FUT Champs w/ 92 Musiala, 90 Adeyemi, 87 Thuram, 91 Ramos

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All right so here's what we're gonna do We're not using Phil Jones we're not Using Phil Jones we're not using butland I think Ramos goes in right I want to use musiala Lama's gonna have To go in the team for sure for musiala So we can put him in for zidane probably Kevar is getting benched I think just For cam today We can put in boppy over here oh Lucio All right this version is Bundesliga oh My God no way wait wait wait wait wait Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait chat Man long right back with kimmich oh my God this team is actually sick or how About adeyemi wait what can adeyemi play Though Center forward this card is Actually decent no but I played him in Draft and he was good Oh 8 30 8 30. snipe snipe four minutes In the market The team has been assembled finally that Was crazy I don't really know how we did That boys but let's go 33 Kim what Masterpiece Let's go okay this card Shadow right We're gonna play him as a DM oh anchor Oh is he lengthy oh oh Don't worry chat I never play a camp Styling Savvy I don't know why all right What's the Camp style for musiala hunter Or Hawk Hunter okay that might get an Engine for adeyemi


Dude this is a squad wait what's the Celebration chat what's the celebration Chat we gotta do the celebration it's Called framed no no I don't have coins I Don't have coins chat we're buying the Pen test celebration celebrations where Is this chat where do I go All right all right all right all right Now we have to apply it not so bad That's honestly so bad Chad no way this Team is bad right no way like it's super Automatic right and so passionate I feel Like and we have Goku Off the Bench how Could we lose Goku is Off the Bench I don't know to be honest bro primesy Dawn Primesy Dawn Oh he's hit some elastico's chat oh How's the ROM bro I've played five Minutes man Not sure yet TBH All right this rat man EA just let him Score please Thank you EA can you just let him score Like sometimes when I'm playing this Game I'm like please just let the Opponent score man so I can play this Game normally Ratty goal kickoff on the way back door Musiala feeling very agile very radical Top five ready goal this month for sure Takes no skill man run down the line Driven past just boring but you know No I didn't do the celebration no

A whole lot of yummy man Nah what a goal What a goal man what a goal what a goal Dude Ah see a righty or Lefty chat the ram go Go go go now we attack now we attack now We attack with a bullet hit me Poor musiala tour 25k for that Hahaha Yo that's so bad bro Chad that one is Bad right it's so bad Oh my God man kimmich feels crazy Kimmich is so agile it's kind of wild No he moved it oh I was cooking Sold sold cooking bro Musial is crazy It's gotta be the hunter right God we Needed that too bro cause this guy's Kind of sweaty you know kind of sweaty I Want that to go lead That's a goal thank you That's terrible goal terrible goal Oh What the pro All right we should not be dribbling With our DM but that was insane Nah Ramos tax is crazy Ramos tax is actually insane Pick man oh pig man what is that for a Time finish bro I'm absolutely cooking With musiala cooking Missy Ella Well let him cook Dude that was a laser Ah and papay tax oh my oh my

What in the umbapi did I just see Bro decent puppy man is so broken to Have him in your team try look what I'm Seeing I'm poppy man what is that The ball just gravitates man I'm trying to say it picky pausing your Flower delivery Tech what's up nah everybody wants a Celebration now you rats it's 25k in the Store boys I feel like this is gonna be An AI match that took way too long to Load in oh Marquez but Mitch Javi Alonso Gold Benzema oh it's an AI match I'm literally knew it I yo yo I Literally knew it bro it took like three Minutes to load in and I'm seeing this Team I'm like nah he's not good no way All right so we gotta play 99 overalls Now you [ __ ] rat man we got to play 99 overalls chat right now what do we do Man he's got aloeiron man he's not on PS5 is he Ah dude we sold man Oh Oh okay Look in chalk chat looking chalked Looking shocked Looking pretty chalked I I put the pause I came with my keeper against this AI I Was trying to go to put stay back on bro But it's already on man Looking pretty chocked No he's not on PS5 bro No no

