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► FIFA 22 Champs Challenge Playlist: https://bit.ly/ChampsVids22
► FIFA 22 Draft Challenges Playlist: https://bit.ly/DraftVids22
► FIFA 22 Player Career Playlist: https://bit.ly/MulletMan22
► FIFA 22 Manager Career Playlist: https://bit.ly/MiurasMen22
► FIFA 22 Draft Challenges Playlist: https://bit.ly/RatingTeams22
►All FIFA 22 vids: https://bit.ly/FIFA22Vids

► Other videos I have made, that I think you guys will enjoy!



The 5 BEST Starter Teams to use in FIFA 21

FIFA 21 TOTW 1 Predictions | Ft. Ben Yedder 🙃

ALL FIFA 21 PACK ANIMATION TELLS (Walkout, Boards, etc.)


What do you get from 12k FIFA Points? FIFA 21







Letting a 100k pack choose my FUT Champs team…

These are some of the videos that I will be making for FIFA 21!
fifa 21 glitches
fifa 21 tips and tricks
fifa 21 hybrid nations sbc
fifa 21 hybrid leagues sbc
league and nations hybrid fifa 21 sbc
ea access glitch
unlimited hours glitch for ea access
how to do hybrid leagues sbc
how to do hybrid nations sbc
how to do league and nation hybrid sbc
fifa 21 cheap sbc
hybrid nations
insane sbc pack
walkout in an sbc pack
how to make guarenteed profit
fifa 21 cheapest sbc
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otw sbc
fifa 21 walkout
walkout in a pack
best player in a pack
gold 1 fut champs rewards
division rivals rank 1 rewards
insane fut champs red pick rewards
div rivals and fut champs rewards
fifa 21 sbc worth it
fifa 21 should you do the sbc
fifa 21 player review
fifa 21 future stars player review
fifa 21 future stars sbc
fifa 21 future stars sbc player review

Some info about my channel:
I pride myself on creating unique and original content, all produced by myself (Danny Aarons). I plan to upload daily FIFA 21 content to Youtube, the content I will be producing on FIFA will be wide and entertaining, for example one day I might upload a fifa pack opening, and the next day I might upload a fifa player review.

For every thumbnail of this series (SHOULD YOU DO THE SBC?) I use the following websites to help with the graphics

I use FIFARosters to get the card of the newly released SBC card or the Objective card (depending on what EA decide to release on FIFA 21 that day)

I use FootyRenders to get a cut out picture of the footballer of the newly released SBC card or the Objective card (depending on what EA decide to release on FIFA 21 that day)

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#FIFA23 #FUT23 #FIFA23UltimateTeam

Throughout the years of making FIFA Videos some big footballers have Followed me so today I'm going to use a Full team of the most famous 11. we have Friend players Bundesliga players and Even someone who played against Lionel Messi are you tired of coming against Teams that are so much better than yours My eyes are bleached if so visit you Seven bite to buy your foot 23 coin they Are cheap fast and reliable make sure You use my code Danny to get yourself Five percent off all right so before we Build a team I think it'll be quite cool If we go back to last year's followers Team and just see an update now this Video is privated because of uh someone But that's not to worry we've still got A record of it all right and yeah I just Thought you'd be cool just quickly Before we build this year's team to see How many of these Lots still follow me So I'm not gonna go one by one all I'm Gonna say boys it's only two people in This team make this year's team looking Back this team was really bad like Leviation because Pie Face follow me was Really bad this year every single person In the team actually follows me and like Knows me the one thing I will say is we Had a Jude Bellingham in the team why Was that because his brother Joe Bellingham followed me Um he unfollowed me


He on every platform for reference every Single platform he unfollowed me on so We're not gonna be using Bellingham Today if you're watching mate uh every Follow would be great but let's actually Build this year's followers team I'm Gonna start with the two most obvious Ones because if you don't know they Follow me by now I'm doing my job wrong To be honest with you Kareem the dream Harami is my left Striker do I have to Prove it as you can see Kareem adeyemi's Instagram we go to following I am top of The list that'll be really funny if he Unfollowed me I gotta tell you a lot Everyone knows me and Adam yammy are Boys yes he subscribes to me on switch Now this is a flat but subscribing to me While I'm doing adeyemi's Army which is My daily RTG around Adam yemi as you see There Kareem aryami subscribed and that Is real like if I go in my chat and look This is actually Kareem out of yemi's Account and as you said these are the Messages look he said Daddy the best the Best daddy is a legend I love this man All right so he's in my team obviously As well as the original goat if you know Me chances are you know the main man Himself So he is going actually right mid he's Not going to go up front and that is for A very very good reason you'll find out We're gonna make him a right mid and

