FUT Champs w/ 88 Diaby, 87 Atal, 91 Ramos

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Yo guys what is going on welcome back to Another video on the channel we are back For some more gameplay we've just Completed Ramos I just finished the 85 Squad Let's go man the goat the best Center-back one of the best center backs Of all time and one of the best center Backs in this game is now in our club Let's go man I'm hyped and boys we are Also gonna go out of pocket all in on Musa diabi I feel like he could be one Of the fastest wide players uh in the Game I mean he really looks like the French aloeiron I don't know how he's Gonna be bad I know he has a three-star Week but and I know it looks like Um That Leverkusen are up against it with you Know really getting to the next round or Getting upgrades but I feel like his Card is just so good he always gets These crazy team of the week cards and He's always one of the fastest players In the game so I want to try him out I Feel like for the meta of this game He'll be perfect and uh we have to go Assemble a team so we will go do that And we will show you the team that we're Going to use for what it's worth we also Just finished uh Tavarez so I don't know Really what that entails if we're gonna Be able to put him in the team but


Obviously with Ramos and Hakimi it Should help out and uh this card is Pretty good we're working towards that 88 which looks to be out of this world With the five-star League foot all right Guys so we have assembled the qualifiers Team it looks really good um I've got to Work on getting Gordon this weekend but I'm not in the foot Champs finals yet so I've got my last couple qualifier Matches to play I might jump into a Warm-up in the road to the Final Cup We'll see and uh really yeah we we Looked at the Abbey so I'm gonna have Him on two chem I'm gonna try the basic The only thing I really want to boost With this card is probably uh the Reaction so I may end up because he's Got maxed out Pace when I take a look at His car the basic is nice but I may go With the Maestro because that does Boost Reactions and really that's the only Flaw that I can see with the card right Everything else is good his finishing is Good Um at 88 and his dribbling is good so We'll try the Maestro to start with and Then with the tall we're going to keep The basic on a tall is going to be Playing in our four three two one LCM Spot he's got a five-star week but we Pay 220k he's a FIFA rat Um he's got obviously all 80 plus stats So he should be pretty good it's such a

Well-rounded card he can finish he can Pass he can dribble uh he's not that Weak his defending is good so he should Be the ideal box to box and then we've Got our debut really our first starting Match for red Hakimi we're gonna put an Anchor on him and then we've got Ramos SPC Ramos let's go man so excited for This car lengthy by default and Obviously with the shadow almost Impossible to outrun when he's got those Defending stats he's lengthy and he's Got 98 acceleration on the shadow cam Style so the way we're going to line it Up is we're gonna go four three two one Four runs as you guys know and then We're gonna play butra as the striker Diabi as the left forward although the Abbi leave might be better on the right Side but we may try him on the left to Start the nice part as well about the Obvious SBC what I will say uh and I was Going to think for the cut in but Actually for my four three two one he'll Be perfect as a left forward the nice Part is amazing Super Sub also look at The positions he can play he can play Any wide spot which is really nice Because sometimes you get a wide mid who Can't play all those positions they can Only play like left wing and then right Mid and you're sitting there like bro What do I do so that part about his card Is also really nice

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So guys I just jumped in one of the cup Uh matches Wanted to get warmed up because I don't Really like jumping right at the Champs And we're gonna play qualities and try To get that 10-0 because the rewards are Worth it and if we lose we'll go right Into Champs that's kind of how it works Uh my opponent is already making pauses Which I don't love uh so you're gonna Give the free win What a legend man what a legend honestly What a legend thank you so much bro I Appreciate it all right guys we can't Really find games in the cup so we're Just gonna jump right into qualities and Uh yeah we'll just see how it goes Hopefully we don't play a crazy team I Was sometimes wonder if you're playing Qualities on a Saturday are you playing Somebody horrible or are you playing Somebody who's so sweaty that already Played all their 20 matches and they're Sitting there qualifying for more Rewards let's see Yep that might be the case That team looks insane Atal to diabi Oh diabi that's the reactions though That's the problem the reaction right There I noticed how to hakima keep that In diabi though with the nice berba I hate playing on boppy player of the Month man

