“Whoever at EA Made This SBC… Who Hurt You?!”

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They dropped a team of the season Challenge 86 double we have an area DVC guarantee We have a ton of stuff going on in the Video today I just wanted to say whoever Made this SBC at EA Sports oh my Goodness man what a headache I had to Spend 15K I know it's an 86 double but What a headache I was dying I couldn't Use any of the fullbacks so left back Left wing back right wing back it was so Hard and now so many of the the players In all these leagues are like just four Or 5K so it was a bit absurd let's do This 86 double let's see what we get Hopefully we get a team of the season Not a team of the season I think that's Probably going to be 286s is that no It's Tony Cruz all right so we did get An 88 that's not too bad we'll take that Not the end of the world uh we got 288 So that's great for fodder I haven't Even seen what's been required for the Airdvc team of the season the upvote on It is 88 it's a really good price at 34k Hopefully hopefully the community is Also tomorrow because we usually do get A guarantee for each league I think it Will be tomorrow it was in 84. I assume The community will probably also be 84.85 Um based on this being 84 it's probably Gonna be 85. it's probably gonna be 85 With the team of the season

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Um if I'm going to take a guess and yeah It'll be interesting to see what the Pack weight is on that I'm starting to Not really look too much at the market Anymore because the market is just so Chocked with prices that you got to just Check out the player see if you want to Use them so we'll rent into the area Busy team of the season hopefully we get Chubby Simons hopefully the mic theory Is activated you know realistically We're probably not getting chubby Simons But I tried out Burg wine he was nice Um Let's just see how we do here Dutch oh My goodness oh he's a cam dude He's a freaking Cam man why am I Freaking out dude and I probably got the Worst one man 88 that's not even good For fodder so not not my day today with The luck and we've got the 86 double and We've got the area of easy so we've got All of that happening and that will be Exciting will be interesting to see how We do on this account compared to the Main account We got kudus out of the guarantee why do I feel like I packed kudus oh my God man The 86 double gave us a team of the Season Brazil Oh okay EA Sports thank you for the Brazil troll I appreciate it so much oh My goodness Daniel though is very good I Used on my serial team with 3-0 with


That League he was very good so I did I Did really enjoy him his card was very Good

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