“This is Why Everyone Should ALWAYS Do This Pack!”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


Foreign Bro what what pack is that man That's such an interesting one like do You sell him right now well he's this Rare probably right dude he's one seven You gotta try to sell I feel like dude Those electron packs actually hit Different it's crazy bro my chat said They don't like this promo I feel like These cards I mean I guess the issue is Like if you haven't boppy all the way Around some of these cards won't replace And also the upgrades come like very Late in the year but I think some of These cards look good more than Future Stars bro For Mino [Music] Damn man is this one the chateau's the No upgrade spam What Is that like a mega pack and we had Goretzk out of one of these too man do Your Marquee matchups huh dude I'm weird Man I'd rather have wild card crews in My team than motherish I'm weird you Can't trust me what No way ah yeah go away go away EA Go away We don't know you EA we don't know you Man get out of here to be fair though to Be fair the other one is tradable this One could be untradable no this one is Also tradable and it's the same exact

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Pack what am I seeing EA it's the same Pack same pack type we see you EA we see You yeah Lucas is how much 300 he had Three shadows is he 400 flipping says 300 did he just go up 100K oh my God It's all bro how many times is he gonna Get Lucas Imagine it was the same one Is this game alive I don't know man most People just say it's dead every day but They still play so whatever that means It depends man it depends if they Release the cup or not dude if the cup Is out it's alive And we got the cup man let's go I know that's what I'm saying no it's Out and now it's out so yes right now It's alive Let's go sociedad I need my five star five star fada

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About the Author: futhq

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