FUT Champs w/ 90 Gabriel Martinez, 91 Ramos, 91 Butragueno

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Yo guys what is going on Welcome Back We're back we're gonna grind out the Games I just played two games in the Road to the final cup to kind of just Get warmed up also wanted to make Progress on that objective I usually do That on stream but yes I'm not streaming This weekend just wanted to make a Little bit of progress we got to put Gordon back into the squad guys we are Still not done yet uh with Gordon I Actually have to keep jerasino and so We're gonna bring butcher Off the Bench We've still got to get seven more Matches played with him we are gonna try Out Martinelli today uh into the team For some of the remaining matches before We get Gordon he looks amazing he's 765k I just used them for two games in the Cup he was really solid high high worker It's four star four star I mean his Agility is amazing his balance is Amazing it's a really well-rounded card I mean there's not many things that are Weak with it maybe the shop power maybe The long shots obviously but short Passing is good like all around really Nice card finesse shot outside foot Um so I'm super excited to try him out And uh yeah guys other than that the Team is quite similar to what you Usually see it as we're gonna play Martinelli as a left forward maybe I'll Actually play him as a striker with


Butcher left forward or something like That where jerzino and then sub into Center mid but butra is just so good I Almost like feel like I have to use him So yeah we're gonna jump right into it Guys and uh let's get into the games I Still have cross play on It's probably really stupid I'll Probably end up facing a hacker Um yeah not too sure what to make of it I just feel like for the matchmaking Though the queue time is a lot faster And uh yeah I might be one of the only People with cross Play Still uh you know Still on but yeah Passion City nice team name to start Today he's got a good team as well that ETO is really good and Bape So his team is really solid hopefully He's not a pressure Merchant Oh Martinelli just took the worst touch Of the year Go butra [Applause] Dude on the green bro that passed that Is why Tony Cruz is in the team man that Pass is unbelievable not many players Can make that pass [Applause] Putra is insane man What a finish Butra season baby Oh Martinelli what on Earth was that on Your right foot

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That is terrible Martinelli Oh That's so unlucky I feel like that's Gotta go in that was perfect What a goal man that was crazy Martinelli what a finish and boutra Going off on zero chem [Applause] O's season baby Dino season let's go what up what a Build up [Applause] Wow Oh free win let's go thank you bro My man appreciate it Oh my God This team is gonna be uh so annoying to Play [Applause] That's crazy man how are we missing that Let's go Let's freaking go boothra We're in trouble It's just so annoying playing against People that just counter with that and Boppy and aloeiron man it's like just Takes no skill bro you just like wide Open I mean I know I haven't bought me On my second account but God it's Annoying to play you make one mistake Against these these two players bro and You're you're done so one mistake man This guy's keeper movement is so Annoying why is he moving it outside the

Freaking front post man [Applause] The Panthers Style baby Nepenthe style That was for you nepo With Martinelli as well Bro Oh and Bobby man just losing to somebody Running down the line man here we go We're giving space them bopping all the Way around again here we go being an Idiot being a [ __ ] idiot Let's Go Dino come on give me that green Let's go ref good call ref Henry Penrith Let's go come on Dino big pen big pen oh Great this guy subbed in Salah more pace Fantastic [Applause] For all these teams but yeah JJ and I Betty I don't know but the back line is Crazy Dude this guy has the craziest tactics Man And the craziest players all his players Are coming back on defense we're getting To that time of the year where teams are Like way more automatic defensively and It just becomes more challenging Like this guy's team this guy's back Line with Captiva vidich and uh Vvd is so automatic it's insane Bro what the [ __ ] man This back line is impossible to pass bro

This is like the best defensive display And passion I've seen like ever Come on Tony Bro there's nothing open there's Literally nothing open bro what am I Seeing there's nothing open what is he Playing but this is just a Vibe man Against these four triple two teams man They got the two DMS that drop in [Applause] Please boutro yes Oh my God man this team is so good Bro this guy is actually the goat Defender man Ah alrighty Martinelli this guy is Actually the greatest Defender I've ever Played I don't know if it's like the AI With his team or his tactics but Dude I this has been crazy Well that was the best defender I've Ever played So GG's to him that guy was insane at Defending Elastic off kickoff don't know if I'm Excited for that Martinelli let's go Let's go man what a finish [Applause] Terrazino let's go Alrighty 2-0 nice start What's really stupid about that is I Gave up a counter And when you play against the Bape NRE

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Giving up a counter is a suicide So that was really stupid that's what I'm saying man I knew I was going to get Score on him Bape is like an instant Goal for for most people if you give him The Breakaway and that's what we just Did Oh that's nice [Applause] That's crazy though how he's just scored That man at the ball just like went to Mbappe I don't even understand what just Happened Martinelli what I didn't know you could do that man nice Dribbling [Applause] O I love the power shot on breakaways Guys and here's why because you actually Can get your uh keeper that you're Shooting against to move it Like at the perfect time Five two look at that man we just that's How we do it in FIFA 23 man this year We're moving different we just explode Sometimes with goals But what I'm saying Is like with the PowerShot you can get The keeper you're playing against to Move it and then you can adjust your Your angle you're shooting from in the Middle of the shot which is really nice Butra 6-2 let's go man Halftime what a finish to the half man

Let's go And Poppy man this this and Bobby bro It's just the tax is crazy man Daniel Okay we got a rage quit Very nice so we are 10-0 which is really Nice we probably have two or three more Matches left with Gordon I really just Want to get to 16 this weekend for the Rewards that's it Um and yeah We're playing so let's see Oh here's ibra Wow Must be nice Is that a first time elastico Jesus man But I feel like this guy is just gonna Cross the ball all game to ibra Putra go on Don't slow down Let's go what a goal what a freaking Goal let's go needed that that's a crazy Finish Oh my God Ebro we need Ramos in the Middle there although I actually feel Like Alabama might have better jumping That is crazy he's so lucky Tony Cruz Moves two miles per hour bro because I Was in that's a crazy block Feel like I'm getting a bit fatigued Here boys I don't know if I can keep up Man this guy is kind of Twisted I'm just Not really converting while on the Attack so we just got to make it through

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This match and get to the end man sweaty One for real [Applause] No the post is that a pen red card Please be ready yay Oh yeah let's go let's go let's go Let's Go Dino come on huge leave the Game get out Oh he's gonna make changes this guy is Super sweaty man super sweaty that was Clutch I actually sold that that shot There because I yellow timed it and I Think on a white it would have gone in No I just sold so bad What What Guys the amount of DDA that was Happening there at the end I had to keep The ball man that red car DDA was Something else all right guys so overall Martinelli's 16 gold contributions in Eight matches there's nothing too Special about him but his R1 dribbling Is really really nice Um I actually really enjoyed him I Thought he was overall very very good Not too many flaws I wasn't really Shooting many long shots with him but He's very responsive which is good was Hoping that he wouldn't be clunky he was A little worried although the dribbling Stats were really good obviously and Yeah overall just really really enjoyed Him thought he was amazing so he was

Really good to try out today and that's Really only the only new player that we Tried out the team played really well And uh I think we're still undefeated We're 11-0 I think I'm a bit fatigued so Gotta go take a rest and uh yeah guys Thanks for watching I appreciate it Peace

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