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Oh dude we've got the ball a couple Times Nice what the [ __ ] Let's go Green green Green What the The problem is I I I'm actually like Four and one against the AI but I've not Played the AI with like this crazy of a Team like vvd and Marquez and aloeiron So I've got to be very focused when I Play like zero mistakes Viera as well You know you gotta play so different as Well What the [ __ ] Yo gold Benzema moving different What the Fam I think last time I did the same thing Is that gold Benzema man Jesus bro I don't know if is this person like just Chilling watching a game I don't even Know I'd hope not but probably Mayday Oh my oh my that is gold Benzema man No That was it bro that's my best chance All game what is my Mind bro Luciano I don't know if the pass was bad Or the Run was bad bro what was that I Can get a goal here man I can get a goal Here I know it I just can't get the ball

And the longer the AI has the ball they Have immense chances to score they're Insane on the ball But I cannot get the ball man What the [ __ ] am I seeing man Is that like a hack like I can't get the Ball the ball is just stuck I tackled The ball three times there man Benzema And VR are making a campfire dude I Don't know what I'm seeing I seriously don't know what I'm seeing Right there All right dude enjoy the win man Pop thanks for the resale man Lucille is awful he's been insane for me Bro so far I've only played one match with him Though Oh nice ball Nice cool Nice goal Bad defending lost my mojo a bit after That last game man Whoa Okay Very cool Just annoying because like you take a Loss to a hacker right and then like if You're trying to get rank one you can't Afford to take another loss so you play Someone good like we're playing right Now and it's like The amount of like it's not pressure but Just like room for margin for error is

So low man this guy is really good That's an insane ball and eusebio Missing that is insanely fraudulent I Don't know how you said you'll just Missed that what a ball from musiala Great goal 45th and corner but good Composure nice back in it this guy is Really good really good I think this Guy's better than anybody I played on my Main this weekend Oh we've been robbed we'll see all on a Green tree Villa has just missed that That's robbery This and Bobby man I don't know what EA Did to mbappe this year compared to any Other year but the stuff that he gets With him and your team is just like that Goal I'm not scoring with anyone else in This game like it's unbelievable the jam That he gets it's he might be number one Over genola bro that's just that goal is Horrible Kim Mitch has been worth every penny so Far I can totally see why kimmich is this Price man he's amazing man He's like he's so good I'm not really Too sure how we're up for two right now Considering how this game started but We'll take it I can't wait to get this nuno88 man he's So good I just need that little Defending booster and then that Five-star weak foot

Nice Wow crazy we scored five straight that's That's crazy for how that game started Good job Nuno looks terrible was he Actually good yeah he's sick I don't even have the top version yet Kim it's just mad man same with Ramos Gotta do Ramos On the main Ramos I think is better than Lucio is that is that is that a terrible Take I don't know I feel like Ramos is The best friend I feel like he's just The best so good He's probably gonna get nerfed though Okay most players always get nerfed kind Of thing He's really good Bro I need it I need to get this chemish In my life somehow man I kind of want to Take that 15 token on my main now I need this kimmich Oh my gosh musiola man dribbling is Crazy Yo guys why sometimes when you do the L2 Shot do they do that for the flare when You want to do a tree Vela I wanted to Do a low driven tree Vella there Cooked That was crazy from kimmich man oh my God kimmich yeah drama is good as well Drama is really good as well man yeah Oh my gosh that is a good team A little bit weird with Brolin and uh With bro at Midfield Vieira Vieira

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Moments and uh Toure and payet I was Gonna say but that's a good team you Think it's a free win because of Brawling Ah man I'm a choke artist bro it's not a Free win this ROM looks kind of mid I Think he's been pretty good like what do You think he why do you think he's mid Compared to like because he's just for Me he's a DM bro like with those stats He is a DM so for a DM so far for the Price he's felt pretty good Oh Cooked Pain Pain What a tackle let's go what a tackle Great anticipation good job Nice Let's find no man out of yummy bro you Fraud man what are you doing out of yemi Oh you [ __ ] Vamos Oh I am just selling I am just selling Guys guys guys guys guys guys guys Listen man that's the last time I'm Doing a tree Bella at that angle I'm not Doing a flare shot bro all right all Right I'm scoring right here I'm done I'm done messing around And I'm gonna score I told you I told you I'm done chat I'm Not messing around anymore man let's go Oh we forgot to do the celebration

