“We All SOLD Not Waiting To Open This Pack…”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


Oh wow that is shocking you know what We're gonna wait for the 2PM rotation It's all right we're gonna do the player Pick on our second account and we're Gonna do a reveal wish me luck everybody I can't wait till 2 p.m man I just can't Wait I really don't want to stall my my All right hold on Chad hold on hold on Hold on hold on okay can I open it I Don't want to wait I don't want to wait I'm starting I'm starting all right here We go for Fantasy please EA No Oh it's gonna be bad it's gonna be bad Four-star weak foot 89 stem Oh cooked Oh cooked Wait who 99 jumping is that Fuller Yo guys honestly this is terrible this Is terrible This is unacceptable man 400k for this You know what I'm taking Campos Should have waited shut up man bro 400k For that I can't really get past how bad My player pick was like that was just so Unacceptable No way chat we just got the same player Pick back to back that's the same exact Pick am I am I tripping that's the same One same order right yo how's that Possible oh that's crazy pre-recorded Live stream Oh my gosh if we had gotten the same


Pick three times in a row bro what is Going on dude what a pull that's awesome 20 minutes later Oh my God marquisio stop Oh A Betty Pele Dude We sold man the rotation has changed and Uh and the picks are insane now God bro Guys we fumbled we fumbled man three in A row Mark no party song marquisio Toure And marquisio we we literally fumbled Bro yeah the rotation seems way better Oh oh my man what is this rotation right Now Lucio it has to be Lucio it has to Be Have we had a bad one since 2PM it's Like 150 have we had a bad one I'm so Jealous I'm waiting till 2 p.m next time Man

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About the Author: futhq

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