Why These SBCs Are Not Good Enough: A Critical Review

Are you tired of spending your hard-earned money on Single Board Computers (SBCs) that don’t quite meet your expectations? Do you find yourself constantly falling short of your goals due to the limitations of these devices? Look no further. In this critical review, we will delve into the reasons why these SBCs are not good enough, and provide you with valuable insights to help you make more informed decisions. By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of the shortcomings of these SBCs and be empowered to find better alternatives that truly meet your needs. So, let’s dive in and uncover the truth together.

Why These SBCs Are Not Good Enough: A Critical Review


In this article, we will be critically reviewing the latest video from popular YouTuber NepentheZ, where he discusses the Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) in FIFA Ultimate Team. We will delve into the various topics addressed in the video, including the absence of an SBC for Manchester United, the lack of available promo packs, and the repetitive nature of certain features in the game. Sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the review!


You forgot to do an SBC for Manchester United

One of the issues raised by NepentheZ in his video is the absence of an SBC dedicated to Manchester United. As one of the biggest clubs in the world, it is surprising that EA Sports overlooked this opportunity. SBCs centered around specific teams often generate excitement among fans, giving them a chance to showcase their support for their favorite clubs. Unfortunately, the absence of a Manchester United SBC is a missed opportunity in engaging the fanbase and providing unique content for players to enjoy.

No promo packs available

Promo packs are an integral part of the FIFA Ultimate Team experience, allowing players to have a chance at obtaining special and rare items. However, NepentheZ highlights the frustration of encountering a shortage of promo packs in the game. Without frequent availability of these packs, players are limited in their ability to improve and personalize their teams. The scarcity of promo packs reduces the excitement and enjoyment that should come with the pack-opening experience.

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Preseason cup, Milestones, Champs bonus still the same

Continuing the review, NepentheZ emphasizes the repetitive nature of certain features in FIFA Ultimate Team. The Preseason Cup, Milestones, and Champion Bonus are all examples of elements that have remained unchanged throughout several iterations of the game. While familiarity can be comforting, it can also lead to monotony and disengagement from the player base. It would be refreshing to see new ideas and innovations that revitalize the gaming experience, keeping players invested and entertained.

SBCs available with special cards and player upgrades

On a brighter note, NepentheZ explores the SBCs available in the game that offer special cards and player upgrades. These challenges provide an opportunity for players to acquire unique, boosted versions of their favorite players. SBCs like these add depth and excitement to the game by offering additional rewards and incentives. It is encouraging to see EA Sports catering to the desires of the player base in this aspect.

Preseason daily login for XP

Another positive aspect highlighted by NepentheZ is the Preseason Daily Login that rewards players with XP. This feature encourages regular gameplay and rewards loyal players for their continued engagement. By allowing players to earn XP simply by logging in, it provides a sense of accomplishment and progression. Additionally, it’s a great way to motivate players to keep returning to the game and experiencing all that FIFA Ultimate Team has to offer.

Player Pick with Bukayo Saka

NepentheZ also mentions the Player Pick featuring Bukayo Saka. This particular SBC allows players to choose from different versions of the young talent, tailoring the reward to their individual preferences. Player Picks such as this add an extra layer of choice and excitement, taking away the monotony of receiving predefined rewards. It’s a welcome addition to the SBC lineup and brings a personalized touch to the FIFA Ultimate Team experience.

New SBCs with 83+ players pack and team of the season player

NepentheZ highlights the release of new SBCs that offer an 83+ player pack and a Team of the Season player as rewards. These challenges provide players with a chance to obtain highly rated players, whether it be for use in their teams or investment purposes. Making such valuable rewards accessible through SBCs adds a sense of achievement and anticipation to the game. It encourages players to engage with the content and take part in the challenges.

