Trophy Titans FUT Champs w/ 97 Ronaldo & 94 Gerrard


Yo guys what is going on welcome back to Another video on the channel so guys I Was gonna try Gerard and Owen and then I Just did the loan uh from some objective I don't even remember what it was from But yeah I just got lone R9 which is Crazy because this is arguably the best Player in the game and we can use them In all the cups that allow loans and so Yeah seven matches with him he's uh I Think he's 19 million coins or 15 mil I Don't know but we're gonna try them out Today uh we're nine and one in foot Champs we had a great video uh earlier And uh yeah five star five star 99 Finishing I'm actually looking at this Card and I'm like wow I think a basic is Perfect he has 90 balance though just Crazy for an R9 version Um crazy crazy crazy Pace crazy shooting Everything is so perfect when I play Four three two one I'm gonna play him in The middle Um and then we've got Stevie G who I Picked up he's only 385k like what five Star weak foot High medium but uh yeah look at this Card man 99 long shots we've got to hit A Powershell hopefully with Stevie G 96 Short passing 98 long passing 88 Dribbling 85 strength Um 92 stamina so he looks out of this World good he's got good aggression too His defending is good we picked him up

With a shadow we're gonna keep the Shadow he's got all 80 stats 82 Pace 80 Defending 87 physical looks so good We've got Blanc returning uh it's gonna Be a great review it's gonna be a great Review uh four three two one guys we Have R9 up top with diabi and Dino we Got R9 and Dino in the same team that's So sick then we got Viera and uh Stevie G with and kunku in the Midfield I Almost want to bench The Abbey and maybe Like put in gerzino to use uh with you Know a a full front three of uh Brazil But honestly man I don't know man Because I feel like diabe's been cooking Man so I don't want to take him out of The team uh so I think like Dino Dino And R9 hopefully is enough for you guys And uh we're gonna search for some games Guys and let's jump into it Oh oh baby Hull it I you know what he's Got R9 as well and I think that's also In kunku uh Oh he's doing the radish jungle too I'm So bad against uh baby Hood I don't know What it is with baby hold it I always Play terribly against him He already did the ratty skill move to Start so All right All right well that's the first match I guess the R9 effect is real geez man Holy [ __ ] That might be the best team I've ever

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Played in FIFA Oh my God I don't know if I'm ready for This game here we go that's gonna be a Tough one man he's got hullit and Yaya I've just went out for lunch as well so I'm not as warm as I was earlier See how we do here again we're just Gonna play Simple Obviously now we've got R9 in the team So Hopefully this guy's just paid a win and It isn't like a pro Because I don't know if I'm at like a Crazy high level right now Blanc let's go man Block Is going crazy man It's the most R9 genola Nice safe that was not a dessert penalty Not play my best so far guys gotta pick It up here What Nah man what did I just watch bro oh I Made an extra pass there bro and Don Aruma has just done that gotta figure Out how to activate like my super Cracked level of FIFA I don't feel crazy Cracked right now Blanc is literally the goat man he's so Good Juan Viera come on VR Oh he missed a green too this guy is Decent but he's kind of just paid a win Doesn't really do anything that crazy I

Concede a lot on the 48th minute I'm Praying that I don't this game Always the 49th 48th minute I concede so Yeah It's the problem with FIFA I feel like Is like you have to be so warmed up and Cracked to be getting the wins at the Tough teams because like this guy's a Good team and I'm just not playing that Well I did miss a like a really easy Chance or two but it's crazy like the Margins you know I just read time that guys I'm so clear Of this guy I'm just not warm this is so Sad Had so many good chances dude it's Offside too Oh I almost want to cry man I choked the red time finish Viera Mr Green I don't know man I can see it in the 48th every game it's Just chalked bro R9 misses out on a green bro Thank you we gotta get warmed up here Man we just got a gift Oh my goodness kick off after kickoff For him bro Look at the kickoffs man Oh my God the kickoff dude Oh my God how is everyone missing greens Bro oh this is exhausting bro I missed Three Greens on net bro and R9 his R9 is Clear of mine please be offside