We've got Silas and adiemi in the team Who I'm not even gonna show you Celeste Following me we all know by now right Actually just in case he's unfollowed as You can see Selah still follows me we Move let's get some new additions into The team right because we all know them Two in the team right now but 24 hours Ago one of my favorite footballers of This season followed me some know him as Jason Cummings but the real ones know Him as come dog We were buying for 23k and I will show You proof all right because I am very Very proud of this one as you can see Here Jason Cummins uh followed me 42 Minutes ago so we move yeah Who is oh that's Lionel Messi I mean who here's the man to do this Iconic Instagram post where he said do The basics right Leo don't play the Occasion play the game all the best come Dog and he added Lionel Messi someone Has touched Lionel Messi follows me all Right that's all I'm saying so yeah he Makes a very very good addition in that Striker next to adeyemi let's throw a Curveball into the team right because We've got attackers now how about we get A midfielder okay and it's a little bit Of a you know I like this one you might Not know him too well boys but as a Die-hard Tottenham fan that watches Every single game even Academy level

Harvey White follows me and you know What we've had DMS before a gentleman Never reveals private messages all right Last time I'd done that did not go well Let's just say that anyway Harvey white Is in the team with DM before he follows Me I can prove it I mean I'm not gonna Lie about a bronze card respectfully Harvey white on Instagram we go to Following who's there this guy so yeah He's in the team at sentiment obviously Tottenham card we move the oh I think He's the only Tottenham player to follow Me so thank you very much Harvey for That my friend and he's actually only One year older than me we could be boys Okay you know what while we're here Let's sort the right sentiment out now Okay Lads this is the only like s house One of the day I promise you it's the Only one that doesn't technically follow Me but I've got a really good reason we Are going with Tim Cahill yeah and that Is because him Cahill's son he's literal Son that he gave birth to or he didn't Give birth he's Um his mum gave birth to I don't know How it worked it's Tim Cahill's son and He follows me on Twitter all right so I'm using his dad in honor of him and he Actually gets some chemistry thank you Very much oh he gets Australian chem yes Right okay let you know what latch we've Got one more left mid why not finish it


Off now it's a bit of a different shout But it's gonna be Campbell thank the Lord it's not Soul Campbell we're gonna Scroll down a bit all right we're gonna Keep going Tyrese Campbell is gonna be Our left mid I mean last minute we're Sacking off the chemistry to be fair My boom Campbell does follow me on Instagram and Twitter I believe I don't Want to be that guy but you might Actually know him better uh because of This guy on Twitter that just nabs Everything he used to like wrap him but He's a real footballer and this is him He plays for Stoke City and he also Follows me so thanks very much mate that Is the Midfield and attack done all That's left is Defenders now I got some Good news and bad news good news is We've actually got more followers to put In the team bad news I am not followed By many Defenders I attract attackers I Suppose what can I say does that sound Weird no that's that's right that's okay Um one Defender that does follow me that I'm so so so happy with legit the best Day of my life I'm sure you've seen by Now because I've not shut up about it Halo I can see your hands Jeremy Fring bong Followed me on Instagram like two days Ago and I'm it's been the happiest I've Ever been in my lifetime so he gets in The team look at that fringpong to sell

Us we love it oh boys I really really Want to DM him like hello Jared because He speaks perfect English I'm over the Moonlight Oh my days shut your mouth he Played for Man City and Celtic select Speaks perfect English I really really Wanted DM I'm like oh you're right Jazzer uh you want to do a video Jeremy Fringpong besides my team but I've not Got the bottle I've really not got the Bottle 20 000 likes in this video and I Will try and make that happen and you Know what why you're down leaving a like Please Subscribe if you are new I want To make this like a yearly thing so We're gonna come back in aafc 24 Whatever it's called I'm gonna do it all Over again we're gonna move over to the Left back which is the last Defender That follows me on Twitter this time it Is my brother Max Aaron's you [ __ ] Brother who looks buzzing in that photo Shoot we're gonna play him left back as I mentioned as he follows me on Twitter And it's actually his birthday day as You can see he said thank you happy Birthday just prove it there you go it Says he's I follow you oh balloon hey Follows me I I said happy birthday bro He said nice one Aarons we're boys we're Your brothers so he's gonna be in the Team but now is where it gets a little Bit shaky all right we need Defenders I Have run out of that no I've not I've

