25x MID-SEASON 2 REVIEW & 81+ x11 PACKS! 🔥FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

25x MID-SEASON 2 REVIEW & 81+ x11 PACKS! 🔥FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

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All right guys so EA have introduced to The store today the 75 000 coin pack Which contains one guaranteed player From the FIFA World Cup path to Glory Road to the FIFA World Cup or FIFA World Cup stories and 14 other rare gold Player packs we went on to the account Of a whole bunch of viewers to open them And see if they were worth it let's find Out if they were whoa what a team baby I'm about to improve it for you oh no Wonder why you want to work with this Records you've got 1.8 mil in the bank Mate My guys are out here big chillin All right Come on here man Come on just show us those good ones Show us those good ones yeah I don't Want that that's a good start Ah it's that Lozano no Corona oh that's An L in it That is an ill Yeah that is an ill Yep here's discard price that is pretty Brutal as far as it goes he's a decent Player to play with though the fact that You're so cheap is crazy to be fair all Right Oh we're watching him play He's doing it himself call him go on pal Show us what you got flushy Show us what you got buddy If if he opens this and it's good maybe

It's me that's a problem One It pulls only oh I like the past glories Ah It's as Moon that's not what we like to See is it It's just not what we like to see where Else is in this pack Oh that's big rip that's a big rip Yeah that's tough that is Damn what team that was oh my mama my Man's got coins My man's got coins Tis the season EA Tis the season to not be stingy boys Come on Show us Show us Hey that's all right Montiel is Currently worth about 70 000 coins So with all of the other photo that Comes in the pack Slight W slight w You don't mind that do you all right oh That five icons two World Cup Heroes one Regular hero and a legend I didn't think They were in the game anymore two gold Cards in there as well Let's go oh are we using FIFA points on This one Let's use those FIFA points baby 1500 1700 in the bank 1500 on the FIFA points Come on

After Glory Ah says what's his name cape Man I I do think And that's half the problem most of the Time I do think That these have to be sbcs No no we we both had no we was you were Sharing the screen with me we were both Already doing it but that's okay now now I'm in full control Now I'm in full control come on here yes Pull off the glory God damn it man It's kahiri That's not what we wanted is it oh that Is not what we wanted oh Deary me that Is a that is an absolutely woeful pack Walker and kunku How dare you How dare you play him on one chem Oh very dare you Right Next up Wait what did I just open What did I just open I just pressed the pack in a store Was that the eight one by eleven no it Can't be I don't know why I just opened up I just Saw a pack that was the 81 by 11. They have absolutely obliterated Absolutely obliterated the pathway of The minimum guarantee upgrade packs They've absolutely obliterated it


Whether it's an 84 by 20 Whether it's the 83 by 20 the 82 by 20 The 85 by 10s we've seen they have just Destroyed the packway on these packs man All right Next pack Oh he's got 76 000 coins EA please man Bless us with the ones and twos Give us a little sound good look I'll Stop punching if we get something good Look myself straight This has got to be where we get Ourselves a good pack oh Stories player Is Kayer I like it but also not it's like he's a Good card but also like probably about 10K isn't he Damn man Oh he's actually like 17K or so he's Like 86 for the price that's tough man 2.7 million coins Something about Miriam isn't there Is something about Miriam Right This Guy's in Elite and he's got 2.7 million coins I'm just saying if you Get something sick yeah Exactly road to World Cup Is the second Corona already Oh it's just so bad man oh are we using Three points here In the boutique I wonder if any of these players have Top four or Max Fort

I'll use FIFA points because it makes More sense for an untradable pack Come on Walk out Foreign The only thing that makes this pack Worthwhile Is whether or not Oh dear he has Top four or Max Fort He's only got Max far as well Doesn't have top four Let's have a look in this store though Let's get another another pack on the Board Hey we need to be blessed right now We need the first 100K plus player Please yay Oh yes Team of the tournament Spain sentiment Oh no I've said enough Spanish players Today to last me a lifetime Gabby's like what 14k or something is oh Now that's a better pack it's not like Crazy crazy but it's crazy Based On The Backs we've got which is why I had a big Reaction like that That's all right that is an 87 Dijon in Cappy and Gabby Oh Gabby actually came out as a team With a tournament and Cappy as the other Player Hey that's all right that is that's a Much much better pack still in hell it

