“You Paid HOW MUCH For a Position Change Messi?!”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


John Stone's one Squad only Jacob Murphy two squads 86 for John Stones uh Uh how much is that I high I don't know How much that is Jacob Murphy uh Uh four four right wing back but can't Play right back I feel like that John Stones isn't terrible if he gets the Upgrade 82 85 85 Wow 85 that seems Pretty steep all right that seems like It's it then we've also gonna have the Team of the week uh I don't see anything Else though all right so it's just team Of the week which well Messi's A striker he has nice alternate Positions I guess right anyone else I Guess I actually fear pose is okay but Still medium medium right three three uh Breathe I think people are still doing Those uh Team of the week packs today For Messi I doubt it man I think they Were gonna do it because there was Messi And Ronaldo but I don't think so man zambo oh wow yeah That is a crazy card if you can if you Can get past the 3-3 that is actually a Wild card but he already has a card very Similar right yeah medium low sucks too Oh he already has an 87s the 87 is like The same card too how much is that card 34k all right then it's messy low low Yep Mueller with 70 pace so that's not Usable jeez man I mean I don't think Stones is terrible yeah he needs the


Plus two though 80 acceleration and 90 In every defending category But it's just expensive right 85 would Have been sick I don't know how much in 86 is I think that's only like 86 is 157 I think it's probably Fair messy is 1.6 How have this many mess he's already Been packed though so who bought Messi Who who just bought Messi nah somebody Bought Messi for real wait is he more Than he's he just sold for more than his 94 dude what are people doing man it's Just position change I know but come on What are we doing is he more than his Player of the month bro that is that is Questionable

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About the Author: futhq

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