Unveiling 86+ Base, Triple Threat, and UEFA Hero Picks in FC24 Road To Glory!

Are you eager to uncover the ultimate players who can power up your team in FC24 Road To Glory? Look no further, as we bring you an exclusive guide to the most dominant football stars in the game. Brace yourself as we unveil over 86+ Base, Triple Threat, and UEFA Hero Picks that will elevate your gameplay to new heights. Get ready to witness the ultimate thrill of assembling a winning team and achieving glory with these remarkable players at your disposal. So, gear up and be prepared to dominate the field like never before! It’s time to conquer FC24 Road To Glory with your arsenal of unstoppable football legends.

Unveiling 86+ Base, Triple Threat, and UEFA Hero Picks in FC24 Road To Glory!



Are you excited about opening packs and building your dream team in FIFA Ultimate Team? Are you ready to discover the best players and strategies to dominate your opponents? Look no further! In this article, we will dive into the gameplay and experiences of NepentheZ 2 in his FC24 Road to Glory series as he unveils the 86+ Base, Triple Threat, and UEFA Hero picks. Join us as we explore the thrill of acquiring new Arsenal or Arsenal Heroes players, upgrading evos, making team selections, and what it takes to achieve victory in competitive matches.

  1. Opening Both 86+ Base, Triple Threat, or UEFA Hero Picks:

In his latest video, NepentheZ 2 gives us a glimpse into his exhilarating journey of opening packs to acquire both 86+ Base, Triple Threat, and UEFA Hero picks. Witness the anticipation as he rips open these packs, hoping for top-rated players or elusive heroes to enhance his squad. Step into his shoes, feel the excitement, and brace yourself for the surprises that lie within.

  1. Building and Opening Packs to Get New Arsenal or Arsenal Heroes Players:

As an Arsenal fan, NepentheZ 2 excitedly focuses on obtaining new Arsenal or Arsenal Heroes players to strengthen his squad. Marvel at the talent he acquires as he opens pack after pack, meticulously building a team that represents his favorite club. Join him in his quest to assemble the ultimate Arsenal dream team.

  1. Grinding Rivals to Upgrade Evos and Make Changes to the Team:
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To improve his squad’s overall performance, NepentheZ 2 takes advantage of the Rivals game mode. Watch as he grinds matches, accumulating the necessary points to upgrade evos, implement changes, and unlock new opportunities for his team. Get inspired to take on the challenges and push your own team to new heights.

  1. Choosing Between Different Players Based on Stats and Abilities:

In FC24 Road to Glory, player selection is crucial. NepentheZ 2 meticulously studies the statistics and abilities of various players before deciding who to include in his team. Follow his thought process as he weighs the pros and cons, ultimately making decisions that can make or break games. Learn from his expertise and develop your own criteria for selecting players who suit your playstyle and tactics.

  1. Considering Height and Crossing Ability When Making Team Selections:

In FIFA Ultimate Team, strategy is key. NepentheZ 2 carefully considers the height and crossing ability of players when making team selections. Discover why these factors play a significant role in his decision-making process and how they can impact the outcome of matches. Empower yourself with this knowledge to create a team that excels in both offensive and defensive situations.

  1. Applying a Hunter Chem Style to Improve Sprint Speed and Dribbling:

To improve a player’s sprint speed and dribbling, NepentheZ 2 applies a Hunter chemistry style. Uncover the importance of chem styles in shaping player attributes and how the right application can transform an ordinary player into a match-winner. Embrace the power of chem styles and watch as your players become unstoppable forces on the virtual pitch.

  1. Excitement to See How Players Perform in Terms of Volleys:

There’s something magical about witnessing spectacular volleys in FIFA. NepentheZ 2 shares his excitement as he observes how players in his team perform when it comes to volleys. Experience the thrill of seeing the ball fly into the net with precision and finesse. Prepare to be amazed as players showcase their extraordinary skills, leaving both you and your opponents in awe.

  1. Considering Replacing Slow Players with Faster Ones in the Team:

Speed can be a game-changer in FIFA. NepentheZ 2 explores the idea of replacing slow players with faster ones to add a new dimension of agility and pace to the team. Understand the benefits of speed on the virtual pitch and strategize accordingly to outwit and outrun your opponents.

  1. Scoring Goals with the New Player in the Team:

With new players comes the anticipation of scoring goals. NepentheZ 2 shares the joy and satisfaction of witnessing his new acquisitions contribute to the team’s success by finding the back of the net. Relish in the thrill as goals are celebrated and matches turn in his favor, fueled by the prowess of his newly acquired talent.

  1. Not Liking the Repetitive Playstyle of FC 24:

While the FC24 game mode offers its own unique experience, NepentheZ 2 expresses his dislike for its repetitive playstyle. Dive into his perspective as he discusses the gameplay elements that hinder his enjoyment and strategizing. Gain insights into what can be improved in FIFA’s game modes to provide a fresh and engaging experience for players.

  1. Frustration with the Opponent’s Corner Tactics:

Corner kicks can often be both exciting and frustrating. Join NepentheZ 2 as he vents his frustration with opponents who exploit corner tactics, making it challenging to defend against relentless attacks. Discover how he overcomes these adversities and formulates strategies to counter these tactics effectively.

  1. Celebrating Goals Scored by the Team:

Victory tastes sweeter when goals are scored. NepentheZ 2 passionately celebrates each goal his team scores, whether through beautiful build-up play or breathtaking individual brilliance. Feel the adrenaline rush as you join him in these moments of triumph and revel in the sheer joy of outsmarting and outplaying opponents.

  1. Planning to Work on Evolving a Specific Player Next:

Continuous improvement is at the heart of NepentheZ 2’s strategy. Hear his plans to work on evolving a specific player, maximizing their potential to elevate the team’s performance. Discover the meticulous planning and foresight that goes into shaping a squad capable of overcoming any challenge that comes their way.

  1. Making Substitutions and Bringing New Players into the Team:
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In the fast-paced world of FIFA Ultimate Team, adaptability is crucial. NepentheZ 2 demonstrates the importance of making substitutions and bringing new players into the team during matches. Explore his thought process as he analyzes the flow of the game and seamlessly integrates fresh legs, ensuring his team maintains its competitive edge.

  1. Winning a Match Against a Decent Player:

An intense match against a formidable opponent is a true test of skill. NepentheZ 2 rejoices in victory as he records a win against a decent player. Relish in the excitement as he showcases the raw talent and clever tactics that enabled him to emerge triumphant in the face of a challenging contest.


In the FC24 Road to Glory series, NepentheZ 2 takes us on an exhilarating journey of pack openings, team building, and competitive matches. From the excitement of unveiling 86+ Base, Triple Threat, and UEFA Hero picks to strategizing player selection based on stats and abilities, we’ve explored the highs and lows of his FIFA Ultimate Team adventure. Join us in embracing the thrill of the game, uncovering the secrets to success, and becoming the ultimate FIFA champion.


  1. Can I use FIFA Points to open packs?
  2. Are there any specific tactics NepentheZ 2 employs during matches?
  3. How does he manage to consistently upgrade his evos?
  4. Has he faced any particularly challenging opponents and managed to overcome them?
  5. Can you recommend any other FIFA content creators similar to NepentheZ 2?

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