FUT Champs w/ 93 Cafu, 87 Mendy, 90 Charles De Ketelaere

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I kind of want to try out Rojo but what About left backs bro we already tried Roberto Carlos we tried captivia what's Prime kung fu yeah what's prime kafu That's a good shout bro bro he doesn't Drop man he's won six every time I look He's won six Wild Card Mendy how much is He oh yeah that's actually well we have The loan bro So maybe we don't go all in on the Market but maybe he's down a little bit We do have the loan nah Mandy Mendy is Good man but going forward like I Realize he's kind of bad and then I Realized the other day that Yo his wild card has um look at his Passing on his Wild Card his wild card Has 87 oh my God he's down so much WoW a 40 Chad nah this guy's gonna wait till One second bro watch Oh I actually won that's better than Buying him for one six that's actually Not a terrible price guys that's okay But bro zambront has been so good I Can't believe we're benching him like That's crazy behavior And he picked to play with uh musiala yo I think Lucio got nerfed Andres you Remember how Dino destroyed him in the Weekend league and then on my second Account he was I used another day life He wasn't that good he was good but like I think he got nerfed they did something Man I'm telling you oh meccano I don't


Like playing oh Keane Chat no way right well this is this is The first game but I feel like there's No way we're gonna lose the Keen right I tell you man the people who know how To use garenshawell are incredible with Him because he reminds me of butra where He will dribble and you can't lock onto Him so the people that are good with him Are are super Elite I can't switch why Is the switching in this game so bad why Is prime kafuge is so broken Jersey no cook All right let's go kafu Yeah right Charles Ultra lengthy Charles lengthy yo How fast is this guy man 110 pace Let's go kafu [Applause] Bro he is so automatic yo if I'm Screaming and it's too early for you bro Just leave the stream man I'm sorry you Can't get on the same wavelength of Energy that I'm on at 10 am come on come On no no no this is bad good bro what's Up with the top comment on the gameplay Video saying you know I can't get better From this gameplay because all he does Is ball roll Scoops dude how many ball Roll Scoops do I do in a 20 minute video I really don't ball roll scoop like that Was actually cap If you want to say McGee cancel all Right that's fine I hardly borrow a

Scoop like maybe a couple times a Weekend Chad thoughts like not that much Step overs you you totally have the Was this song man Okay anyone else like also really like Kalulu I feel like no one uses it man he's so Good Go Charles so fast Charles Go Charles I'm not a ball roll scoot Merchant bro I'm definitely a step over Merchant Like 100 step over Merchant he's really Good man I'm telling you mad passion I'm An elastical Merchant yeah you're right Actually how the [ __ ] are you I'm pretty Good man thanks for asking Figo no this Team is so good as well no oh dude I Don't even care about my weekend League Record anymore I just have to win this Game though oh he actually has a really Good team with Figo Oh no record on the line You know what man and the five-star Skill version is actually really solid [Applause] Oh I sold that all right let's just hope He's not that good man but to be honest Anyone with this mbappe player the month Scares me now bro I hate playing mbappe Player of the month This stupid card man making a Prime kofu Look terrible look juara playstyle huara Playstyle for him

No way Oh that's so cap Sold no quartz was sold oh he just took A terrible shot Oh dude that's so unlucky kind of a Second half Merchant I also do have Cristiano Ronaldo on the bench honestly I am getting cooked by Figo Not that also that's so bad I just Yellow time that oh pain Oh my God kafu has actually just kept That in that's crazy Oh I'm getting rigged bro I feel like he's not that good against Press man but then I just don't want to Let aloeiron and then Bobby just get Open man yeah I'm kind of going through Right now man I conceited like a really Bad first goal off an error man and Courtois sold me and then I hit the Pulse and I missed that one chance oh Yeah he's locking me down because I suck At attacking like my first three four Games where I'm always like really asset It bro the attack It's a goal Yeah I lost it's terrible defending [Applause] He's good he's pretty good at defending I'll be honest like his defending is Good but his attack is nothing special I just I'm not doing anything man look I Got to the 18 there I just [ __ ] ball Rolled man

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Holy [ __ ] that is so lucky come on He's getting so lucky [Applause] He's getting so lucky he's just spamming The passport and Bros going back to his Center backs through my attackers Somehow gotta try to get the That's what I'm saying that's what's Happening to me this game man I'm more Mad that we lost a Figo I I kind of Expect to always lose my first two games Like one of them but pissed that I lost A Figo bro all right boys we got a Figo Loss I'm not pissed I just hate losing all Right let's bounce back Oh I shot it right post mandino shoots It at the keeper we got to get that goal Lucky that's lucky I shot it far post That's lucky Let's go as you're done man I'm learning How to use the Don so well now he's so Fast bro you just have to wait till he's In stride This guy loves lacrosse loves the cross Oh my God Mendy gets away with the pen That was a pen man I was trying to show him how to do it Cdk 1000 pace And that's why you should do the one With skills Are we watching more div 10 gameplay Whoa whoa whoa respect man Cooked absolutely cooked man

