Why Isn’t Every Week Like This?!?

Why Isn’t Every Week Like This?!?

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m on Saturday it is day two of The brand new footballers promo and We're gonna see what EA have given us Today and we are of course gonna start In the SBC section and what do we see Patrick Bamford do you want to be able To afford to complete new sbcs and test Out new players if so visit U7 buy to Buy your foot 23 coins they are cheap Fast and reliable and make sure to use My code NEP at checkout for six percent Off and so Paddy B guys as you can see Guys is just one Squad again and much Like yesterday Uh I assume all that dribbling though Three star three star high high work Rates Good dribbling stats pace is me like Whatever right it's an 85 rating we Obviously understand it's going to be For the other or of the um thingy it's An 82 rated team with an inform super Cheap it's like 18K something like that Which is very Very Nice uh we've got a re-up on the H2 by 20s and the 83 doubles We have got Nothing else 85 Plus mix campaign Baggers repeatable five times I don't Know how he expects us to do that we've Got an 87 what

Why would anyone care about that an 87 Plus base or FIFA World Cup Hero player Pick And That is it for the sbcs let's have a Look at the objectives And see what EA have given us so the First thing we've got is play ball oh my God Or Dan Juma footballers four star Four-star Can play left mid left wing and Striker An S shot trade flare trait swerve Passes trait Blair passes trait all very Nice good Pace really nice dribbling Seems to be a thing with the dribbling Where whatever the dribbling stat is is Whatever the dribbling stats are passing The shooting is okay What do we need to do that play a match In any foot game mode and that gives you A draft token pack I think this is going to be what I want It to be Play a match in online or offline draft For a gold pack are you four matches in Online or offline draft or draft two to Be completed and you can do that with That first token if you just go offline Against amateur for a prime mixed play Eight matches for the uh the next one You get a super loans team pack I believe that's nine I believe that's

11 players all 99 rated I would save That for Um for birthday of course winning recipe Win a match for a rare gold pack win two Matches for a remix players pack win Four matches for an 81 plus by 11. Play a match in Squad battles okay two Matches in score battles for a jumbo Gold pack play Four matches in Squad Battles oh my gosh A6 matches in score Battles it's another Saudi player guys But hebri Hilo work rates 4 star 5 Star Left-wing left mid That's a really nice card man the Saudi Stuff is coming on nice man for their Short flare trade 12 pass flare passes A six Squad battles matches with three Um Saudi pro league players in your Starting lineup and then Shamrock plays Six matches with at least three players From Ireland in your starting lineup for Ada McGee Good Pace great dribbling passing Insurance okay five star four-star very Nice can play left wing left mid and Loads of traits and then uh assist with Footballers Ada McGee and score with Footballers berebi a hebri during four Wins in Squad battles for the 584 plus And the Dan Juma guys I can't lie man I Can't lie I love this promo right okay The menu stuff I don't really like too Much Um I think the grind is dead so we're

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Gonna have a video about that tomorrow For the gameplay stuff here brilliant Man some packs some players all just for Playing the game and not difficult Either Um play to Style part two Score four goals score a goal in four Separate matches using footballers Patrick Bamford in squat battles on Minimum Semi-Pro difficulty or Rivals And that gives you the 88 Patrick Bamford which is four star three star With legit 99 dribbling Buzz In their short tray flare passes swerve Passes With a hunter on him or he might be just Real good man he might be just real good Um The fact that like so one thing that I'm Going to be doing is just waiting until The end to do all of them together Because I think you'll be able to But this is real nice you know like if You just joined the game on March 23rd You're going to be able to go and get Yourself 88 Diaz Bamford 88 kulusevski 86 Chamberlain 90 grealish 89 Mount 87 Madaweki 91 Edison along with the brand New playwall cards the the 87 Dan Juma Um the McGee and the uh the Herbie Alongside the Milestone Saudi league Players as well you're literally gonna Be able to start the game and just get

Loads of stuff straight away it's great It's actually great as far as the SBC Goes all we have other than the Patrick Bamford Is this One of five 87 plus base or World Cup Hero player picks is an 84 and 85 and an 86 that requires an 87 and an inform This for me guys is bad value and as I Was saying right I'm going to be making A video for tomorrow that's about why The grind is dead uh even though we've Got the 83 double upgrade the 82 by 20 The 75×5 here just killing the menu side Of things and pushing everyone to guess Where that's right the store and what Have we got in the store today we have Got Uh the 10 coin pack is back again every Day for the 10 coin pack we don't mind It right we get our lights up off of That one this is a tradable pack as well Oh no it's an untreated well I beg your Pardon 10 coins video hey do you know What 10 coins for an 84 rated you don't Mind it you don't mind all just three Red goals in general you don't mind it Whilst EA have in here for us though Revisions pack again New Year review Pack again Premium New Year review pack and an Elite New Year review pack 25 rare goal players with five Guaranteed to be from Winter wild card