Oh my eusebio so lucky Morientes man huh Kimmich might be my favorite Center mid I've used this year Shoot man Shoots man just shoots why are you stuck In that animation uh de bruyne's Probably first but just the way that Cambridge even feels bro and the ball is Like insane Oh man you know what chat my finishing Right now I've got to lock in because I Am absolutely selling man selling a lot When you take advantage of this Thank God Just about to get a DC man that was on The week for two four star weak foot That was a good shot AJ this might be The fastest one I've ever played this is AI man this is AI game AI Same dude man what do I do chat do I Leave just don't give him the win right I know that you guys will say like cross Play Oh My Oh my God I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm Out I'm out I'm out Sucks uh I know that you guys all say uh Cross play often but like that you guys Know that doesn't that doesn't that Doesn't solve like that's like that's Like having like a real problem and like Not addressing it man you know like That's not that doesn't solve anything

Man because the problem still exists for People man that's why but I'm not just Gonna be here like selfish and be like Oh I'm turning CrossFit off because it Helps me because it's ridiculous how Everyone has to deal with that still Oh my Lord should we just leave this Game to get 16 or you guys want to play This game Okay Okay Ah musiala man you just shank that man What is that shot weak foot I know but Come on man on target Uh the ROM what's this fraudulence He's actually so broken guys I try to Tell you this every day Just getting Boppy What's that man Ramos is just him That that is That's a good goal man that's some great Composure in the Box Oh my God man the ROM is turning it up Today Dude I'm playing so well right now man This team is insane And Bobby is literally the goat man I Need to get a Boppy on my main because When I get in bopping my team I'm Literally like unstoppable that's Probably outside the goal man Oh my God man the ROM is so good Too much

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Come on play it Ramos Ramos I think he also thinks he's gonna pick It up at some point it's not gonna Happen man like no way No way Like we literally have Sergio Ramos and Lucio man no one is getting past our Back line bro this guy has literally Zero chance he can do all the elasticos And kickoffs he wants Dude all right so we need to get Ramos Ramos is actually him we need Ramos that Is the verdict man we need Ramos I don't Care man I'll spend coins hey man Actually him all right I'm gonna Chad I'm gonna wind it down because I'm I'm Exhausted and I need to get a workout in So I'm gonna give away the last two Games because I feel like 18 is not Worth it for 16. unfortunately we had to Play that AI twice because we just like We frying today on this account really Like 16-0 but We'll give away two real quick that's a Good shift though we played like 30 if We don't count the AI matches play 36 This weekend that's a good shift so Musiala musiala is not he's not like He's not in Bape level but nobody is He's insane though he's actually really Good he's probably missing like plus two On every stat and if he was like five

Five he would be like the craziest Player ever he's actually like not trash I thought he was gonna be trash he's not Trash he's not worth that price but he's Actually solid I thought he was going to Be terrible kimmich best center mid in The game bro love K Mitch man the ROM Actually so good as well I'm trying to Actually really good as well man as I Don't have time man I'm sorry I love you Um oh Nice Hakimi come on Nah Ah all right here we go Oh adeyemi solid solid I I think he'd be A little bit better left forward a Little clunky but solid overall like Not bad not bad also was expecting worse All right that's not bad peace and Fodder we got some packs now who else Did we use yeah Nuno I just need to get That 88. yeah lime kimmich crazy though Kimmich is nuts Chad Like seriously I I think for me with him With Viera would be insane and to ROM I Actually think the ROM is kind of worth It man I don't know what you guys Thought about him but I thought he was Pretty good yeah Ramos for me best Center back and Vander SAR same thing Like I'm getting Ramos ASAP for my main Account he's that was my first full like Week in League with him and he's just Something else man

He's at least on the same level as Lucio And my team like at least the same level I can't really like Explain it any other way than that I Don't know if he's better but he's he's There that's what I'm saying like for The way I like to play FIFA Ramos is Perfect for me the way I defend because I defend super super aggressive Exactly man Yeah do Ramos I'm serious you guys know Like I don't even know the last player I Told you you have to do probably jerzino Uh now I know it's late and I know many Of you already have Ramos but Seriously Get it done Get it done you know he's that guy The Romer for fauna that's just I don't Know is probably a bit safer of an Option but he's really good There wasn't much I disliked about him He was really strong too I wouldn't play Him as a box to box but as a DM perfect We could definitely call him the chief Viera definitely Nuno is good but I need The 88 because the defending is Noticeable but the 88 will be really Good Chad thanks for watching today I Didn't read subs for the last two hours But if you subbed I actually love you And I appreciate you and I'll read it in The Stream tomorrow morning

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