxious. The challenge lies in gathering the resources and coins required to complete the SBC and unlock these beasts of players.

3. Success Stories of Obtaining Kenny and H

Rumors are circling around the gaming community that some lucky folks have managed to conquer the demanding SBC and welcomed Kenny or H into their squad. It’s a tough journey, but the reward is an unparalleled feeling of accomplishment.

4. The Grind and the Glory

The icon SBC isn’t a walk in the park; it demands effort, dedication, and a chunk of your gaming resources. But remember, nothing worth having comes easy, and the satisfaction of having Kenny or H on your team is indescribable.

5. The Price Tag – 2 Million Coins!

Hold on to your seats, gamers! To obtain H, you’ll need to fork out a hefty sum of 2 million coins. It’s a steep price, but legends don’t come cheap, and the gameplay boost will elevate your Ultimate Team to new heights.

6. Consideration – Portugal Objective Might Affect Playing Time for H

Before you dive headfirst into the SBC, consider the implications. The Portugal objective may influence the playing time for H, so weigh your options wisely.


7. H – From Star to Benchwarmer?

While H might shine on the pitch, there’s a chance the player might end up warming the bench in your club. Be sure to strategize and utilize H effectively to maximize the player’s potential.

8. Exhausting Resources – A Bittersweet Feeling

After pouring your heart, soul, and gaming resources into the SBC, you might find your club depleted. It’s a bittersweet feeling, knowing the sacrifices made for the ultimate prize.

9. The Second Pack Surprise

But wait, there’s more! The second pack after completing the SBC contains another valuable player, adding a cherry on top of the legendary cake. This player is not only undervalued but also a reliable addition to your squad.

10. Rewarding Pack Opening Experience

The anticipation, the excitement, and the nerves all lead up to the exhilarating moment of opening the pack. Today was your lucky day, and the pack opening experience was beyond rewarding.

11. The Worth of the Grind

As you reflect on the grind, the challenges, and the victories, one thing becomes clear – it was all worth it. The journey to secure valuable players through SBCs is a test of patience and skill, but the results speak for themselves.

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In conclusion, EA has truly outdone themselves with the perfect SBC that has players on their toes and hearts racing. Despite the challenges, the journey to obtain Kenny or H is a thrilling ride filled with highs and lows, but in the end, it’s a win-win situation for all dedicated Ultimate Team gamers.

5 Unique FAQs After The Conclusion:

  1. How do I prepare for the daunting Kenny or H SBC challenge?
  2. Is investing 2 million coins in H a wise decision for my Ultimate Team?
  3. What strategies can I implement to ensure H gets ample playing time in my club?
  4. Are there any reliable resources or guides to assist me with completing the SBC efficiently?
  5. Will EA continue to surprise the FIFA community with more exhilarating SBCs in the future?

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