Is still a no oh I'm watching him play We can sit back and relax for this one I Don't mind that I'll keep looking I keep Leaning away from my microphone and then You gotta like lose my audio don't you I'll just sit back and relax oh he's got The eight one plus 11 packs let's go Come on oh EA Nah man now that now that is rigged 281 by 11s and they both contained Thomas party as the face cards That is rigged uh right Two million coins uh how do you guys Have so many coins all the time I don't understand Right next up Yes Mitrovich again that that's two Coronas Two mitrovich's two hinkapies That's sad isn't it That is sad Oh yeah oh Jeep Theory confirmed man Oh dear This is just brutal we should just be Grateful what a team that is Even if there was no uh No quality content in FIFA It's not the end of the world we could Just go again tomorrow We could just go again tomorrow All right 1500 feet for points in the Back let's go Come on come on come on It's not even a cheeky Kayla Navas

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It's not even a cheeky cable now that's Oh that is the worst worst all right oh My days how How alloy Warren Some people were just so jammy That is a disgusting team right Wait what's this oh that's two upgrade Packs We're here for the good packet no we're Here for the special packet in Here we go Come on my guys only my guy needs the Upgrade in his team you saw his team It's heartbreaking Yeah I think we found cheap any I like my father I rate him I just don't think he's gonna know he is So he is less than 30k man what on Earth All right Man my guy's in 4k All right let's see let's see If the rich get richer guys My man's out here on that 4k monitor 75 000 coins After Glory they're the best type to get Oh my days man Platter Oh Wait This screen is brighter than my future Holy oh my God That is a Hey hey I'm I'm in control here I'm in Control come on

See look his Enzo isn't updated either That's a crazy team man Hey I am about to get you something that Is going to change your team are you Ready Are you ready this one this is game Changer baby This is game changer Yeah After Glory Brazil sentiment Bruno Grimash Game Changer he used to be worth A million coins I'll just have you know That is the best one so far for sure Yeah what is under 200 car oh my God man What is this Mark here Oh man This guy's got that red and Bape I would Have liked him I would I would have liked him a lot This this pack isn't worth the digital Assets required to open it Here we go Yes I like this as well oh wait team of The tournament is legit I mean casemiro In the first place is legit because this Isn't part of the mid-season pack is it Team of the tournaments aren't included Which means he's got another special Card in here right And that's a 91 special Two specials hey that is that is the Biggest up so far Plateau is a bit of an L still But casimiro is a is a dub

I mean he is still cheap as chips isn't He 150k I don't understand man all right Always got preview pack how dare you not Open a preview pack 75 000 coins let's go Let's go Robertson is the player Zielinsky's that is actually a Reasonable pack given everything else We've seen 385s and 87 and an 84. It is is unfortunately half decent think How many hundreds of thousands no Yeah I don't know if millions of people Would have opened these packs think how Many hundreds of thousands of people Would have opened this pack And got negative return and it's Untradable And we are all part of the problem for Giving EA The desire to carry on doing it because We're all opening them and so EA looking At the numbers and here going like yeah They keep opening them so we'll keep Giving it Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear Two eight fives and an 86 again not Unreasonable That's a lovely team that is I do like like listen for everything That EA have got wrong this year which

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Is a lot You do see a lot of cool creative teams You do also see a lot of people just Being sweaty and and going for the same Uh the same players but you do see a lot Of really cool creative teams all right Here we go It's the third mitrovich The Third mitrovich Come on the amen Oh that's a cool team Wait that Alex tellers it came out so Early on and he stand and the same as Kessie they're still completely usable And completely viable now Right Warming up the muscles for a big Shout Warming up but warming up the jaw for All My God moment whoa whoa whoa whoa no No no no Come on Yes No Platter again man God damn What's crazy crazy we haven't even seen Any like Elite tier gold cards oh that Is duh So you what effectively here The reason why Lukaku wasn't special Right there Is because You get one guaranteed fee for World Cup After Glory Road to the FIFA World Cup Or World Cup stories player and 14 rare

Golds so your rare gold if not the Guaranteed path to Glory Could have also had a path to Glory that Is ridiculous That is ridiculous That is really sad man Canada Senate oh No so sorio again It's fair I don't understand how you Think that's fair I think that's a bit of a joke because You're getting you're paying 75 000 Coins effectively One of those calls and then some rare Goats All right all my days what team that is Actually that's probably a pretty pretty Mid apart from alawaranas bring my team At the moment Um All right yeah it says guarantees Contains one guaranteed player It should say contains only one Guaranteed player I know that's a little Bit like Maybe we've been a little bit too Nitpicky but at the same time yeah see Now now we know we've got trash Avid alabar And Oviedo it's bad All right here we go Here we go one million coins This will be the last one for today's Video Is it gonna be the best one

Or is it going to be just as bad as the Rest What do we saying here Polish case another zielinski Can't even give him a face I might even give him a face That is brutal

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