“Umm EA?! Even This Compensation Pack is a SCAM!”

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My community team of the season pack Here we go No man why are these impacts Oh my goodness dude what an L for EA This is not a team of the season bro It's not a team of the season it's a Scam because when I go into spgs and put In one team of the season it doesn't Count the next day did you get a Moment's car from the guarantee Yesterday uh Why do I feel like I packed team of the Season to Haya I don't really remember Bro I don't know who I packed it was it Wasn't good it wasn't good oh so I'm Getting compensated What do you mean let me check their Twitter Community team of season upgrade SPC has been updated to reflect the Inclusion of community team season Player moments items wait wait has been Updated To sh oh my God these rats so they just Updated the SPC now 13 hours ago that Says you can also get those players Players who completed this SBC and Received a team of the seasons moments Player item prior to this update we'll Receive a community team of the season Player item in the in the coming days Wait players who completed this SBC and Received a team of season moments player Item prior to this update we'll receive A bro this is the thing I don't

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Understand about EA did EA graduate like High School With all due respect to anyone in Vancouver who's watching this stream Right now did you guys graduate from High school do you understand statistics Basically like if you have a group of Players in a pack just because some People didn't pack that player do you Not understand that statistically your Odds were to manipulate it because there Were players that shouldn't be in the Pack Are these guys morons or I was like I Don't understand do they do they know Anything about like any of this They're just dumb dude like if you pack Team of season Morata it doesn't matter Because your odds were different because There was moments in the pack just dumb Man they should just honestly just give Everybody a free pack thoughts chat Realistically like they should just give Everybody a free pack I feel like it's So annoying though because oh my God What if a moments gonna be from the Prem I honestly I can see EA given like Declan rice a little bro theme of the Season just for the of it and the Hey uh little bro just throw them in Packs or we pack some God No I I wonder I wonder if like they Actually can't code to give everybody a

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Pack back I don't know we're not gonna Get a new pack as they say team season Player item if they give a new pack you Can get moments again

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