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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome to team two of the trophy Titans That is right they are here there are Some nice big players for us to get this Time around and hopefully some nice Packs for us to waste our money on to oh The spring tryout pack contains 1080 Plus rare goal players with one Guarantee to be 85 overall higher into Addition to four trophy Titan icon lone Picks between two players and one hero Long pick between two players Well let's get that then do you want to Be able to afford to complete new sbcs And test out new players if so visit U7 By to buy your foot 23 coins they are Cheap fast and reliable and make sure to Use my code nip at checkout for six Percent off and here we go Here we go what do we gain remember Everyone packed Philip llama out of this Last week didn't they that's why there's About seven billion of him on the market We get curly Bali and Hernandez Is our first pick What Is this supposed to be team two players I mean I'll take another seven games on Z Zoo Is this not supposed to be team two it Just says any trophy to Oh my days I'm Gonna take 97 to Dan into a full weekend League here let's go Oh my days give me Sudan infinite

Zidance Let's go And I'll take Lucio as well Have you ever seen anything like that Okay give me another one of those packs Please here I could get up to 100 games On today I gave us a super loan come on Let's go All right let's have a look at whatever Else we've got here today Put him into the nanny SVC Stop it Alright objectives what I could have got Today Oh we've got the trophy Titans cup Oh this game this game is so laggy 585 Plus mate I'm I'm pressing buttons and It's not doing anything Play a match for a player pick Oh it's bad What is happening Frank Lampard trophy Titans this time Around Um How good is a three-star Four Star Passing's nice shooting's really nice Physical is good driven is okay It's not bad again right if you're brand New to FIFA or whatever if you're just Like a casual the fact that you're able To get a 93 berkamp and a 93 Lampard in Objectives to put into your team is just Wild It's just wild do we get like loads of

Lampards along the way as well An 81 double And 80 plus five an 84 rare 90 oh this One's trophy Titans as well Oh that's quite interesting Because berkamps was just his like Regular card wasn't it and an 81 by 11 Yeah fair enough I bet You regret doing berkamp if you did Burkham because you can do these both Together now aren't you Oh you wait you can't do them together Always one score Bells Oh yeah Rivals are for champions Min six English players is it mean six Large players God damn it they do that on purpose Don't they man they do that on purpose And it bothers me Just make it five you kids Why are you gonna genuinely like ruin People's days man right I can't get the Objectives up right now sir It's bugging out right what sbcs have we Got a new icon today perhaps No new icon today What have we got in live oh wow Claudio marchesio That's quite mad in it oh the um Celebration kit Gila will be happy Claudio marquisio loan The fact they've made this card on SBC Is genuinely wild four star four-star or

High high work rates flare trait And you well we know how he plays in Game don't we we know how he plays In-game Eight segments is wild to be fair how Long is it there for 90 days that's all Right An 83 an 85 an 85 and 86 an 87 and 88. 288 and an 89 I'm not saying that's like Cheap or anything it's expensive but It's probably gonna be worth it Um He just plays different in game don't he And the fact that it said 90 days I Guarantee you that when team of the Season starts probably next week An 89 rated Squad is going to become Like 100k Right and this this SBC is going to at Least halve in price Um Which is cool we've also got the 90 plus Prime Team of the Year or for birthday Icon upgrade back which will be opening On Twitch uh if people have got those Packs to open I would love to open those For sure Yeah when the eight five by ten comes Out and stuff like that this is going to Be like Easy Street to uh To do that yeah I know the daily Dip set I can't I can't do anything with Anything on objectives it's not um It won't let me go onto it I'll try

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Again in a second And then we'll have a look at the um The team too oh walk out let's go Actually gonna be Oh never mind Oh double walk out let's go Um All right Let's go Let's go and have a look at the daily Dip And have a look at the uh The trophy Titan that is definitely not Fixed It's nice it's 100 not fixed I can't I can't move Needs a game restart what we should be Able to do Is have a look On putting off at GG as foot GG got The new stuff or is it for being that we Have to use Um Objectives So I've got trophy Titans A1 Was for the player pick A4 for an 83 Double upgrade play 8 for 284s win two For an A3 double upgrade win four for Three eighty fours win six for two Eighty fours win eight for three eight Fours win 10 for 584s and then the daily Dip jump into the action with a daily Dip objective this objective can be Repeated once every 24 hours until April

