Welcome to the FUT Birthday Cup 😈🀬

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Let's see the requirements for the cup Foot birthday cup 89 and higher overall Players won two loans so anyone can be On the bench okay so flashback Ronaldo We start right and we probably start Dino right and it's Max Kem ah this is Chad this is light work and two loans oh The goalkeeper is not ideal though I think EA Sports sent us a gift whoa Thanks EA wait so all the rats are Pausing and then making subs chat Is that what's is that what's going down So then we will definitely participate In that behavior ah dude it's gonna be Codex first match or doubles how many How many Subs we should put Ramos on the Bench honestly Catchy Nola out chat we gotta go 10-0 we Gotta go 10-0 this is roll to 10-0 in The cup And Bobby and aloeiron EA trash team Name looks like an easy match to me Oh DDA DDA DDA versus RTG chat I'm gonna Go Ultra sweat Foreign Moving No dude that's right these are gonna be Like division one players we gotta Focus On the red time finish Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad I'm Gonna lose my first game bro Yeah I'm gonna lose my first game Oh Man


Yeah what a 10-0 man magical 10-0 I'm Trying really hard but I'm playing like That's my that's my diagnosis right now But I am really trying this is like Watching Danny Aaron's versus Nick but Nick is Danny nah bro Danny arms didn't Score on me little bro He just caught that vanderstar just Caught that Captiva bro I need to use the actual Keeper man I can't use a gold keeper Can't switch Nah this Keeper's so bad GG man GG Good player bro I'm gonna have to bring Dino Off the Bench then Chad because I Have to use um I can't use the 82 keeper wait what did I just do I had some chances too to go Up in the beginning bro I just didn't Score That's why I need a keeper man that's Going in against me you got Chavi in the Mid icon pack no So bad My favorite play this guy is clear Yeah I'm not even gonna leave bro it's Gonna gritty too yep On stream cup good time I tell you it's A good time Bro this captive he is something else Man Him and Cole are the only players I've Actually seen outrun Dino Ggs man this guy was twisted all right

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5-1 in game one that's great maybe we Can go one and four in today Ggs I didn't know I was playing you oh good Game man did anyone accuse you of Sniping bro you don't have to say that Oh my God man are we missing that Come on Cooks I mean I'm trying my best guys it's just It's not easy for me these cups are Never easy for me man I see people like Saying they Breeze through a 10-0 Is probably a skill issue but these are Always the hardest Game modes for me man this is where I Play that the best players Always for me like I usually go about Seven and three Eight and two maybe all right that was Good good half good half good half Relegate yourself in Rivals bro it's Really bad but I kind of crave the sweat That's what's really about this whole Thing I actually crave the sweat like I Have a problem Ggs that one's done nice back on the uh The FIFA Goals man run down the line Pass the ball inside seems to be the uh Highest success rate at the top level Oh oh my we're playing the same player Boys I believe it's the same player Oh my God Oh babies no other way run let's go

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W yo guys I'm buying all the way run I'm buying him tomorrow for weekend League Saturday morning stream we're Playing Champs Brown buying this car I'm Getting 20-0 I'm so tired of all these Rats using this card man I put him in my Team for two games in the cup I'm buying this car bro this guy is so Broken man look at this chat All right well he was he was gonna be Wide open if I played that properly but Yeah All right all right all right all right That was cool that was a nice goal Away Oh no way man Pain Yes come on Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad Oh my God I can't move I can't move Bro I can't get out I can't get out of my Half I think he's gonna score Need some miraculous defending here Yeah I see viera's losing headers oh Jersey let's go Jersey no come on man I feel like he's just been so open all Game man I've really struggled to get Open at all he's been so open I feel Like he had that coming Oh boy here we go The cup man Oh I just can't get past him bro I'm About to be one and two man

Toughest games though ever I just beat This guy now we're gonna take a loss to Him I can't even press man because I can't Pause either All right ggs man just beat this guy too Man and he just destroyed me this match He just killed me the match after I need to save a constant press tactic All right so we're one and two now Oh this is a nightmare man how hard this Is One and two man and I'm full sweating Too Crazy But that's what's happening man like Players selling bro just shoot it Normally Oh there's no rage quits like not for me Man no way No way man there's gonna be rage quits Oh Come on let's go I gotta do that to score though man oh This guy plays quality so I know this Guy because I remember playing this guy In the first uh When I was trying to get qualified in The first season of Rivals and he was Like 700 Or 720sr or something we need a Spreadsheet for a cup opponents true oh Yeah I've just passed it out to him oh Lucky

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Well same thing Oh my Come on man this bro Dirk sucks why is His passing so bad 84 bro he can't Complete a pass for me like ever I don't Know what's wrong with him it's got to Be the three-star weak foot I'm passing It on his weak foot I think is what's Happening that's got to be what it is But I have to really use him man nah man This dude snipe me too man Dude this guy is actually pathetic man Playing quality is my 15 seconds in the Lobby to snipe me doing glitchy kickoffs And then Using my celebration man Guys thanks for the amazing stream today I'm gonna lose my mind Right

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