He's so good how did he not score that Ramos welcome to the club Ramos Oh dear Happy what a debut Wow that's like the first tree though I've scored in so long what a finish man That was crazy Oh my God the Abbey is absolutely Cooking What a finish man I thought he was gonna Make that Nice Ramos Ramos just saved me this Guy's been having so much possession Good diabi Let's Go Dinos season That's why I love Tony Cruz man you can Just be patient and wait for that ball To Dino from Cruz and you just have it Open man Cruz's passing is immaculate And so good Nice Ramos well done man I gotta stop Passing the ball to Viera man I'm Selling with that right now Ramos oh my God He is so reactive Wow the fact that I could actually get That come on butra ref and the ref Nice courtois all right good half this Opponent is pretty good it's not bad so Nice half considering we always lose Warm-up matches we'll take it Oh it's all Wow that shot cancel was crazy that Absolutely sent him Ramos bro this Ramos is a joke

Almost dude what Nice left stick diabi You might get a goal here Never mind we have Ramos Imagine Dino scores that guys Dino has Been I think my favorite player since Team of the Year Neymar in FIFA 19. he Makes this game so fun to play so lucky We packed him Oh no way vvd just got that bro diabi is So rapid on that first touch right there Almost from The Abbey almost we're Trying to napent as Corner strategy Let's go with the Abbey man Two Dino just missed the Green from that Angle what We are getting robbed right now No way we missed that no way The Avi too fast butra too clinical not Even EA can stop us there come on Let's go what a play Dino todayabi Did I shoot the post Defender Sergeant Saved that I have no idea damn He has 1 000 passion man Let's go butra let's go butra no rage Quits about today but let's go butra Oh Putra let's go what a power shot from Butra that's I guess how we're gonna Have to score on vanders are Oh what is going on man Just can't get that goal what has just Happened man I guess for some reason Atal has the best shot cancels in the

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Game bro only EA would have added that Ramos Cruz let's go Tony My goat What a ball Cruz Oh my God diabi great positioning from Diabi there to check for the ball there On that run that was great Oh I messed up the timing Oh he was sliding everywhere that double L1 elastico combo is so good Wow Kohler just defended that that's Impressive I thought I had him there the Obby is so rapid after the stepovers Wow Tony's picking up two goals today Two goals you don't see Tony crew Scoring too much in my team but he is Scoring today Butra Let's go man what a pass from Dino Oh the post again man Ra let's go bro the post man I thought Tony Cruz was going for three goals Today Daniel let's go man [Applause] The Abbey is nice on the ball as well He's not just fast because sometimes I Feel like some players he tried just Fast but he also his left stick is Amazing Nice diabi well done The hobby man He's scoring a lot of goals for us today

All right eight nothing boys got a Little sleepy towards the end of that One but we'll take it and on to the next One Rat it out Oh boy we're playing rat it out and he's Got him boppe and Forlan rat in his clan Tag and he's also rocking the XL badge This could be a sweaty game for 10-0 Man oh it's too easy bro that's my flaw Man I always go down early That's way too easy oh he's playing is He playing fight back yeah he's playing This three four two one this guy is a Passionate FIFA Player he's got the pro FIFA support In the uh the logo and he's playing buy Back which is what all the pros are Playing hate to go down one nothing to a Fight back that's brutal Oh he's got so many freaking Defenders Man No bro Green out as well that's going in and His build up is is not very good he's Getting carried by extra Defenders we've Just conceded and obviously if you Concede one nothing to uh five back it's Brutal Nice play Nice play Nah pain man terrible defending bro Oh he actually is so mid bro Pain man that's horrible defending