Absolutely cooked Good bounce back boys that's a good Bounce back oh I didn't turn off my Cross play yet bro I'm not dodging Though no way man Blitz thanks for the Prime and if I play a hacker it's good For views I'm such a rat Look how fast he is chat No [Applause] What yo man what's going on Imagine he scores from that Man that was crazy good solo what's up Bro good morning man What a ball Oh of 120 on chips man R1 oh L1 the last oh I freak I'm moving Slow today I'm moving a little slow Today forgot to do the elastico did an L1 just stared at the defender Guys giardino I'm playing so bad is that a rage quit Bro what's going on with the rage Cuts This weekend Dino's still hung over from The clubs last night Nah kafu is crazy man he gives me Captive via Vibes although he's better Bro he just controls the ball it's so Nice my team is good right bro bro it's Our team is Dude we've come a long way on this Account man because this team is first Owner now like I have a great first

Owner team except khafu t-tv chat TV Chat TV TV TV and he's using lone messy TV Tick Tock tomori nah you know be worse than TV tick tock Tick tock I like how toxic you are bro Am I am I that toxic though I feel like I'm just real man dude I'm also really Not that toxic unless my opponent's Being toxic like I'm not outright just Like messaging people or like I that's Not the confidence Builder that I Currently need to hear man See I am man I am moving like a grandpa Man what is that I know dude I know I Know I know what is that man No he oh my God he just panicked past That down the middle and it worked Guys Cole is unbelievable man he's so Good Hate the center bet Absolutely sold absolutely sold Charles Please Somebody saved my legacy right now man Somebody needs to I am like so not Warmed up bro we should not be playing FIFA at this time No What is that touch what is that touch From Daniel Cruz to dino the dino Expressed I'm such a grandpa I can't Even do step overs oh I'm finished today I'm actually finished we look like Spurs

Bro guys we need to wake up man we need To actually wake up we should be winning Four nothing bro this guy is trash this Is why we lost some to somebody with Figo earlier man I'm done with my Weekend link this is on you little bro No no no no no no no Nah chat Oh he's on Yeah yeah nice pick He hasn't done anything all game but Because I'm right now and I'm bored I'm Running stupid offside traps and that's His first chance all game I think we Know might work out to me What in the Ramos is that what did I Just see Ramos has just blocked a green Time shot yeah that's ggs Bro we need to pass the ball too Let's go Charles let's go sharks Oh He can't defend Charles Mike saves him DDA I'm gonna do another stupid offside Trap Yo I almost gave him two goals Man team In your messy so Bad man Messi's winning the ball against Viera bro That's a red is that a red oh [ __ ] man Is that a red you guys see Don's been Sent off oh dude I just think you need To accept this is gonna be a 16 win Weekend I can't get I can't get rank one Playing like this

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Oh my God you can't make this [ __ ] up What What happened what happened I'll say oh We need to just chalk the main account Man finished bro nah make it to pens at Least come on Playing so this guy is so bad Oh my God yeah forget about it man we Are just not there today man Yeah dude Oh he's missed one somehow All right come on come on come on Uh I knew it I knew he's gonna change Man Oh lucky uh Yeah I probably should have GG's man ggs All good guys oh good I mean I know I'm Not playing my best so I've told you That it's it's all right man Is what it is bro you can't play amazing All the time the problem is I'm playing So slow And the games dude like I scored four Five six a game right now I'm scoring One or two bro I'm more just mad because The two opponents we lost to we should Never be losing to Great Defenders but Can attack Nice Charles Yeah Yeah Turn Me Up chat Turn Me Up chat Come on man see how we're playing now

Man we're just going bro why were we not Going this morning Oh what a ball I oh that's so annoying I hate when you Move the keeper chat this year ah and They fall over man I moved it too late I Should have moved it earlier that's fine Nice ball Daniel season man now we're cooking Let's go cooking I'm back Do you see that pass from Tony Cruz That's why Tony Cruz is just so Elite Bro Okay that was nasty I wish that was a Goal that was so nasty that pass was Nasty Dude I'm cooking now bro I told you Chad Bro nah man it just takes me like five Games it always is five games and then I Start cooking no I'm not jinxing it I'm Just saying like oh it's every day it's Always my first it's always five Your post I move my keeper near post bro what the [ __ ] No I sold I sold I sold I sold I sold a Lot of selling happening all right We're getting there we're getting there Four goals though we probably could add Six or seven but we're getting that We're getting there we're slowly getting There come on four more Oh my God Oh my god dude this is like the type of

Player we'll see if he's good But like these teams just are so hard to Play Chad do we think he's good So far I feel like no that was like a really Bad attack why did he just play through Ball Should I cancel Oh cut No what a read no bad bad very bad Very very bad things happening very very Bad Very very bad things happening All cooked oh he's cooking chat he's Kind of cooking he's kind of cooking That was that was crazy Not defending well I'm not defending Well gotta defend better not defending Well Guys van dorsar is just him he has no Business saving that no business [Applause] I needed that so bad two goal cushion I Needed that let's go Oh is Ramos still he's leaving please Leave oh please leave don't make me Sweat yes bro is Ramos still available I Gotta do Ramos man oh I think he's Better than Lucio bro he's so crazy yo When are they gonna bring beckenbauer Back to FIFA no way Oh Oh bro why does everyone have Timothy or

