This is actually UNREAL from EA!

This is actually UNREAL from EA!

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m it it is a Saturday and Typically we get absolutely nothing and So we're gonna open a FIFA Point pack Which you shouldn't do with FIFA points Because this was a waste of money of Course instead You should do you want to be able to Afford to complete new sbcs and test out New players if so visit U7 by to buy Your foot 23 coins they are cheap fast And reliable and make sure to use my Code nip at checkout for six percent off And so with that guys with that let's See what we've got today I don't think We're gonna get much typically Saturdays Even Premier League team of the season Saturdays have been pretty awful There is nothing new In objectives Nothing new in Milestones nothing new in The store Kai Havert flashback flashing back to That time where he used to be good at a Different Club daily bronze upgrade is Back the team of the season daily login Is back make sure you do that if you Forget it you will regret it And you don't want to do that right so Get it done get it done Um And then what else have we got today Anything fun

Oh team of the season challenge for the XP challenge Daily silver upgrades Lovely EA just be giving us stuff I love that I Love that because the daily gold the Daily bronze upgrade Is legit and gives you so many Um There is gives you so many uh bronzes For three Three Silvers for 24 Silvers super per Minute It's actually superb You just don't mind that at all it again It sucks there's only three per day And what I would advise heavily advise Guys is to save these packs don't open Them yet when the efl tots comes I assure you there will be a lot of them That are bronzes and Silvers as base Cards that will come out in these packs And you will definitely definitely be Very grateful That you kept hold of Um these packs for then so we need a Raid Squad four leagues Max same country Or region minimum three players from one Club maximum four rare players won 80 Rated 27 Emma Street since we're getting Some Premier League players back We'll go and use some Premier League Players in here so it's an 80 rated Squad


We need three is it three from one Nation Let's go for three English players Job done Um we are gonna have to put an 81 in Here which we'll do here We won't do that on that I don't know how many chemistry it was But Probably gonna be all right with that Already Lucas Mora Or Isaac martial can go in there We go job done job done all right So we get the XP for that We get an eight Premier League players Pack for that but of course it's only The three rare five common and then Kai Have Earth's guys so four star four star Six foot two and play cam standard Fordham strike which is really nice very Good Pace very good dribbling very good Passing good physicals like generally Quite good but the aggression is a Little low and the shooting is quite Nice as well Finesse shot outside the foot shot flare Shot that's right Two segments Because it's a 92 rare card and it's That good from the Premier League This is going to be like an 87 and an 88 Isn't it this is going to be wild An 86 and an 88

I I actually think that's kind of all Right you know I think that's kind of All right Yeah it's a better car than ergod I do like I think that's all right I I don't think That's too overpriced given the fact is Primarily lock said I thought it was Going to be an 80 uh An 87 and an 88 and it's an 86 and an 88 We've got a man of the matches in packs Yeah Let's find out I'm well I was going to Take kaisado I'm going to take 15 83 Plus player pack let's go Let's go and then in milestones We haven't got the next completionist Until all two more days for the Bundesliga pack but obviously nobody Cares about that so let's go and open Some packs real quick guys apparently There's a man of the matches impacts What have we got was our Premier League Yeah let's do the 50-day forecast A a team of the season no I might be man Of the matching here actually Oh wow all right I'm upset What a waste I should have taken quite Say though Eight Premier League players pack No team of the season Goddamn Did I get another was oh there was a Silver pack

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Yeah don't open the silver pack just yet Let's go and have a look at the new man Of the match cards And uh In general Ryan Lindelof starmanner that's 93 bends Damn that's a lot of players to be fair We've got Matt Ryan already 11k 73 reactions no one cares Jansen That's an all right upgrade didn't it Great physicals good good that's Actually a legit car to be fair I want the chem styles for them though There we go all right proper Hunter on This Batman That's an all right Striker Man Three Star four star for the Belgian League Um For the Belgian League That's all right great shooting great Pace good dribbling great physicals yeah You don't mind it's not not the best in The world obviously This guy no one cares about he'll be Discard this guy With discard but it's a bronze so we'll Come out those bronze big packs yeah oh Yeah This guy is a silver 65 reactions no one cares Danny olomo already 30k how about that Compared to his inform mate this is what

Like annoys me right this man of the Match Danny olmo Is as good as like the team of the Season Arsenal players I like Wrong in it it's just wrong But he's this is a pretty good card to Be fair as well It's a pretty good card four star Four-star I'll put that on this bad man yeah 95 Rated cam His work rates are bad medium high yeah Yeah I suppose Riyad mahrez 89 rated He's already got an 89 rated card Five star four-star steel if you pack This card it's gonna be all right it's Only 50k but it's gonna be decent to use We've got Barella of course already has The 92 rate of cards Is way better than this card so but if You pack the Barella happy days we've Got Gatti With a shadow Is bang average We've got closet he's a star man is is Our logic 11k already Again reasonable reasonable card with a Hawk a 93 range Striker only three star Four-star but Reasonable card we've got Victor Lindelof also the uh The uh star man 21 Pace man he's got bigger boost again


Than like zinchenko in that I'll put Shadow on him not bad to be Fair again four star week for six foot Two dribbling is really nice other than Agility and balance physical is good Defending is really good Pace goods are Things good as well Um he's got a triple stat as well those 80s We've got Karen Benjamin 93. All-Star 4 star outside the foot finesse And team player trait Up an engine on this bad man Yes please Again it's like obviously he's got Better card in the game already but Don't mind it another Raphael Leo also Has a better card in the game already Out Probably have to go with an engine on Him as well as get our jelly balance and Dribbling up but that's not a bad card Either to be fair and then King quiet Baby quite have hurts It's coming in at 241 000 coins Compared to his 88 Acceleration 10 agility and eight Balance three stem All-Star this is a nice card man I think we go Maestro on him I I actually think that's good I think He would probably be more than out on The market I actually think that's good

Really really good dribbling good Pace Really good shooting really good pausing And really good physical That is a Quality quality cards Um And uh yeah this upvoted of course this Upvoted of course this only 50 50 on the Vote which is quite surprising but there You go guys that's the content for today Let me know what you think if you Enjoyed it be sure to liberating comment Subscribe to my channel if you haven't Already and for now guys I'm out peace

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