These NEW FUT Champs Custom Tactics are UNSTOPPABLE!

These NEW Custom Tactics are UNSTOPPABLE!


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Intro 0:00 – 0:27
Custom Tactics 0:27 – 1:20
Gameplay 1:20 – 15:20
Outro 15:20 – 15:54

#fifa #fifa23 #rtg

What's up guys and the Panthers here and Welcome to another FIFA 23 video today Guys I have got a set of brand new Custom tactics that have transformed my Enjoyment on FIFA 23 Ultimate Team I Played a guy for Champs he absolutely Battered me and we reverse engineered His foot Champs tactic from his game and His team and applied it to our own so Let's get into it and I promise you you Will love these tactics 100 depth drop Back Boss build up and forward runs With 100 width we're going to drop the Players in the Box because we don't want Them in a box yo okay too thanks for the Uh thanks for the reply baby Corners and free kicks are irrelevant Formation is absolutely fine now we want Stay back while attacking I don't want To overlap anymore just go mixed and hit Mixed Now I want two players going forwards So Vieira will stay back and cover Center Fernandez were balanced and a Kunu will be balanced And that I want him to stay forward I don't want getting behind because I Want the tactics to do the work I want To stay forward on the three players All right That's interesting Well you you guys are going to see me Play the weirdest game of foot Champs

All right let's let's just see how like We might end up getting absolutely In this game this is going to be so Interesting to see how this team Works Yo gorilla how how you get on with the Game of the this year man I'm Derek Ray your match commentator and Alongside providing all the Tactical and Technical analysis is Stuart Robson What's Spencer's record in Champs guys How many 20 hours is so much content it Is a woman oh All right the new tactic went really Well he went 20 now of course he did Of course he did I thought Paris hitch Was good Smithy thanks for gifting us up Man I thought um I think gakpo is crazy Undervalued Commentator and alongside providing all The damn look at that team man At Robson and it's all about all right Let's try it Oh it's quite a winning what a tactic What a tactic I can't believe it People were like oh we're up against a Pro I'm not dealing with this life Yeah the old gen Graphics is where it Gets let down massively man Oh he's got aloe Iran Nunez and Keane Betty sweater Do I just play the guy I don't know if

You're still here Spence right I just Played a guy that managed to be pressing Me constantly but didn't lose stamina Not really anyway I thought it was outside Um and he kept like just it looked like It was Sprint Boost but it wasn't Sprint Boost And it was just so fast through the Lines And so we built a tactic here but Hopefully kind of emulates what he was Doing yeah basically maybe it's the way People play Maybe It's the good way to Play this game What a stop that is Corner kick played in okay Okay It's gonna be a pen there When I tell you that I press pause there I am not lying And alawaran is a cheat any It's just ridiculous isn't it it's just A joke The shot that was a lovely goal to be Fair This feels more like it yeah this feels Crazy This feels crazy All I did was change those Center mids To get forward and it seems to be just Putting an intense amount of pressure on This guy Laughs look look at the level of stamina


So what it's crazy Let's bring bail on out front I want somebody different in that camera I'll save kiesa for like last 10 minutes Record I don't actually know mate like Six and two or something like that I'm not a file there on vrf no Can he play it in That's a cracking goal all my days Oh my Days And that is again the midfielder getting Forwards See that's where I've got a Sprint with It that's what that guy was doing I'm Pressing the pause button like not under Pressure per se But kind of right Our defense just part my defense just Moved out away for him man and that's my Bad for losing a possession when I got The ball there with uh I don't even know Who it was I should have sprinted with it Or just moved with it Oh managing to beat him let's go Van Percy On my days On my days Oh my days Oh my days Oh my days this is so much better than Those Dead one nil games and two nil Games or just Auto defend men Just Auto defend give me that dub Give me that dub

Hey when I went two no down in that game I thought it was done Ronaldo was set I know Ronaldo scored Two goals but he was selling Now this is how you know that this is a Different tactic for me When do I ever have less possession than My opponent I had six shots and scored Six goals When do I ever have less possession than My opponent and you know why and it's One of the things That is wrong with the game Is that the more possession you have the More chance you have getting counted If you don't score from the attack that You have You're getting counted and so you could Dominate games which in real football Would result in wins more often or not But in FIFA you need the turnover of Possession loads to allow yourself to Get The the counters yeah the cinema center For sentiments are getting forward Was incredibly valuable And here I press pass I tried to pass it To Freddie uh Van Percy whoever that was This game I mean I should have I should Have got a penalty or just gone through With the ball there Is such a cheap goal This guy's called of aloe around look Look at mate just that pace

