“This Card is So Slept On After His NEW +2 Upgrade!”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


Wait Felipe Anderson's 87 I invested in Him is he up nah he's not up chat well He's up a little bit wait why do you get A plus two I'm so confused man oh it's Inform upgrades oh interesting wait I'm Very very excited about this card to be Honest I think he's gonna be best as a Extra attacker in the center mid he's Got high high work race he's up to 65k He's actually got a really good card so We're gonna try a hunter on him I'm very Very curious to see how he plays Um I think he looks phenomenal uh he's Got gray dribbling uh with the 92 Agility and the 96 balance uh his Strength is pretty good Felipe Anderson Always a good card in FIFA two finesse Shot player outside foot this is one of Those cars that you know could end up Being insane uh so we may keep him as an Investment all year unfortunate Philippe Anderson with the long ball of dreams to Him puppy Felipe on the debut Wow Let's go man honestly so far Felipe Anderson has been really really solid Let's go Felipe Man Felipe Anderson has been so good I gotta green that Felipe Anderson Though has been amazing Well Don Felipe his left stick is so Good as well As the defending that Philip Anderson Can give you

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Let's go Come on man and uh so far Felipe Anderson has just been wow like he's Just been crazy so far I mean passing Lipstick Um attacking AI shooting everything has Been really good with his card uh Felipe Anderson though stole the show today Really really really good Um really really really like him I think He's super solid guys

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About the Author: futhq

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