I'm gonna have to really figure it out Here now he's on the counter again Pain man Can't win the mall I guess guys can't Win the mall what a bad bad game for me Right now man I'm just doing everything Wrong Putra that's a green that should be in Oh this fight back He's not bad guys he just is like doing The same thing he's not like attacking With any sort of like intelligence he Just runs down the line Cuts back with His fight back and does his power shot I Don't know how to beat this man I've Been away for FIFA for a couple days in Terms of like playing meta opponents and The way he's playing man is just three Goals three shots man and I've made a Couple defensive mistakes and it's Really cost me Pain man I think I'm gonna actually Switch to uh 424 right now and try that Missing every Green bro Let's go red time will take it back on Back on the board let's go we win these We win these we win these It's a pen That is a pen man Let's freaking go Yeah now he's gonna switch to something Even more defensive because he's a Coward He's been getting so many kickoffs

So many kickoffs man so many kickoffs This guy gets bro here he goes again This is incredible man this is actually Special man Oh What is this man here comes some rat Corner as well man This guy's got the full package man I'm Telling you Bro I can't win the ball man this is so Sad It's gonna score off this possession bro He's gonna pour off this possession guys 15 minutes to win the ball Look how lucky he gets like how lucky Does this guy get how lucky It's unbelievable how is he done missing That fresh legs wide open bro he didn't Even move the keeper like he gets so Lucky man it's unbelievable What the [ __ ] am I doing step overs was Imprata for man pain bro Pain man just pain what am I doing bro And he runs down the line W goal man W goal W goal dude you're so Good at this game man you are so much Better than me bro ggs man you deserve This game bro ggs man I'm not gonna give you this The Sensational pride of Rage quitting loser Bro I'm better than you I don't even care if I lose to this guy At least from that play right there he Knows I'm better than him

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Man this guy's probably using his sweat Towel in 40 second pauses bro because He's absolutely shaking over a Qualifiers match on a Saturday morning Man God bro Excel superfan This guy is unreal Nice man I mean I've been outrated it feels Terrible to be honest I've been Outratted like it feels horrible But it is what it is man another 9-1-1 In qualities guys every single week Either a hacker or I guess this week we Actually lost the game in qualities I Hate that this game is rewarded with Like absolute play man like this guy Plays like it reminds me of FIFA 22. and You know what like it's entirely on me Because yes I was better than him but I Was not focused like I was at the end of The match and I completely just gave him Those first couple games man and you Know that's that's on me and so yeah I Don't really see a reason to play that Ninth match we'll just qualify for Champs a little bit annoying because I Wanted to get that 10-0 but is what it Is sucks that it sucks to lose to Someone that like that though man it Makes you feel like you hate it man you Feel like you lost your time in life That's what's really annoying it's not Really always the loss it's like you Feel like you lose your time in life

Because you're not having fun playing Against somebody who just plays all These Defenders and doesn't go forward Really man I mean the guy was just Running down the line it was just Brutal man brutal game we gotta move on Wow it's Hall That was crazy from us all fair play Let's Go Dino All right the Abbey will take it not a Pretty goal but we'll take it Oh butra oh my God that was disgusting All right boys so that is gonna end the Little Foot champ session Um nice nice gameplay today the gameplay Was good I think at all was Sensational I was really surprised So Physical did Not feel weak crazy step over some Really nice R1 dribbling so definitely Try him out he's amazing Um diabi was really surprising as well I Think the Abbey is going to be running In my team for quite a bit because his Finishing is so good for 90k this card Is insane I know the three-star weekly But God he is so fast he's so agile and If you are good at lipstick R1 dribbling He's very very solid I think I'll always run for a wide Player is going to be a little bit Better for some people because of the Physical but man let's take dribbling With this card crazy and finishing not a Problem and Ramos and Hakimi were great

Ramos was really good Hakimi was solid I Think his team of the year is a lot Better and I think for me I do like Zambroton quadrado maybe just as much or Slightly more than Hakimi at that right Back slot but it'll work for Ramos Because he's so good so thanks for Watching guys I appreciate it I'll see You guys later peace

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