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FIFA 24 content leaks

In his video, NepentheZ touches upon the leaks surrounding FIFA 24 content. As an avid FIFA player, the anticipation and speculation surrounding future releases can heighten the excitement and keep players engaged in the current iteration of the game. Leaks provide a glimpse into the possibilities of what’s to come, generating conversations and discussions within the community.

Opened packs with footies cards

NepentheZ reveals that he has opened packs with “footies” cards, which are special items that celebrate the end of the football season. These limited-time cards often feature unique designs and boosted attributes, adding collectibility and desirability to players’ squads. The addition of these special items injects freshness and novelty into the game, giving players something to look forward to and providing new challenges to tackle.

Dean Rice going up to 99 rating

In his video, NepentheZ expresses his excitement about the upgrade of Dean Rice’s rating to 99. This upgrade showcases the dynamic nature of FIFA Ultimate Team, with players’ attributes changing based on their real-life performances. Such upgrades inject realism into the game, allowing players to experience the rise and fall of football stars. It creates a connection between the virtual world and the real-world events happening on the pitch.

Suggestions for chem styles for Kim MJ

Throughout the video, NepentheZ offers suggestions for the most effective chemistry styles to use for Kim MJ. This discussion highlights the importance of chemistry styles in optimizing player performances. Finding the ideal chemistry style for each player allows for a more balanced and effective team on the pitch. It adds a layer of strategy and customization to the game and allows players to tailor their squads to fit their preferred playstyles.

Disappointed in missing out on Dean Rice SBC

One of the frustrations expressed by NepentheZ is the feeling of missing out on the Dean Rice SBC. Limited-time SBCs often create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Players who miss out on these opportunities can feel left behind and disadvantaged. However, it is important to remember that the nature of limited-time content is designed to create scarcity and excitement in the game. While it can be disappointing, it adds an element of unpredictability and uniqueness to FIFA Ultimate Team.

Frustration with expensive SBCs

During his review, NepentheZ expresses his frustration with expensive SBCs. The costs associated with certain challenges can be prohibitive, making it difficult for players to participate and reap the rewards. Balancing the rewards with the requirements of SBCs is crucial in order to maintain a fair and enjoyable experience. Ensuring that the challenges are accessible to a wide range of players promotes inclusivity and keeps the game engaging for everyone.


Put Laport and Push Cash in SBC

NepentheZ suggests putting Laporte and Puscas in SBCs. Including players of this caliber in SBCs adds value and excitement to the challenges. It gives players an opportunity to obtain highly rated players who may not fit into their teams directly. Additionally, it revitalizes the transfer market and stimulates trading activities within the game. Considering the inclusion of players like Laporte and Puscas in future SBCs would be a welcome addition to the FIFA Ultimate Team experience.

FIFA 23 gameplay on YouTube

Lastly, NepentheZ mentions his preference for FIFA 23 gameplay on YouTube. It is common for content creators to feature gameplay from previous FIFA iterations to cater to different audiences and offer a variety of experiences. While FIFA 24 and beyond bring new features and improvements, the allure of past FIFA games can still captivate and entertain viewers. This demonstrates the lasting appeal of FIFA as a franchise and the ability of older content to engage new and existing fans alike.


In this critical review of NepentheZ’s video about SBCs in FIFA Ultimate Team, we have explored various topics such as the absence of an SBC for Manchester United, the lack of available promo packs, and the repetitive nature of certain features in the game. Nevertheless, it is important to appreciate the positive aspects of the game, including SBCs with special cards and player upgrades, the Preseason daily login for XP, and the Player Picks featuring players like Bukayo Saka. While improvements can always be made, FIFA Ultimate Team continues to provide an engaging and competitive gaming experience for football enthusiasts worldwide.


  1. Are the FIFA 24 content leaks authentic?
  2. How often are promo packs usually available in FIFA Ultimate Team?
  3. Can I still obtain footies cards even after the event ends?
  4. What are some other examples of player upgrades?
  5. Can I suggest potential SBC players to EA Sports?

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