Not run all my life I've just remembered The real ones no Prabhu this me and this Guy are basically best friends at this Point he comments on all of my Instagram Posts I'll pick any random Instagram Post what you want oh you want that one Bang brabu congrats my man also like Yannick balassi's there by the way Ben Foster but obviously unfortunately They're no longer they're no longer on FIFA um we go to one more let's go to This random one with me as Ronaldo bang Happy Halloween you want one more no no Really I'll scroll all the way down to Me and me and wearing socks and spiders Bang he's there all right we are best Friends now it gets a bit bad like it Actually does get a bit bad not because They're bad people or bad cards because My next one is Jared Bowen who's Obviously a baller but I'm not sure About playing him center-back that's the Beauty I suppose I will show it because I mean Jared Bowen's a big boy what do You mean by that but that's a big Flex In my opinion as you can see there it Says Jared Bowen at the top and then Danny Aaron's fut right there so that's A very nice addition to the team right Goalkeeper as I previously mentioned This used to be Ben Foster he no longer Plays football Um so I do have someone that follows me But he is far from a goalkeeper all

CHECK THIS OUT:  Best Serie A ST? 😲 88 RTTK Immobile FIFA 22 Player Review

Right he is called busio yeah here he is Busio who is a silver sensor mid and We've actually we've actually been in The DM's land oh no I said I wasn't Going to reveal DMS but this is more of Like a a a nice one if you get me Um I probably I thought I was following Sorry but if we go into messages Lads I Am not joking this is the best story of My life he messaged me saying thank you For the eusebio my guy he sure played me I am not joking he share played me if I Get a special card can you make a team Around me that's if he gets a special Card that is a guaranteed video all Right but for now unfortunately we've Got to use these silver cards in Gold But that's a completed team and we're Not done yet boys we're big time I can Even get a bench not a mental one I mean I can only get three more players sorry First all for cambu this is more of an OG one we haven't really used him that Often to be fair but as you can see from Last year he actually plugged my team of The season Syria rewards on his story That was really nice of him and yeah Kind of gone unnoticed this year but we Still love him And finally we've got two new followers This year one of which is called Rasmus Hojland who is Denmark and we do love Him what and they fellow Englishman Called benarus it's gonna be the last

Player of the bench boom hopefully this Time next year we can fill the bench out Properly but I'm really really happy With that boys all 14 of these not Actually follow me apart from Tim kale We'll let that one slide it'll be Interesting to see coming back to this Video in a year's time who still follows Me who follows me in the future we're Gonna play free games boys let's go One Wait what Well that's actually not good though This is easy Dumb dog Oh Come Dog Millionaire nearly making it One Nilda damn dog oh My defense what the [ __ ] I don't think I'm gonna win a game in Chat as I might go back to divvy to be Honest oh I love this man with all my heart it Eventually follows me on Instagram and Twitter and Tick Tock sorry Oh Jeremy fringpong have some shame Oh I've gotta watch what I say because I Don't want any unfollows What you should have sweated it mate Does not mean you should have sweated it A bit boring yo it's me Yeah he is so good oh oh Oh uh ksi's new opponent after the Dylan Danis pull out Oh

Still alive I am winning oh God Come talk millionaire Miss it for free like this guy's got Humbled by the way he was winning for Reference he was winning yeah Yeah yes Are you are you Oh Oh nah too many gold cards in my book Oh come on yes he is insane as a right Foot That's good it's good it's good It's good it's good it's good Go on sweatshirt you dork low life Scumbag oh well done oh this Keeper's Dog water oh for flips I'm Gonna Leave Not good not good in the slightest not Even slightly impressed Oh fifth he's missed it he's missed Ah but we cannot lies I'm not saying I'd Shag a car but we can all agree the car Is hot what did he say It's your human being You can appreciate the look yeah that She's got an exhaust pipe oh here we go God Chef chanko Mate get your pity goals Fella you sad sad man I'm gonna score on That oh God make it full Sato Little Nick mate Why don't I leave because I'm not a beta Male mate [Music] Thank you so much for watching boys I

Hope you have a great rest of your day I Really do leave a like And subscribe Peace [Music]

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