Just that pace Then we've got another one with Ronaldo Lovely goal this to be fair And then even then like I've messed up There At past that past that pass that's gotta Be a square ball now maybe even first Time Square ball into vampiracy then the goal Or then when I do when I get here the Shot there I got lucky I got lucky really Then the goal of Enzo you just stole the Ball I bet I faked the uh the pass that's a Cracking finish from Fernandez And that is because I had him on get Forward so he's he managed to stay Forwards Because he was on get forwards other if He was on a get forwards he would have Been deeper I never would have won the Ball back there And then this this is a beautiful goal This is Another pass boom I didn't aim it there To be fair I am just a number nine Uh yeah it was just for the guy on the Penalty spot there but it's for some Reason going all the way through to Acuna for the goal Then this guy equalized for the 4-4 Come on defense man there's part for him Then we score with Van Percy

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Lovely part again I didn't name the pass To him Pass it to bail there Which isn't the best part and I wonder If that's what this guy was doing Because look at that that is the the pot The pasta Bell was probably not the best Choice of pass either to be very smart But the past event Percy definitely Isn't a good option because I would Assume they would get intercepted But it didn't And then bail this again oh the Stop and Turn there from bail Fat man Jesus wait that goal had a fake Shot before the goal I think this goal had a fake shot before The goal Look at the way they chop it as well They like cut it into a better shooting Angle This goal Had a had a fake shot before the goal Oh no it was just a step inside This one was the elastic Mad Maybe he read the password I'll try to Accept it and got punished for manually Defending like genuinely yeah Oh hold on hold on ah I'm gonna pause it Straight away I'm gonna set the center Mids to uh I've got to set the sentiments to um get Forward

LOL [Music] That guy's what the hell is this guy's Team Oh hold it And Bella danjuma smaller Venezia's Junior bullet and Ballack Hernandez Militar and really another really Goddamn Oh it's liquid football it is liquid Football This is it's a new wave man It's a new wave I understand the drive now The drive Is because It allows for the extra man like if you Can even just beat the first man with The drive you now have a numerical Advantage going forwards Look at my stamina I did this oh this is Absurd you definitely have to play A really rapid pace of FIFA you can't be Like you can't pass it around you can't Try and take care of the ball or possess The ball because your players just bolt Up the field you like you're just dusted But if it becomes your like if you could Do it without having to think about it It doesn't matter Get like genuinely if if it could just Become your if it could become your Muscle memory You that guy I bet slaps people

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Constantly Well it could be on for him here Oh Robin [Music] Joins I love him he's amazing Cause I'm gonna quitney Of Ronaldo's injured I wonder why he's Playing so bad Who's got the most pace for us Case 93. it's okay to up front He did quite in the end Wait this guy had Vinnie J World Cup smallerick Special Dan Juma balak and hullit inform Dembele Sarah Hernandez I think it was the um 88 Military I wanted the special Miller Towel Obviously the special car value Madness It doesn't matter it doesn't matter it It's uh It doesn't show the um It doesn't show that it shows the bass Version regardless of whether it's a Special version or not Jockey D thanks for the tier one baby Hey that's nice That's just nice in it seven and one What's this guy got 30km 87 rated rice Lane Rovers four two three One two Running With The Ball confidently And so oh I love it I love it

I love it You've seen from them well I think They've been the better side in this First half the defended well they've Looked dangerous in attack and they've Controlled the Midfield it's been a Solid performance so far Oh Um Let me tell you man This not needing to use team press to Team press Is Absurd Sorry for serone Love to see it Oh yeah oh yeah Oh yeah Holy Give me Viera man oh give me Viera van Come on girl Oh Darwin oh beautiful [Music] Hey all right guys That is the victory That is the victory Five nil And this this this setup just feels nice Darvin Nunez came on two goals Moyes King did nothing Korea got a golden to assist kiese with The assistant with the assist Viera and Enzo fernange With a goal captive with the assist

Wait look at that Darvin Nunez came on 45 minutes 8.2 rating War guy Or guy Dominated that game as well what's that Eight and one eight and one Hey saying one oh and so there you have It guys we were two and one after losing The game against custom tactics like That we've got a couple of gifted wins But we finished the night on eight and One in foot Champs and I'm telling you Something man the game is just fun like This yeah I'm gonna get counted a fair Few times and whatnot and we definitely Had to kind of change who we had in the Team and why but my God what a team what A tactic and some lovely gameplay in There if you guys enjoy the content feel Free to drop a thumbs up thanks for Watching and I'll see you next time I'm Out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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