The ball I choked I choked man I'm choking this Game oh it choked so bad bro Do that come on Dudek Clutch That is just crazy from R9 man we gotta Get warmed up here very very close to Raging very close to raging there badly Dude Blanc is actually the goat All right guys Not a pretty game sometimes this is not Pretty we're not really that warmed up Honestly we pulled out the win it was Tough we had a couple greens that didn't Go I was losing my head but we got to Win sometimes when you play these God Squads it's just hard to win And that was one of those games he was Not very good but we got it done that's Probably the best team I played all FIFA R9 is mad though Anderson Hummels and Lucio Cole is very Good smaller wreck and gavi interesting That he has Gavi at left wing he's Probably swapping in game to like a 442 Right Bro this run down the line meta is Exhausting how people just run to that 60 yard box and then cut back Oh okay I guess we're not doing driven Passes with Blanc Lovely from R9 Lovely from R9 lovely Every time I green a shot with R9


Everybody leaves Crazy but we'll take it what's our Record so they fixed the record counter Now which is really nice so now we're 12 And one we're getting the games done man Let's go we lost our first game so we Were 0-1 and now we're 12 and one very Nice all right let's see what his team Is saying See what he's got We gotta fight back We gotta fight back with those crazy Players too Oh my God R9 That wasn't even that good of a shot and He just banged it bro What a card Blanc so good Come on take that hopefully it's a race Quick because playing fight back is no Fun he's not even a good player man That's a thing like if you can't even Defend and fight back with those players Come on pizza man that's his name pizza Man come on pizza man what are you doing Bro all right 13-1 very very very uh Quick right now Unfortunately I gotta keep r9's last Game because we need to use him for Friendlies Definitely just risk it we'll play a PC Game hopefully it's not a hacker I just I would feel like the gameplay is so Weird in these ones we'll try it out

Though it's on aruma Blanc Hakimi holy That's a crazy team this is going to be A tough one man What I don't know how this has been saved Oh Donna Ruma is killing me man Killing me don't aruma gotta get that Early goal man Come on man these teams your cards are So broken Somebody's Second Chances because of These cards this guy just tries to go Out wide and then Cuts back inside and Does Had a goal already man Take that one Dino Take that one you know when you see the Green with Dino you got a really good Chance so nice finish Oh my God R9 that was crazy Let's go with the Avi come on what a Finish Love that five-star week for from Stevie G All right that's fine from Stevie G I got anything going on there Look at the minute guys 48.49 I concede In that minute so often always that Minute huh Oh he was just falling over because I Actually beat him with the ball rolls uh Fake This has to be a PC game right I think It is gameplay feels so weird

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This always happens on PC man It feels so weird man when I play PC Players I don't know what it is man Look at the touch bro it's like just so Odd man Everything is so like weird I've not played well the last two Matches that's how that's what we're Dealing with here Oh Nine the ball roll driven what a finish Man That's a joke of a goal Oh I've skipped his team I didn't even See his team but yeah it looks crazy Aloeiron and Bape Trezino Zidane I'm convinced that this guy sucks He just has a crazy team I don't really Understand the way he's playing so let's Try to knock and Seed first he plays so Weird I don't understand this play style Come on Dino let's go man Hell yeah All right he left that was super weird Game I mean he had a crazy team but he Just was terrible that was a weird game That was a really weird game all right Boys so we've got it back up to 15-1 I Kind of want to finish because I'm Playing like okay but I don't even feel Like I'm playing that well and we're Winning so I'm just gonna take a break

And play the rest tomorrow with a Different team R9 was absolutely insane Like the dribbling this card has he's Probably the best card in the game he's So fast now he's so agile Um there is an insane amount to like About this card it might be one of the Best R9 verses I've ever tried he Actually does not feel clunky at one bit Movement was crazy it was honestly crazy Having him and Dino on the same team Um and Stevie G was pretty good like I Thought his defending was pretty Impressive and the five-star weekend Passing is awesome he was just Absolutely diming passes everywhere so It was a really fun team to use and Thanks for watching today guys I Appreciate it peace

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About the Author: futhq

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