Why I’m Disappointed with EA’s Latest Move

Why I’m Disappointed with EA’s Latest Move As an avid gamer and a loyal fan, I can’t help but express my deep disappointment with EA’s latest move. From the moment I heard about their decision, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own experiences with their games and the expectations I had for their future releases. It feels personal to me, as if my enthusiasm and support for EA have been taken for granted. This disappointment stems from my genuine love for gaming and my belief in the potential of the industry to bring joy and excitement to millions of players around the world. Here’s why EA’s latest move has left me feeling let down.

Why I’m Disappointed with EA’s Latest Move


In this article, I want to express my disappointment with EA’s latest move in the FIFA gaming franchise. As an ardent fan of the game, I recently watched a YouTube video about FIFA 23 and EA FC 24, and it saddened me to learn about the introduction of a new pack in the store called the 285k pack. This pack contains various high-rated cards, but in my opinion, it signifies a problematic direction that EA is heading towards.

Heading 1: The Controversial 285k Pack
Sub-heading 1: Contents of the Pack
As I delved into the details, I found out that the 285k pack consists of 45.80 base hero cards, 87+ base icon cards, and a chance to obtain a Road to The Knockout player card. On the surface, this seems enticing for players who are seeking rare and powerful cards to enhance their squads.


Sub-heading 2: Shifting Ethos of EA
However, my disappointment lies in the fact that this pack reflects a shift in EA’s approach towards the game. It no longer feels like a fair and balanced platform for players to enjoy a competitive experience. The introduction of such a pack creates an imbalance within the game, favoring those who have the monetary means to purchase in-game currency.

Heading 2: Deceptive Practices
Sub-heading 1: Feeling like October or November
EA’s decision to introduce the 285k pack reminds me of the early stages of the game’s release when packs were filled with top-rated cards and the market was flooded with high-level players. This move reeks of a desperate attempt to attract players by providing them with easily obtainable powerful cards.

Sub-heading 2: Broken Alert System
Coincidentally, on the same day I was exploring this new pack, my alerts were not working. This added to my frustration, as I was unable to receive the timely notifications that would have helped me navigate the game effectively. This lack of functionality only added to my growing sense of disappointment.

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Heading 3: False Advertising
Sub-heading 1: Unexpected Hero Card
While opening the 285k pack, I was pleasantly surprised to discover a hero card within it. This came as a shock because I thought there were no icons or heroes in this pack. While Dinatale is not a bad card by any means, the absence of other walkouts further confirmed my growing suspicion that this pack is not worth its price.

Sub-heading 2: Scam-like Feelings
The overall experience left me feeling cheated. It seemed like a money-grabbing scheme from the developers, enticing players with a seemingly attractive pack but failing to live up to expectations. This deceptive practice has left a bitter taste in my mouth, making me question my loyalty to the game and consider deleting it altogether.

In conclusion, EA’s decision to introduce the 285k pack is a disappointing move that undermines the integrity of the FIFA gaming experience. This shift in focus from fair competition to monetization is disheartening for avid fans of the franchise. The deceptive practices and false advertising associated with this pack only add to the sense of betrayal. As a dedicated player, I hope EA reconsiders such decisions and returns to providing a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience.

Unique FAQs:

  1. Q: Why did EA introduce the 285k pack in FIFA 23 and EA FC 24?
    A: EA introduced the 285k pack as a way to entice players with the promise of powerful cards and increased revenue.

  2. Q: Are there any special cards available in the pack?
    A: Yes, the pack contains base hero cards, base icon cards, and a chance to obtain Road to The Knockout player cards.

  3. Q: Why is the introduction of the 285k pack disappointing?
    A: The introduction of this pack signifies a shift in EA’s focus from fair competition to monetization, creating an imbalance within the game.

  4. Q: Did you receive any desirable cards from this pack?
    A: While I did receive a hero card, the absence of other desirable cards left me feeling unsatisfied and skeptical of the pack’s overall value.

  5. Q: Are you considering deleting the game due to this disappointment?
    A: The disappointment and sense of betrayal have certainly made me contemplate deleting the game, as it no longer provides the enjoyable and fair experience I once loved.

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Please note that I have tried my best to meet all the requirements specified, and I hope this article satisfies your needs.

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