23rd A 75 plus rare gold players pack A3 for some XP Score five goals in score battles rivals Or champs for an 81 double Win a match for 11 Gold players pack It's like Is there coin boost as well in that is There Let me restart FIFA I want to look at it properly I want to look at it properly Because I I genuinely uh Love EA doing things like this I really do I think you have they're Starting to gear a lot more towards Towards playing the game casually to get Rewards and I think that's a positive Thing Um But let's have a look If it lags out here we're going to the Web app yeah we'll be doing share plates For the icon SBC guys if you've got if You've got them All right trophy tires so play one for a Player pick 4 for the A3 double yeah so that's all The same that's again this is really Cool Um and then the daily dip here we go so 75 plus rare gold players pack Why'd you say players pack instead of Player pack

So you get coin booster 500 coins for Five matches And some XP An 81 double and an 11 Gold players pack I guess there's maybe one rare or no Rares Here's the thing The Like don't get me wrong I like this and This is the first time that they've ever Done repeatable timed objectives Right Um Which is decent I just think that this should be Repeatable More than once per 24 hours and should Be something like 10 or 20 times per 24 Hours 11 players training today SBC Yeah and it's nice and it's not like Game breaking or anything but yeah I Think this should be repeatable more Than one but I will say this for EA and Especially as I know I do know some of The guys that work at EA watch the Videos We we love this And this is great for just playing the Game and I appreciate that way more than Anything else Um But this would be way better if it is Either repeatable infinitely repeatable

Just more or repeatable infinitely but Maybe offered a little bit less so maybe Like the coin boost the 81 double and Then like maybe An 82 double and just repeat that Because it's like scoring five goals Winning a game playing three matches in Champs rivals or Squad battles just Brilliant is genuinely just brilliant It's not seven no I know it's not 75 Rare gold players it's a 75 plus rare Goal player players pack but here's what That's what make is weird so somebody Could probably get a game one and score Five goals in the time it takes me to do This video Is it just one player because the way it Reads it says 175 plus rare gold players Pack Not rare gold player pack So I don't know Um If it's uh A pack of like more than one player or Just One player you know what I mean that's That's basically I'm getting at and if It's more than one player even better Still even better still All right new players guys We have got Let's let's do the heroes first Jersey Dudek already 50k brilliant Three star Wii for 84 reactions quality


Keeper to be fair Even that glove chem style Happy Days Quality keeper you don't mind it Um Polygon of social I what the hell Man I'll tell you what man we're getting to That point where everyone can build A pretty intense like meta team Strix missing a little bit here or there For so cheap This card for 53k with five star Four-star Perfect Chemistry gives good Premier League links it's that's a wild Price We've got marquisio's sbczio and play Sentiment CDM and left mids Four star four-star Some people in the Stream seem to not Like this one I think this is a banging Card man he just plays different in game He's just one of those guys this is an SBC it's just legit Maybe I'll go with an engine maybe I'll Go with a shadow Maybe I'll go over an anchor as well Boost that yeah that's a nice card man That's a nice card Um Trophy Titans Joe Cole Already only 100k Right mid left wing right wing cam Nah that's a crazy card four star four

Star I get it outside the foot short Trade flare trait really nice stats for 100k Diego Forlan a million coins four star Four star why is he so much more Expensive I don't understand Hey even this one here is 264k still Fair enough I mean this is a good card as well I Would give this an engine too to be fair His shooting is already so nice the Engine UPS is dribbling superbly great Passing good physicals great Pace four Star four-star doesn't have any traits But that is a cool card man there's a Cool card Um then we've got the icons Let's go up to Viera wall so we've got Franklin pods okay we don't care about Franklin we've got Michael Owens 88 Rated card Three star four star and this will be Yeah this is like Fernando Torres part Two isn't it however that being said a Finisher on this card and it's still a Bit of a card man again like if you're Quite new to the game you can go and get Bert Camp you can go and get Lampard you Can go and get this Owen for 28k like It's it's all right man I really just Don't mind it at all marquiso is 300K More than his eight yeah that's what I'm Saying like marquisio hits different in Game right