Vandersaur man he's so good He's so Elite no other keeper is making That save zero Keepers besides Timothy Or vendors are make that save bro he is So broken it's crazy how good he is Ramos Bravos man this guy has rubbles and BDS And he has BBD this is gonna be such a Long bro look at Ramos man [Applause] That's a joke right that's a joke that's A joke Bro this guy is not human man I'm gonna Have to get him out of the goal to score Oh sword I oh no dude EA EA I pass it to Charles Man Yeah he saw me Red that's how you score against Banner Star bro you hit a red with gerzino boom Greens don't work so because van derzar Is so good if you hit red time finishes He's expecting the greens so the Reds Work there you go man new meta against Vandrosaur we figured it out Team of the Year vandersaur man I feel like I'm Playing FIFA 19 against mid vanders are All over again Absolutely cooked absolutely cooked Absolutely cooked on the kickoff Absolutely cooked absolutely cooked was Not expecting that I actually think he Didn't even try to do that skill move Nobody does that skill move I think he

Tried to do step overs Oh my God oh my God Davey stop it Go Don't leave them open what a match what A match what a match what a match right Now what a match bro his you know what Man Money's been pretty good for him the Player and his team that's the most Noticeable right now has been Davies Vandersaur Jude and cafu those those Players have been insane for him Dude bad Mendy I love you Cruz just caught up to money PIFA things FIFA things I'm hyperventilating bro He's pressing me out the back I can't Move oh my God what is he doing bro Sold absolutely sold so Tony Cruz with the ball of the century We'll stop in the Box Charles [Applause] I need water bro we gotta chill the [ __ ] Out man bro I didn't breathe for like 20 Minutes Chad I promise no no I didn't Dab you didn't see anything All right what are we saying Chad can You help me please chat can you guys Help me when I step in Davies he just Frauds bro but I'm gonna sub him in Anyways [Applause] Ah soon Come on fight ref


Ah That game was sweaty man that was a Really sweaty one you know what man You know what he could be cracked but he Doesn't have van dorsar that's all I Care about bro November sorry that's Fine Did I speak too soon like did I speak Too soon what am I seeing what the hell Is that safe [Applause] Oh my God cdk he's actually been so good For me Nice What I'm doing Ramos I'm done man I'm doing Ramos SBC no Prime icon pack for me Today I'm doing Ramos bro this guy's him This guy is actually him him literally Him bro oh my God man what Bro what a center-back man By Lucio who That's such a Cell come on pick Dude Tony Cruz man Tony Cruz man Tony Cruz man he's No no that is so bad Nah fair play That's fully deserved This is not good man [Applause] I need to do Ramos man he he is just too Impactful man he's been in my head the Whole half Every time I attack

Oh this is such a mayday Well this is why I'm so hard on myself When I don't play Well Chad because this Is very possible in this game man like Two goals just like that oh boy This is the problem with Ronaldo too man When I sub him in I can't dribble in the Middle I can't dribble Nah he's giving me the wind chat Nah dude no way nah we've Mickey Mouse To chat Nah come on man Chad let me get l in the chat nah that's An l and why would he do that dude he's A live and win player he's like Literally about to beat me that's such a L man thanks though I appreciate it dude All right man hopefully we get some good Rewards guys hopefully we get some good Rewards I'm over it man I lost two games The horrible players earlier too I don't know man it's so weird dude I Have more trouble against these types of Players than Pros man these people that Like packed the bus it's always been my Weakness though man always I don't care I don't care Oh I don't care I don't care I'm happy It's done man it's done I'm gonna send him a screenshot of my Reds should I do that chat should I send Him a screenshot of my red Hakimi

Holy crap man that's that's my best red Of the year I don't I haven't had one Red that's good all year that's crazy All right he's going in the team we're Doing Ramos man if you can't beat him Join them we're doing Ramos But we're still going to do the icon Pack first Bro two Future Stars Did someone say red list that is crazy All right all right hold on Hakimi Imagine we get Hakimi we could do it for Free [Music] Yo yo I also just got him red This is Mike and doom Theory I just got Him red chat Are you serious bro how much is he is he 400k oh no he's 300K no shot we pack him Again right That would be the most dupe Theory ever Who's that Oh 286 is though that's not bad all Right kafu was crazy though bro I didn't Feel like wildcard Mendy was that much Better like than his gold I don't know I Didn't really feel like his passing was Like that clear I don't know guys I know I'm trying to be positive on stream a Lot I'm sorry for the complaining today Man I literally hate playing drop back And scoring zero goals in a game you Guys know that about me I hate it So apologies for that today

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