“This is an SBC You Can NOT Miss Out On!”

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This bonucci car looks crazy medium-high 84 Pace 92 defending 87 physical Four-star replay is really nice the Composure is 95. the defensive awareness Is 93 Um and the strength is all the way up There at 90. so this is a really really Really nice card what are the traits Solid player power header long passer That's always nice this should be a Really good card his pay split is really Good maybe a little bit slightly keolini And the Venera Vibes but that card was Insane that card also had like 90 Pace But yeah he's got the metal work rates At medium high and he's six foot three Or four star weak foot so probably like 200k 80 46 that's it so this card is Actually cheaper uh than the uh that's So cheap how expensive is this card 150k It's got 95 Up full by the way this is The FIFA of UVA if you are a fan of UVA The the sbc's EA has been dropping That's a sensational card for that price That's an unreal SBC Um GG to EA that's really really nice Two tradable packs in there as well wait I'm trying to think about bonucci right Because do I use anybody in my team from UVA do we want to complete banuchi all Right let me see my team so all right so If we did bonuci right chemistry is Going to be a problem Um I I'd like to not use zambrata but I

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Guess I could use him hypothetically I Don't have Sandro Um I do have rabiot so I could use Rabiot right and I don't love quadrado But I also could use quadrado yeah this Feels like one of those sbcs that's like You don't want to miss out on I don't Know he just looks really good like his Defensive stats are really good and with A shadow I mean I feel like his pace is Sick so this definitely feels like one Of those spcs you want to do Um even if you have a lot of center Backs Right medium-high four star weak foot Like 93 defensive awareness 90 strength 91 aggression really the only flaw I can See is like maybe you could argue nah Not really man like maybe the stamina But I feel like 78 is fine he does look Really good

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About the Author: futhq

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