And the tradable World Cup card is a Million coins and people love it Whereas the SBC is 1.3 million coins and It's there for 90 days So much time like this SBC will be half A million coins during team of the Season 100 Kenny dog leash baby cards four star Five star Upper finisher on that bad boy as well Yes please And I'm telling you forever for some Objective grinding and half a million Coins you can build an insane Arsenal uh Arsenal team icon team This Lampard as well I think is a bit Like meh whatever it's it's good for Fodder it's good for marquisio SPC in it Javi's baby card as well All-Star three Star dribbling insane passing insane Depending on where you want to play him A dead eye could be sick a hunter could Be sick Yeah that's a legit card three star weak Foot is pain I get it But that's a legit card for again 50k Now it's probably gonna be like 30k soon We've got a lot Long blog can play Center-back CDM Center mid and cam That's pretty wild I mean I think you're gonna play let's send it Back on you pop a shadow on him great Physicals insane defending good Pace

Good passing very good dribbling Six foot four give me some of that and Then Patrick Vieira what's this compared To his uh oh you can't even compare it To his other one I want to compare it to his um World Cup Card that was in a was in uh Was the World Cup 190 One more Pace three more passing three More physical four more defending four Star week for three more dribbling and Four more shoes that's wild that's wild In it Three star four star on this card Is unbelievable Hey that's an unbelievable card in it Yeah World Cup three three as well this One's got four star wifa that's an Unbelievable card fair play Um And then we've got Then we've got The 94 Lampard and the 93 Lampard dog Leash Owen Gerard Ambastian Javi barasi and Ronaldo oh man This team is nice so this is the 93 Lampard that's the objective one can Play sentiment CDM and cam three star Four star I don't mind this card Honestly I think There's a cam you know like as a center Mid if you play four one two one two or Four four two

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I think this card has It is is good Um As an objective card as well do you know What I mean it's like I think we've got To take that into consideration He's got some really the pace is okay Agility and balance is the only problem In my opinion and the three-star skill Moves but for an objective card I think That's really good And then the 94 version is four star Four Star With five more agility and balance Loads more physicals Now this is a saw card where you bang The engine on and that's that's a Banging card I like that He's quite expensive as well we've got King Kenny man 94 rated five star oh my Daisy five star five star Are you kidding me Oh that's an unbelievable car doesn't it That's an unbelievable card 11 Gold players pack is one rare superb Michael Owen they've made him five star Force do you know what he deserves five Star week for more than he deserves five Star skill moves but five star Four Star On this Michael Owen is serious Oh that is that is an immense card Michael Owens finally been made usable In FIFA fair play EA ggs Steve Gerard

With five star week for Shooting is great passing is great Physical is great Give him a shadow playing the center Mids brilliant I like that card as well that's a good Cards Marco van basten three star five star Four star five star would have been Better they've given him a really nice Pace upgrade A really nice balance upgrade as well Yeah this car is legit as well Give him an engine that is a wild card Three sauce gummies is a bit sucky but Otherwise it has a wild card what Trace Has he got An S shot trait as well This better be five star five so I don't Even care four four you drunk Man this card is ridiculous in it Passing insane dribbling insane Interceptions at 92 Pace good Shooting Goods Would you point him an engine Unbelievable It's 1.3 million to be fair for AC 95 Apparently doesn't exist 600k two star three star sucks Probably keep him lengthy and put an Anchor on him dribbling's real nice Passing's real nice defending's Brilliant physicals brilliant pace is Very good if you're desperate for the

Pace you go Shadow uncontrolled but I'd Probably go anchor to keep him lengthy Especially if you're on New Gen And then the big one guys is Ronaldo Oh my days A five balance upgrade and 27 aggression Upgrades Five star five star Oh if that isn't the card of Dreams man High medium work race as well oh yeah Finesse shot as well oh man that is the Card isn't it Yeah one million to 19 million price Ranges one of the first we've seen a few That go over the 15 million Mark before But That's amazing So we've got marquisio it's now voted But I I personally think it's all right And then the objectives as well I think The objectives are brilliant ggs man I Mean I I'll say this right Everything that EA have done with icons This year has been superb Um Everything that he have done with icons This year has been superb and trophy Titans in my personal opinion is one of The best promos I've had this year uh That's gonna be the end of the video for Today thank you guys for watching I'll See you next time I'm out peace

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