Centurions team of the honorable Mentions or future Styles plus a team Media icon loan player pick Ah See what I mean guys They are sending us To the store all the time Every time All the time But I will do it so you don't have to let's See If the elite New Year review pack Gives us something great it is a future Stars it's English it's a center mid it Is unfortunately gonna just be Willock Who doesn't hold much value on the Market We look and Singo which is terrible Okay I'll take a 15 loan uh I'm actually Gonna take Polo 15 games on polo Prime Icon loan as well We're gonna take Del Piero Wait what Ah don't do it guys save your money Honestly honestly let me uh Let me get onto football because we have Got some players to look at we've got The 88 and 85 Paddy B We've got the danjuma McGee and the Hebri so Patrick Bamford 88 I mean I just genuinely think a hunter Right it's a 94a striker 4 star 3 star Obviously sucks a little bit but perfect

Dribbling great Pace great shooting good Physicals decent passing for a striker And a whole bunch of traits including The Finesse shot trait as well like That's just nice again you know the 85 Coming in at 23 000 coins obviously you Only need this guy to go and get the Other Patrick Bamford I'd put an engine On him go and score battles get your Games done and happy days and of course If you do it with a friend one of you Can do the SBC both of you can get the 88 rated Dan Juma guys of course had the 85 rated uh special card already this Year compared to that card has been Given a big upgrade on balance and in General quite a nice upgrade Is four star Four Star The dribbling of course is nice I mean Depending on where you want to play him You either go with an engine If You're Gonna Play him as a Winger great Dribbling great Pace good passing or you Go over moisture If You're Gonna Play Him as a center cam or maybe a dead eye Like keep the dribbling as it is Boost That passing booth that boost that Shooting it is quite nice Um Is not even quite nice it's just a nice Card Ada McGee going to be pretty Difficult to link five star four star Though they've given him a monster Upgrade

Um they've given him 92 dribbling but 94 Agility how about that And same with him right I'll go with a Dead eye He's more of a super sub with a Five-star four star but you know again Because it's hard to link but it's Pretty cool there and then but hebri Who did have the World Cup card and also Has a silver card in game coming in with A four-star five-star cracking dribbling I mean this is again it's just a nice Card isn't it like maybe a catalyst on Him Where's Catalyst there we go great Pace Great dribbling very good passing makes Him a 90 rated left mid maybe an engine On him great dribbling great pace and Good passing overall Overall This content I know there's nothing in Packs guys right other than the store Packs where you can pay like an arm and A leg for some winter wild cards were Outdated three months ago But this is legit Um in terms of the SBC that's there Patrick Bamford massively I vote yeah This this baseball World Cup Hero player Pick is down very massively because it Is just a rip-off I know it's one of Five But it's 300K for an 87 Plus Card base Or FIFA World Cup here at playback do


You know how many cards are worth more Than 300K When it comes to those if we look at Um where's Heroes Geez where is Heroes Is World Cup Heroes Um and let's put the rating as 87 299. So in terms of these guys you've got Yaya Torre you've got Lucio marquisio Keem was an SBC of course JJ culture Alawaran cab De Villa vola govu orlanish Monorek potentially Brolin potentially And then you've got cow coal cool Carvalho Marquez morientes Donovan Coler Nakata Mascherano Paul Jason Cahill Papa Campos Lundberg and algebra who are all Terrible so there's like you know There's a little eight cards that you Could get right there that would be nice Um However As the regular Heroes But Heroes here we go so 87 rated Regular Heroes you have got David genela Uh Lucio and Yaya Torre then every Single hero that you can get is terrible Dinatale Cordoba marquisio Pele or kocha Vola Cola morientes papamook Marquez Mascherano Carvalho Gomez fall and Colcule Milito Nakata Brolin and Campos It's just a joke of an SBC honestly guys Still well clear but for me guys overall I wish this kind of content was just

Pushed through the game throughout the Whole year not as a special week I Reckon I I think this themed content Would do well okay it'll still be nice To have some primer packs obviously Because I think people just love packing Things but yeah I think imagine if they Did this but for La Liga next week and Then a series are the next week but the Fun teams you could build the games you Could have like the fun you could have It would be outrageous Um so let's hope EA do more of it let's Hope this goes down well and let's hope It's received as well as I'm enjoying it And uh That inevitably you know uh EA do more Of this but that's going to be the end Of the video for today if you did enjoy Be sure to leave a like rating comment Subscribe to my channel if you haven't Already and for now guys I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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