When Going 20-0 in FUT Champs Actually Pays Out!

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


Look at this man yeah dude it's Cheese nah this is it this is it man This is it this is literally it we gotta Get this now bro it's cheese in the Jersey man that's insane I would wear That every week and week I would I would Actually have like three kits Three or two kits and for each day I Played weekly or Rivals I would change My jersey color bro Man that's crazy that is actually fire Dude the best is that like logo man in The middle I love that I'm not surprised by that behavior to be Honest Hey man this is rank one rank one rank One rank one Guys do a theory man look at this dude Theory he has his name aren't tradable Dude that is wild man Gigi's to you but He doesn't even have a badge he doesn't Have a badge how does he not have a Badge If I get Neymar on your share play can I Get your number no Especially not you especially not you You know what you can get my Telegram That's where you can get my Telegram And go talk to my my Alias on telegram First for a giveaway Dark Wolf that's What you can do Is telegram popular that's why like for Me it's an instant scam but I think People actually use it so people get

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Like convinced by it like I use WhatsApp I have WhatsApp that's how I talk to People from Europe what's that your drug Dealer uses telegram all right GG's Ryan

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About the Author: futhq

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