THIS CARD IS UNREAL!🔥86 Mkhitaryan Showdown Player Review! – FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

THIS CARD IS UNREAL! 🇦🇲 86 Mkhitaryan Showdown Player Review! – FIFA 23 Ultimate Team


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What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 player Review on the channel today we are Taking a look at The Showdown Henry Mctarian of course he can get upgraded By two if inter win the cup game I Believe uh in the middle of the week This upcoming week he's got high low Work crates which is really nice Four-star skill moves five star week for Which of course is really nice and has a Finesse shot tray flare trade and Outside the foot shot trait which is Really nice his in-game stats are Already quite good Um he's well-rounded in almost every Area but excels in almost no areas so uh We're gonna have to see how that feels For him in game which is why I've given Giving him the engine chem Soul a big Boost to agility balance and dribbling Gets him up to 96 dribbling 96 balance Sorry 95 dribbling 96 balance and 93 Agility he's got good stamina the Passing and spec specifically Crossing Boost is going to be nice because we're Going to be trying to cross the ball Into the two Strikers we've got here Today he's shooting from ranges half Decent especially without outside the Foot shot trait and it gives a nice to Acceleration and Sprint speed the team That we're going to be playing him in no Guys is going to be this team right here

We're going to have divock origi Showdown up front and we have done a Player review on him as well on the Channel I'll leave a little link Up on the screen here somewhere so you Guys can go and check that out as well And hopefully we're gonna get some Crosses from mctarian in to our EG and We've also got quagler guys up front Alongside him with kiese in a cam tanali And Amber in a DM with goosen's bastony Posh and tuljan across the backline and Milinkovich Savage in goal the team is Gonna line up as you see it here we've Gone for a full Syria team a four Triple Two uh we're not going to change Formation it is going to line up just Like that but the tactics that we've got Guys is going to be a four Triple Two as I said balance in defensive style 40 40 Width and depth fast build up with Balance chance creation 70 width for the Team six players in box three on corners And three kicks and for the player Instructions toljan and gossens are set To stay back while attacking otherwise The two center-backs don't change Tenalia said to stay back while Attacking the cover center with Amber Adjust cover Center mktarian and kiessa Are both on default with quaglerella and Rigi stay forward and getting behind Let's get into some games and see how They play alright our first opponent has


Got the pelones Badge pretty cool batch He's got Alison Van Dyke Hernandez Canate foreign Actually straight away I can feel How he is I should have tried to pass in one more There but literally Terry's certainly Like felt agile on the ball there Brilliant one two And three Oh I've missed my chance No I haven't oh it's Victorian it's Beautiful it's beautiful from henrikh Mkhitaryan The assist from devotch origi But Henrik did all of the work there Second half I think what I don't like About mctarian is Where I'm playing him Not overly keen on having him so uh So far out here He feels so nice though Oh he feels so nice what a goal that is Mkhtarian just feels unbelievable oh Here we go I want to test this out I want to test this out bags it But greedy goes I have no uh Man he genuinely feels rapid An's just I know I missed that shot Mctarian just feels So so so much cleaner all right opponent Number two for today


Checking goal van dijk again That's a pretty interesting team that Tyrion damn that's green as well that's Pretty surprising I thought that would Have been a lot better Mctarian that's hit the post again That was so nice from him as well though Nice yes let's go 12 minutes to go The origi goal the mactarian assist Gotta do better I've got to do better This is it This is it oh what attack are well you Meek penalties penalties Oh Rig You know what we do you know what we do Oh You love it you love it He's going Keepers Keepers right this Side over you go lad um thanks very much Hey Maria Doesn't miss those Bash Gotta keep us right again Cheers Cheers Easy all right [Music] Save I've saved four out of four I'll Say four out of four let's go baby I've Only played two games so far haven't I Yeah two games I need to change tactics Though these tactics have got a taxes Have gotta go Um Yeah we've got to change these tactics

Right Because the four two three one changed The game for me there Uh where are we Four two three one not that one this one And then we've got key Acer out wides Regular out wide material inside Stay back stay back Stay back cover Center stay back cover Center He's default stay Central getting behind Stay forward there we go the next Opponent Road to Glory ironically Quite a nice team he's got some really Average players in there then some he's Got a Bundesliga team but You know Is this guy even playing or Is he like is he hello Good finish from mictarian Victorian no I've called Greenhouse Oh Henrik oh there's no ways keeper save That Six Mctarian a hole If I green it goes Up Venturing forward mkhitaryan Oh chipped him All right guys so we finished off the Games of Henry mctarian and he got three Goals and one assist for us the first Game and a half we had him at right cam Or right attacking mid in the four


Triple Two I wasn't enjoying the team at All very much so I switched into the Four two three one of with him a central Cam and although his goal contributions Declined after that it was still good I Think I hit the post and bar with him Like three times what I like about him a Lot his work rates his week for and the Way he feels on the ball so even though He wasn't getting involved in the goal Scoring actions He was still just awesome in that camera With the last game I played he was a Little bit absent I didn't really see Him very much I don't remember him Having the ball very much but if he gets The plus two because he's already so Well-rounded that plus two across the Board will make him insane and for me Personally guys he is absolutely well Worth it and that's going to be the end Of the video for today if you did enjoy It be sure to leave a like rate and Comment subscribe to my channel if you Haven't already and for now guys I'm out Peace

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